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Scientists Find Evidence For An Extraperceptionary ‘6th Sense’ Existing Somewhere In The Brain

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

In 1976, a presentation was given at the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on a paper published by the Institute on behalf of Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ.

The paper was titled “A Perceptual Channel For Information Transfer Over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspectives and Recent Research.”

Puthoff, who held a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford, at the time was commissioned by the CIA/DIA and Stanford Research Institute to direct the Stargate project, which was one of many secret government programs that remained hidden from public knowledge for more than 20 years.

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There will be times when you will feel let down by those around you.  It is an inevitable part of being human.  However, the ‘letting down’ part may not come from the other person’s actions.  Instead, it is due to an unrealistic expectation from within.  It may take a while, dearest one, but look at the situation that generated the feeling.
Self-examination is one of the joys…and pains of existing on your Earth plane.  (Smiling)  It may not always be pleasant, but it is a needed part of your growth and learning. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 11/5/2016

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The Western man as Western, dies - so far, so good, because his death as Western will also mean the death of the Eastern man as Eastern. Those terms are related only to each other: the East cannot exist without West. The death of the Western man will be the death of the Eastern man - and that's perfectly good.

Then only man remains - neither Eastern nor Western, belonging neither to this nation nor to that nation. A single humanity rejoicing herenow in this very life, in this, the very lotus paradise...


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23 Words For Emotions You’ve Felt, But Couldn’t Explain

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

Language: It’s a beautiful thing, and powerful, but it can only go so far. There are times when it feels like it fails us, unable to do justice to some of life’s most intense experiences. The depth and scope of our emotions are what make us truly complex beings, and this can really leave others, not to mention ourselves, guessing what are we feeling in certain moments.

Graphic designer John Koenig has written a collection of invented words, called “The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows,” that highlights some of the gaps in our language. It addresses those times when we experience complex emotions that have no definition, and can leave us feeling like we’re the only person who’s ever experienced them.

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The Transom of Life

God said:

An image appears to Me of My Children climbing through the Transom of Life. Another way to say this is that it may be that you enter Life less directly than is necessary. You may object to clear sailing. You may choose hard going or a roundabout way. You may row in Life obtusely. You row furiously, We could say.

You may have put on the apron of one who pounds an anvil when all you need is to smile and gather Life to you as, some day, you might gather your beloved grandchildren around you.

Has Life been irksome and difficult for you?

I ask you squarely: Must your life be like this? Must you be a penitent? Must you dig deep ditches? Could you not favor your True Self more?

You could declare today a holiday. You could choose to lead a favored life. You could choose peace. You could choose more than you have been choosing.

What if you could forswear difficulties in life? What if you could be a bird and wake up singing every morning? What if the song you sing speaks of the arrival of dawn? What if you would sing to your heart's content? What if you declare the day you will engage in with joy in your heart?

What entanglement were you perhaps in this morning? What did you record on your bandstand? Can you not conduct the music you want? Who does choose the music that becomes your life?

Be friendly to Life. If Life has been arduous for you, sing a different song. Get yourself into a different groove.

Begin to see your life differently, and you set yourself up for joy.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 5, 2016

Acceptance and unconditional love is what is required to transform relationships on your planet. The sooner you are able to get comfortable with those elements, the sooner you will be able to finally experience the deep, heart-centred connections your soul craves. As always, the change begins within. Why not start today? ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/4/2016

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Western science should take over the whole world as far as science is concerned.

Eastern religiousness should take over the whole world as far as religion is concerned.

And that's what I mean when I say science and religion are two aspects of one thing.

The West has worked on the objective truth.

The East has worked on the subjective truth.

The East has poured its whole energy into that dimension, just as the West has poured its energy into the objective direction. Now, both have found great treasures. It is good that they should share their treasures. In that sharing the world will become one; and of course in that sharing much will be destroyed - in the East and in the West. But it needs to be destroyed. It has no right to exist. If it cannot face the truth then why go on clinging to it because it is Eastern or because it is Western?


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We’re About To See A Record-Breaking Supermoon. Biggest In Nearly 70 Years

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

This year, 2016, has seen an endless array of mesmerizing astronomical events. And with only a couple months left in the year, there’s still more to talk about.

On November 14, a spectacular supermoon will occur, where the Moon will be the closest to Earth it’s been since January 1948. This event is even more significant because the Moon will appear up to 14% larger, and 30% brighter, than the typical full moon we are used to viewing. The Moon won’t be this close to the Earth again until November 25th, 2034.

Supermoons aren’t all that rare, but they sure are interesting, as the Moon has an elliptical orbit, with one side referred to as the perigree that is around 48,280 km (30,000 miles) closer to Earth than the other side, which is called the apogee.

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What Questions Could a God in Heaven Ponder?

God said:

I hear My Light Workers cry out to Me:

"Beloved God, please help me to help make Your dreams come true. Of course, part of me feels silly to think You need anything from me, yet here I am, feeling that I am to take care of You, do for You. What can I do for You? You are the Doer. I am not the Doer. You do not even have to do. You ARE.

"Of course, God, with or without me, You find a way. With or without me, You triumph. Maybe the thought that You need me is my silliness, or, maybe You give us assignments to keep us from getting into trouble. It is most likely that You are thinking of us and not Your needs at all. Of course, You have no needs. What needs can You have, God in Heaven?

"I have to remind myself that in the Heaven in which You live, dear God, there is no time. You don't rush. You don't have to hurry. Where you are, hurry does not exist. From Your point of view, all is already accomplished. It accomplished itself. There is no doing at all.

"From Your perspective, there is no when or how or any of the questions on Earth that Your children ask so pitifully. It is smooth sailing for You. You set a dial, as it were, and all is done.

"God, You experience Totality and Infinity, so what questions can You ponder?

"Is it only here on Earth that human beings believe there is unkindness going on, smallness and the futility of war? How can mayhem exist when Purity of Heart and Mind encompass You? You don't seek a Vaster Vision. You already have it.

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Let Them Be….

People are going to think what they think, do what they do and keep their dearest and/or most devastating thoughts to themselves until they feel safe enough to express them. The most obvious and the most missed key to all of it; there is nothing you, as individuals, can do to change this. It is a part of letting those you care for the most walk their own path in their own way. That, dear ones, is Unconditional Love. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Friday November 4, 2016

To choose not to love, to wait to see what another does first, to watch and observe before you deem it safe to give, is to never give anything the chance to become its full potential. We understand that many of you have been hurt by the absence of love from others, but we urge you to BE the love you are, to show up with your love and to allow it to shine, for that is the only way you can be seen in your truth, and to draw to you the perfect matches that can mirror that back to you beautifully. To hold yourself out of love, Dear Ones, will only continue the experience of the absence of love, and we want so much more for you than that. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/3/2016

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There are always loopholes because whatever man makes - howsoever foolproof - you can always find a loophole. No man-made thing can be perfect; even the God-made universe is not perfect, what about man?


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True Joy

God said:

Do you know what ego is? Ego is pettiness. It is short-sidedness. If you knew your worthiness, you wouldn't bother with ego. As it is, you may feel overlooked, unimportant in the world, and you have an urgent desire to feel important. This is where ego steps in, ready to hornswoggle you and take you for a ride.

You tend to believe that importance is what you must have, as if importance in the world's eyes could be the mainstay of happiness. Not by a long shot. Seeking importance is the key to pomposity. Feeling you have to be first, ahead of the crowd, noticed, admired, dazzled makes you ripe for ego. Ego is a very small thing really. Ego reveals you as egotistic. Ego offers you fame and glory. Ego doesn't deliver.

No matter how engaged you may be in self-importance, ego falls short. Ego plays a trick on you. Ego doesn't enhance you. Ego knocks you down a rung or two. Ego comes before a fall.

You feel a need to be blown up. There is a full stature you would like to attain. Ego doesn't have the ability to give you this. The best ego can do is to fill you up with hot air.

If you truly want to be something in the world, you have to get out from thinking so much about how you are perceived. Let there be great things you want to do for themselves and not for the presumed importance you believe you must have. Think better of yourself to begin with. You don't need the posturing of ego.


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