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Therein Hangs the Tale

God said:

To think you would ever say to Me:

"God, I am in a rush. Speed it up, please, for I am too busy right now to wait!"

You, too, are amazed at your moxie in expressing yourself to Me in this way.

Nevertheless, I answer you, impatient one. I answer you in this way:

There is no asking. There is no waiting. There is no interim. In this sense, there are no pauses. In this sense, We simply continue as if in a seamless line. Our Lives and Our Loves are continued together as if woven in a knitted shawl.

There is no time. There is no before or after. There are no breaches in Our holding hands. We are One, and We are One Inseparable. We would not have it any other way. There are no delays. There are no races. All ambles along divinely. We are divine. We melt together as One. We were never two. Never ever.

The idea that you and I were ever two is a daydream. From this daydream now, you are awaking. It could be said that I am the Prince Who Kisses Sleeping Beauty. You are Sleeping Beauty, and you awaken. I would go to all lengths to awaken you into the Oneness in Which We Are. It is inevitable that you will awaken. You are right now in the process of awakening.

You are in a daze now. When you open your eyes, Our eyes, you will not be able to conceive how it was that you ever were asleep, as though you had to rest from Reality which is beautiful, so beautiful. You entered an intriguing TV series. You have to find out how the drama ends. You are hooked on it. You can't stop watching.

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Regardless of the “Election” Result, Humanity’s Awakening Will Continue

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

With the U.S. Presidential election just two weeks away, many people around the world are anxiously waiting to see what will happen. While it is no surprise that if either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton wins the election, many people will be upset, and many people will be happy. What is most important to keep in mind during and after this time is that regardless of who wins, humanity’s awakening will continue. 

Even though 2016 has been a year where much hidden has come to light, this is still only the beginning.

We have seen direct evidence of collusion between a presidential candidate and the Democratic National Convention, thanks to Wikileaks. We have also seen the mainstream media lose almost all credibility as those outlets continue to promote known lies and propaganda, on a wide range of topics such as rigged election “polls,” continuing to claim Syria has used chemical weapons on it’s own people when no direct evidence has actually been put forth, and branding Vladimir Putin as a dictator.

GFP Newsletter - 10/25/2016

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Consciousness is a totally different dimension. I said to you, it is subjectivity. The objects will remain the same but the subject, the seer in you, the watcher in you, the witness in you, can have immense levels of height; it can go on rising higher and higher.

Even when a Buddha is there his body is not different from yours. His body follows the same routine biological program as your body.


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This Incredible Fabric Generates Electricity From Sunlight And Movement

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Researchers developed a textile capable of producing electricity from sunlight and from friction, including the wind.

Every day, unique and eco-friendly innovations are unveiled. However, a textile designed by engineers with the Georgia Institute of Technology, Chongqing University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is likely one you missed hearing about. The fabric is newsworthy because it is capable of producing electricity from sunlight and fiction – including the wind. It could be a total game-changer, yet no one has really heard about it.

According to MotherBoard, the material is both breathable and robust and allows for enough motion to make it a good candidate for wearable electronics. In fact, an image below demonstrates a few of its uses, including powering wearable electronics and directly charging a cellphone.

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From Slave to Shaman

by Julian Rose

How many times have you felt like a hapless onlooker in a world seemingly gone insane?

How many times have you wondered how things ever managed to get into the unprecedented mess they are in today?

How many times have you longed to escape this crazy turmoil?

I’m confident to predict that the answer is ‘many’.

But reflect on this: there must be thousands, if not millions and quite possibly billions, who feel exactly the same way. Let us assume the possibility that the majority of those living on this planet have had such thoughts from time to time. What does this tell us?

It tells us that we see our lives and what goes on ‘out there’, as two separate realities. It suggests that we feel largely removed and alienated from the goings-on of the planet, regardless of the fact that we live off its (unequally) shared resources.

Now the trouble with all this is that, in truth, we are actually a part of the problem we see as separate from ourselves. We are part of the reason there is such a mess ‘out there’ in the first place.

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Your Beliefs Are Not Necessarily True

God said:

What if you have been mistaken about life as you view it?

Of course, aspects of life differ from varied points of view.

What if you learned that life is a long climb and so you can only keep trudging? You keep seeing the long hill before you. Life, from one angle, is just like that. You see hopelessness from one view or another. Hope also exists. And you can have more than hope, more than faith. You can know the good that is on its way to you. Take your pick.

What if you have been duped, and you are already at the top of the hill? You kept climbing, yet you were already at the peak? What if you really didn't have to struggle.

What if you have been like a pauper who unbeknownst to himself had enormous savings he had forgotten about? The fortune was his, nevertheless, yet, innocent as he was, he never laid claim to his fortune.

If only the pauper/millionaire knew that he really did have a Great Fortune, just didn't know where it was exactly, yet he did wear the Seal of the King's Treasury on a gold chain around his neck – he might still have been a literal pauper, yet he would carry himself in the image of a rich man indeed.

What if this pauper had heard a prophesy that he was the True Prince who was destined to wear the Gold Crown? What would his posture be like then? The wealth was truly his. Some day he will find it. I say he will find it. The wealth was in his blood stream or in his DNA, if you prefer.

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Are you ready, my love?  I can see you dragging your heels, the huge sighs with the ‘this is too hard’ comments and the general malaise you are experiencing.  As challenging as it can be sometimes, it is time to start moving forward.  If you are need of direction and motivation, quiet yourself and listen.  The Universe is ready to supply both in abundance! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 25, 2016

Why not have a surrender experiment? Why not surrender into having the most wonderful day? There doesn't need to be any grand ritual, just an intention to surrender into having a great day. Then simply allow the day to unfold, following the path of least resistance and any signs or synchronicities from the universe. See if your day was better than most, and how you felt emotionally at the end of your day. Once you have done that for several days, examine how your week is going. Is it better than most? Are you feeling better than usual?

Surrendering with intention always creates supported movement. If not much different has happened with your day, so long as you were surrendered you know it was the best day possible for you, so it takes the guess work out of things. It allows you to relax, and accept, instead of second guessing yourself as humans are prone to do.

What will happen is you will eventually have a day where you forget to surrender, and that is when you will recognize the difference surrender makes in the ease of your day. You will discover that operating through surrender, flow, and intention, really does make your days much better, and it will become your preferred way of doing things.

So we say play with it! Don't pressure yourself to have 100% compliance. Simply pay attention to how your days go with surrender vs days without. You might even want to keep a journal that outlines any discoveries you make as you experiment. Have fun and find the operating system that makes your life more joyful and magical. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/24/2016

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Consciousness is not in any way bound by the body and its program. Consciousness is something in you which is utterly free.


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Iceland Proves Third Parties Have Legitimate and Crucial Role in Democracy

The progressive island nation of Iceland is on the verge of ‘re-booting’ Western democracy and of proving third parties have a legitimate and important role to play in maintaining the balance of power between people and their leadership.

In response to overwhelming government corruption in Iceland, the Pirate Party is now leading in polls coming into national elections, threatening to install a new type of political party, one based on direct democracy, using technology to amplify the voices of citizens in opposition to entrenched corporate and political powers.

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You Fear Falling from Grace

God said:

There are different kinds of fear. Rather, there are different excuses for fear. This is not to say that fear is not frightful. Living with fear is like being on the edge of a cliff, and you tremble. You have fear of fear -- fear of what fear will throw at you next.

There are ego-based fears, like fear of what others may think of you, such as fear of losing your reputation, or fear of not living up to your reputation. Fear of being rejected is ego-based, as if you have to "win" in order to survive. Yes, you have fear of falling from grace.

All your fears are fear of loss. The seeming loss of a Loved One is as deep a fear as you can have. In some ways, loss of a Loved One is a deeper fear than the fear of loss of your own body which you see as loss of life. Never do you want someone you love to leave you by any means whatsoever.

It is no help to you to hear that the grief you feel will pass, for you are also attached to your suffering.

Attachment causes you to pay dearly. Come closer to discovering how to love without grabbing hold of it. If you did not insist on holding on tight, you would not be attached.

Better to be attached to life as it comes, not to a script that you desire above all. This way, your heart will not ache to the extent it does now. Now your heart bleeds with the thought alone of losing a Loved One. You have even pictured loss ahead of time. There is no end to your mourning before the fact. How can you possibly bear the loss of a Loved One? The thought alone is too much to bear.

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Look Around…

My darling one; take time today to notice those around you.  It may not be obvious at first glance, but light bringers come in all shapes and sizes.  They may not have your skill set or original gifts, however, they do have them!  From the small child speaking words of wisdom far beyond their years to the seemingly ‘unstable’ individual muttering to themselves on a street corner; each has chosen to bring light in their own way.  They are all around you.  As you move through your daily life, it is important to remember that each has something to give.  Listen….observe…..and learn! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 24, 2016

We speak so much of the importance of love. But what is love really? Why is it such a big deal?

Love is the sustenance of your soul. It is where you came from, and where you will always return. It is the great expander, healer, unifier, and connector. It is your reunion with Source energy, and how you express your own divinity. It is the constancy, the comfort, the safety, the acceptance you all yearn for.

When you come into the body to have a singular life experience, you perceive yourself as separate from the love of Source. The spiritual journey is about finding your way back into reunion with that love, and discovering that you are an individuated aspect of that love.

Simply put, love is your truth, your lineage, and the more you embrace that fact about yourself, the more authentic and satisfying your life will become, for every single time you choose to love, you are honouring your true purpose in the most magnificent way. ~Archangel Gabriel


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