GFP Newsletter - 10/23/2016

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The very idea of synthesis already accepts that they are not only two but opposed to each other.

Unless there is an antithesis there is no question of synthesis at all.

For me, science and religion are two sides of the same coin. Science is looking outwards, religion is looking inwards, but both are the same kind of looking, the same kind of search. They may have different names - that does not matter at all.

Science calls it observation, religion calls it awareness.

Science calls it experiment, religion calls it experience.

The difference of words simply signifies that their dimensions are different.

Science is focused on the object; and remember the meaning of the word "object" - that which hinders, objects, prevents.

Religion is focused on the subject. Without the subject there can be no object; without the object there can be no subject.

The subjectivity of man's consciousness and the objectivity of existence are totally interdependent.


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Life ta ta – ta ta -- ta dum!

God said:

Universal Child of My Heart, you ask Me about this fright that is stuck in your heart.

You ask Me: "What is this panic? Am I paralyzed, frozen? I am struck with fear as if I row the Boat of Life. My heart feels for those who have Real Problems whereas I am inveigled by fear and terror of days when I do not love, and I do not feel loved and where love seems not."

I say to you:

Leave others' lives to Me. Leave your life to Me -- step lightly, jump high! Fear does not belong to you. Let go of fear, for, in fear, you may abscond from life. No longer see life as risky. In a sense, life seems like a free-for-all to you, or, perhaps, a free-fall. You see danger.

Figuratively speaking, Life in the World amounts to Blossoms Falling from a Tree. The blossoms swirl around in your heart. The Sun plays around with images of itself. Birds sing for what else but joy?

What if life were play and not tragedy at all? What if you just find yourself going into the theater and sitting down? The curtain opens. The play begins.

When the play is over, the curtain closes, and the play is no longer on stage. A play is acted out, and then the play is over. Everybody leaves the theater. Everybody goes home.

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The World is Waking Up and it's Magic to Watch

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

It’s inspiring to witness many of the earth’s people, especially in the Western world, becoming aware of the deep corruption in our social system, particularly because society is building its innate capacity to actually do something about it.

More and more people now understand that we are ruled via a corporatocracy where the money supply, banking, governmental policy and other vital public infrastructure has been hijacked by the oligarchs and the corporate elite. In addition, public discourse and the official narratives are dictated by the corporate media who are owned by the same people who control macro public policy via their political puppets, as well as the unprecedented wealth they have at their disposal.

Their ultimate agenda is of course ultimate power, which is dressed up in a pretty dress of “let’s save the planet!”. Of course the degradation of our natural systems needs a fresh approach, yet their covert game to win a planetary control-system has been brilliantly exposed for the world to see.

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Give Yourself A Chance

As a human, there will be days when ‘ghosts of the past’ come whispering.  Things that should have been forgiven and forgotten years ago come back to the forefront of your mind with relentless tenacity.  This is where choice comes in to play.  You can choose to fall back into old patterns and ways of acting/reacting or you can stop, think about the situation and choose a different direction.  Moving in a different direction is not always an easy thing to do, but with help and guidance from The Universe it can be done.  As a gift, give yourself that opportunity.  It may never come again. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 23, 2016

Dear Ones, if someone has hurt you in the past, it is an indicator that they were not at a level of soul growth to choose differently. They simply did not know better.

Now you can say that they should have known better, but the reality is, if they were hurtful, in that moment they did not. They did not know better because the hurt happened. Recognizing that you were hurt because someone did not know better, allows you to heal. It makes the affront less personal, and more an expression of who they were in that moment of time.

Expecting that if you tell them how they were wrong they will change, is usually met with disappointment because change, true change, comes from within. It comes from introspection and a desire to do better. It is an internal process.

If someone truly understands how they have hurt you, they will let you know. They will apologize and make amends, of their own accord. If you do not see that behaviour originating from them, it is likely that they still do not know better and will hurt you again.

There have been times that you did not know better, either. That does not make you bad or awful, but simply one operating at a level of growth that is not indicative of who you are today. You have grown from there, and that is a wonderful thing.

GFP Newsletter - 10/22/2016

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All guidance is bogus. It is exploitation. The real thing never comes through practice, through discipline.

The real thing only happens between two living flames.

All that is needed is that those two living flames should come closer.

Now, coming closer is not a discipline. It is a love affair, it is not a practice.

That's why I say that religion is a love affair, a love affair with existence itself.


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Evidence of Psychic Abilities Explored By Scientists in A New Video Series

by Adrian D. Nelson, Collective Evolution

ionsnext gen exab

Is telepathy real? Can mind affect matter? Can we sense future events? Below are 4 short films introducing research into mysterious capacities of the mind, researchers call “psi.” 

In these films, I’ve tried to capture some of what I find fascinating and profound about these controversial effects. They were created as part of the NextGen Initiative at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS).

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Dreamer of the Dream II

God said:

Do you believe Me? I am asking you if you believe Me, not do you believe in Me? It may be easier for you to believe in Me than to believe what I say.

Do you believe that you may be actively living in Greater Dimensions and still be speaking from the 3rd Dimension? You could be behind the times in such an area where it counts so much. Why would you delay yourself when you could be speaking from the 5th Dimension as well as anyone? Get on with it.

Even in years past, before the term 5th Dimension etc. was a household word, there were Great Ones who spoke from Great Heights, why not you?

Changing your thinking is not exactly something you decide. Easily, by a gentle intention, without making any great investment, you, in the world, wonder what this Dimension called the 5th might look like. You might ponder:

"What if I looked up to the sky at it, what might I see?"

How happy you would be!

Lift your eyelids up by hand if you have to. Open your mind to the idea that life is limitless. Life does not have to be crumbling old vestiges of old thinking.

If you can dance a waltz, you can also dance a salsa. If you can think an old worn-out thought, you can also think a new one. If your eyes can be closed, your eyes also can be open.

C'mon, dear ones, I see you shrug your shoulders, and perhaps I hear you making statements like:

"That's the world for you. That's how the world is. The world never changes."

I might hear you say:

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Feeling Small?

There may be days when feel small and insignificant.  There may be times when you fell as if you what you say/do does not matter and you may wonder why you chose to exist on your Earth plane at all.  The Universe would like you to know that even when you are feeling your smallest, you do matter!
Today, you are invited to take a moment and think back on your experiences.  Remember the times when even the most minuscule thing you did felt as if it carried the weight of a thousand kind acts.  Remember when you moved through your day with a theme song playing in the background, even if you were the only one who could hear it.  The grand flash/bang may not happen every time, but what you do/say/how you act does matter!  You are where you are for a reason and it is time to embrace it! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 22, 2016

Dear Ones, many of you perceive spirituality as being too complex or time consuming to understand in a meaningful enough way to make a difference. Simply deciding that today you will be kind -€“ kind to yourself, and kind to others, is beautiful and profound spirituality in action. A person in their simplest service is always far more powerful than someone who has accumulated vast spiritual knowledge and doesn'€™t act on it, for true divinity is not about knowing, it is about BEing. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/21/2016

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Practice will not make you a saint. Saintliness comes out of understanding, not out of practice. It is the flowering of your intelligence, not a certain discipline.


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Breaking: CDC Blocks Testimony of Their Senior Scientist Who Blew The Whistle on Severe Medical Malpractice

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Have you heard of Dr. William Thompson?  If you haven’t, you’re not alone. His story was completely ignored by mainstream media outlets, the same way that they recently ignored the fact that the Pentagon paid a PR firm half a billon dollars to make fake terrorist/news videos. 

Dr. William Thompson is a longtime senior CDC scientist. He has published some of the most commonly cited pro-vaccine studies — studies which purport to show absolutely no link between the MMR vaccine and autism, for example.

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In an Oligarchy, Voting is a Tool to Manufacture the Illusion of Consent

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

If there’s one thing we’ve learned so far from election 2016 it’s that the American people do not understand their government.

The perception is that we have a democracy, and that in this democracy we the people have vested power in our government which we exercise through the act of voting. ‘Throw the bastards out,’ has long since been the war cry of the impotent democrat, yet we no longer even have a democracy to cling to, and although most people choose to ignore it, this fact of life has been visible for decades.

An oligarchical government is a form of rule in which a small group of wealthy individuals have control over the critical mechanisms of state power, industry and economy. These people are unelected, unaccountable and they exercise control on behalf of their personal financial interests, drawing on the productive power of a nation to support their lifestyles and geopolitical ambitions. The ruling class in such a nation is often comprised of dynastic families who pass the baton of power back and forth between themselves, managing the illusion of change and evolution while never actually ceding their franchise over the masses.

The Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton phenomenon is a contemporary example of this exchange.

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Dreamer of the Dream I

God said:

One of My refrains is: Get out of the past. Let go of the past. Slip by the past.

The past, which never existed, is not a place nor is it a time where you can really be. You can only masquerade there. Look, it is all a dream anyway. Oh, yes, very real to you, who art the Dreamer of the Dream.

What you saw, what you felt, what you said, indeed seemed to happen, yet it all only passed through your eyes. Indeed, it was as if your heart bled from that which you see as tragedy. Or, indeed, in sunny tales, you became one big shining wonder. How full your heart seems perhaps even over a seemingly small thing. How empty your heart seems over something that seemed like the hugest tragedy of all until another event entered and overturned your life in another way.

Ah, what is reality on Earth, and what is Reality in Heaven? Two vast differences. Which is true for you?

Here's another way We can look at this which is familiarly called experience. Everything can be looked at in a different light. This doesn't by any means say that you are able to at will. This is also a possibility. You might, yet not so Johnny on the Spot are you always. World thinking has its dominion over you as you go along with it.


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