God said:
I hear you, beloveds, as you sing from the mountaintops. You sing:
"Beloved God, I just want to say: God, My God, My God of Love. God, God, God. There are times I feel a rush through My bloodstream, and this rush, this energy I feel, is Your Love pulsing through me. I can't quite put my finger on You, yet You are resoundingly God dancing and singing so silently and happily in my heart.
"At these times, I am a blob of Silent Joy, All-Powerful Joy, Joy like Glory in Excelsis Deo. At these times, I feel -- yet not comprehend -- that I am You and You are I, and there is no wilderness between. There is nothing but You, God. There is nothing and no One but You, and You are all there is. Is this Truth coming from my mouth in song, God?"
Beloved, yes, I God do tell you, Yes, this is Truth coming from your mouth. Do you hear your Self -- what you sing? Yes, you sing nothing but Truth, the Truth without words, the Truth of Existence. There is nothing but the Oneness of Us where We exist solely as the Oneness of Love.
All the details fade. At heart, We are One. In Heaven or on Earth, We are One until there is nothing but Oneness, and it is Our Oneness, and there are no two ways about it. There is no possibility of separation. There is no such concept as Two-ness. There is no such thought. There is no such possibility.
The concept of anything but Oneness is too far-fetched. This is a total reversal of the whole incongruity of everything existing except Oneness.