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The Focus of Your Energy

God said:

That which is good for you in Life is sure to be simple. There are simple pleasures that go far.

Whatever the day looks like, know that the day, this day, is beautiful. This way you can allow yourself to be surrounded with beauty all day, why not?

Energy itself is beautiful. Energy exists. Tremendous energy exists. Light is energy, and you exhibit great energy and light. Even when you feel tired, great energy and light radiate around you. We are speaking of pure energy, energy more powerful than you are able to imagine. Your energy is not less powerful than the Ocean Tide.

Beloveds, you have Soul. You are Soul. You abound in pure energy.

Even on your deathbed, you radiate Great Energy. Your body is mighty, yet your body is the least of you. You have seen the difference between a body containing Soul and a body whose Soul has ventured forth. Energy is an expression of the Divine.

Even when you are working out at the gym and sweat pours from you, you are, in Truth, Pure Energy -- energy free and clear, energy beyond the surface of life. You are never without the depth of your Soul.

When you are happy, this is when your Soul Energy is usually most noticed. Obviously, beauty is greater than skin-deep. Beauty is energy.

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Background and Documents on Attempts to Frame Assange as a Pedophile and Russias spy

Earlier today the website DailyKos reported on a smear campaign plot to falsely accuse Julian Assange of pedophilia.

Here is the description of the plot from Mr Assange’s legal team, the investigative report into the front company and associated correspondence. An unknown entity posing as an internet dating agency prepared an elaborate plot to falsely claim that Julian Assange received US$1M from the Russian government and a second plot to frame him sexually molesting an eight year old girl.

The second plot includes the filing of a fabricated criminal complaint in the Bahamas, a court complaint in the UK and laundering part of the attack through the United Nations. The plot happened durring WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton related publications, but the plot may have its first genesis in Mr. Assange’s 16 months litigation against the UK in the UN system, which concluded February 5 (Assange won. UK and Sweden lost & US State Dept tried to pressure the WGAD according to its former Chair, Prof. Mads Andenas).

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 18, 2016

Dear Ones, you give your feedback to the universe through gratitude. We give you feedback through signs and synchronicities. Constant communication is absolutely available to you, if you understand this is how to give and receive it.

Many of you think you cannot work with spirit if you do not have the skill of mediumship. Nothing could be further from the truth! There is an entire universe of guides, helpers and masters who adore you and experience their greatest joy from serving you, and they are excitedly waiting to move into that partnership of co-creation with you right now. What are you waiting for? ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/17/2016

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The observer instantly changes you. You start doing other things just to look busy, as if you are doing meaningful things. Just a moment before you were doing meaningless things, now you are doing meaningful things.

The same was discovered in the innermost core of the atom: the electrons behave differently when there is no observer. And the moment the scientist and his instruments make them aware that somebody is observing, they change their rules; a sudden transformation takes place.

This was very shocking to the scientists because electrons are supposed to be particles of electricity, that's the meaning of electron. They are supposed to be material, but they are behaving with such great consciousness.


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Evidence Indicates ADHD Drugs Don't Help Kids Get Better Grades

by Dr. Mercola

Drugs prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are among the most controversial on the market. Such drugs are the most common psychotropic drugs used by children (tied for first place with antidepressants),1 yet they have questionable benefits and serious risks.

Medicating children with ADHD is in itself controversial, especially because there is no laboratory test or objective method to determine which children have ADHD.

Some may be labeled as such by parents or teachers, and even those diagnosed by a mental health professional may be displaying symptoms that could be attributed to other causes.

Many of the symptoms, such as being easily distracted, squirming and fidgeting, are seen in virtually all children at some point or another and, should they become problematic, may be better dealt with via lifestyle changes and psychotherapy than powerful stimulant drugs.

Any parent considering drug treatment for a child with ADHD must carefully weigh the benefits versus the risks, and new research suggests the purported benefits do not extend to improvements in school.

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Sometimes You Envy the Nomads

God said:

What is this about losing things, one after the other? What is the real story? Losing is more a question of not finding what you are looking for. It's more a question of your asking: "Where did I put it?"

Perhaps there is too much on your mind. Perhaps you have too much squirreled away. You put something away... somewhere, or you overlooked putting it away. How could you blank out like this? Something so important to you. It is somewhere. Or it never was.

Sometimes, another day, the missing item appears before you. Here it is, suddenly right in front of you. And sometimes it is never found, and you feel a chunk out of your heart.

Human beings misplace things, even irreplaceable things. Even when you are on track in life, you lose track. Oh, for the simple life. Once upon a time, living life was simpler. You are certain it was.

You envy the Nomads who rolled up their blankets, took a pot or pan or two, perhaps some corn with them. That was their collection. No bills came in the mail or on the internet. There were no train schedules, no reservations to make and to remember. Life was lived, as it were, at your fingertips. There were no sock drawers. There were no socks to lose. Such a catalog of items never crossed your mind.

It could be that your mind has had to balloon with a huge table of contents. How many items can you carry in your mind?

You don't want your mind to have to be an encyclopedia of information.

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Breaking: Judge Rejects “Riot” Charges Against Amy Goodman In North Dakota

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

From a media standpoint, one thing has been very clear regarding coverage of the Dakota Access Pipeline event: it’s extremely taboo to report on. I say this because until Amy Goodman, a Democracy Now! journalist, went to the main protest site of what she refers to as “the standoff at Standing Rock” on September 3, not one of the major American broadcast networks had assigned a reporter to go onsite to report, nor had they even mentioned the protest on air.

Earlier today, on Monday, October 17, 2016, Amy Goodman was set to walk into the Morton County–Mandan Combined Law Enforcement and Corrections Center to turn herself into the local authorities. Goodman was charged with rioting, even though she was simply onsite to report the news. Even though the charges have now been dropped, this still speaks volumes about mainstream media and the US legal system.

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What Does It Mean?

What does it mean to be called into service?  Some of you have a vague idea, others a deeper understanding.  Regardless of where you are in your growth process it is important for you to understand why.  You chose to be born at this particular time, in this part of your Earth plane history for the distinct purpose of moving your planet toward enlightened thinking and being.  You have a very special gift and it is time to use it!
There may be times where you feel like crying because you do not feel like you are making a difference.  You may want to sit and refuse (for the moment) to move one step further and that is OK.  Remember, as you walk your path, I am with you every step of the way. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday October 17, 2016

Every single time you choose love as a response or a state of beingness, you are in alignment with Source, allowing the energy of love to flow to you, and through you. This is an incredibly supportive act to yourself, and to others, for it is choosing inclusion over separation, actively connecting to the energies of Home, where all things are possible. Love is your superpower, Dear Ones, and choosing it time and again will only support your quest to discover and BE who you really are – beautiful individuated sparks of divine energy, and ambassadors of that unconditional love. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/16/2016

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There are no absolutes in real life - including this statement too. Life is full of exceptions; that's one of its most beautiful things. Exceptions mean freedom. Exceptions mean you are not in a concentration camp. The absolute is nothing but complete bondage and slavery.

In the beginning days of scientific research scientists were thinking that in science there are no exceptions. That was one of the great prides of science, because that makes it absolutely certain. If there are exceptions you cannot be certain about the rules - and science needs certainty to be the base.

For the last three hundred years science went on proving that there were no exceptions, finding absolute rules. But Albert Einstein and his theory of relativity destroyed the whole three-hundred- year-long efforts of hundreds of scientists in a single blow. The theory of relativity means that nothing is absolute, everything is relative, and there are exceptions everywhere.


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Binging & Other Unhealthy Food Habits Many People Share: 4 Tips To Start Eating More Consciously

by Katrina Love Senn, Collective Evolution

Have you ever devoured a whole bag of cookies or crisps while you were feeling distracted, exhausted, or emotional? And then, completely forgotten what (or even if) you had eaten?

I know I have!

In the past, when I was feeling sick, stressed, and overweight, I would constantly find myself eating food throughout the day, just trying to get enough energy to keep myself going.

But all this changed when one day my body completely collapsed and I was intuitively guided to start my own healing journey.

It was on my healing path that I discovered the idea of eating consciously. Embracing mindful and conscious eating habits helped my attitude toward food and my body change for the better.

I healed my body of chronic health conditions including asthma, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, and adrenal exhaustion, among many others.

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Hey, Let Go of Suffering

God said:

Have you, somewhere along the line in life, perhaps at an early age, learned that suffering comes along with the territory of Earth? That you must surrender to suffering, that one way or another, suffering will reach out for you and pin you down? Have you thought you must prepare for suffering, that you must steel yourself against suffering?

You are prepared. Ready, set, go. You stiffen against suffering. It is not so easy for you to bounce back. Perhaps you are resigned to a fate of suffering. You invent unfavorable odds and give yourself slim pickings.

My dears, getting yourself ready for suffering makes you tense. Anticipated suffering and the actual onset of suffering both make you tense. Suffering and/or fear of suffering render you pain. For this lifetime, you may been geared to wait for pain. You have been on the look-out for it. Ready and waiting for suffering, you make yourself a ready target. Life hits the bull's eye with you.

Surely, no matter how deep your desires may be, the fulfillment of your desires still leaves you with inevitably more desires to be desired and, in danger of not receiving. You forewarn yourself. You have more yet to want, and all your desires and their fulfillment thereof may not yet have reached your door.

Perhaps you have been addressing life in this way. You have been saying to life: "Hurry up! Get on with it. I am suffering. I am suffering because I am made to wait for what I desire. Life, answer my desires now. Gimme gimme what I cry for."

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 16, 2016

When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the 5 A’s.

Ask – Asking the universe for help gives us permission to help you.
Accept – In order to receive you must be in an open state of acceptance. Be open to the myriad of ways the universe can serve and delight you.
Allow – Give the universe the time and space it needs to deliver to you in whatever way is divinely perfect.
Action – Be prepared to move when the signs and synchronicities point the way.
Appreciate – Your appreciation gives clear feedback to the universe and keeps you creating more of what is desired.

It does not need to be any more complicated than that! Move into the flow of abundance and have fun with creative process, Dear Ones. It is one of the greatest joys you will experience – the magic of co-creation with a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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