GFP Newsletter - 9/26/2016

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"What is agony and what is ecstasy?"

The same. They are not opposites as they are understood to be. They are complementaries, intrinsic parts of one organic whole. Neither can exist without the other.

It will be a little difficult to understand because they have always been thought to be polar opposites.

They are polar opposites, seen from the outside. But all polar opposites are joined together from the inside. The negative or positive poles of electricity, the body and soul - from the outside they are not only different but antagonistic. From the inside they are two aspects of one phenomenon.


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Raising Your Estimation of Yourself

God said:

My children cannot perform only one way in terms of Life on Earth. This is the thing about Life in the World – it is a mix. You yourself are a mix. All the opposites whirl around in the world. While you are on Earth, you yourself may include all the opposites.

In terms of the world, you are imperfect. Therefore, I ask you to be gentle and generous with yourself – and, yes, others.

It is not for you to dwell on moments of your imperfection. This is also not for you to dwell on your moments of perfection ad infinitum in order to pump your ego.

However, if you must dwell on one or the other, then I tell you to dwell on your moments of perfection. In any case, look for them.

Look, I tell you that you are perfect as you are. Even with all your perceived imperfections, I tell you that you are a perfect human being. Let not your life be a race between imperfection and perfection. Where would that get you? Instead, make a truce.

At school, it's important that you pass a test. Perhaps it is even important for you to get an A on the test. I ask you: Is getting an A, as heartwarming as it may be, really the purpose of your schooling?

Do you see how desiring an A lacks the oomph of desiring to learn? An A is a distraction. It is a detour. It is a lapse.

Put not your emphasis on grades.


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Pioneering Grandma Building Tiny Sustainable Homes Out of Hemp

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The DEA considers hemp to be a dangerous substance and it’s still classified as a schedule I drug, alongside heroin and ecstasy, even though the plant contains almost no THC and has no psychoactive effects. Many believe this classification is the result of the oil industry’s grip on the legislative process in America, because hemp is one of the most viable alternatives to plastics, fuel and other building materials, in fact, it used to be an important domestically produced crop, and it even contains extraordinary health benefits.

“Hemp is the only plant that can feed you, house you, clothe you and heal you.” [Source]

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You are divine Beings of immense power and energy, Divine Energy.

Humanity’s awakening is so close that your awareness that it is occurring is intensifying enormously – you feel it enveloping you – and yet you still experience the illusion as very real.  And this feels very confusing for you.  It is as though you were locked into that moment you experience as humans as you wake up after sleeping but in which you are still not fully awake, your dreams are gently dissipating and consciousness is returning, but you have not yet fully engaged with it.

There is no one now incarnate on Earth who is completely unaware of the enormous changes that are in progress.  Even those who are caught up in the gloom and doom that the mainstream media consistently regurgitate, or those living in conflict zones, areas of intense poverty, or refugee camps are, at a deep level, aware that something of enormous importance is occurring.

You who are reading or listening to this message are, of course, well aware, but are also, at times, experiencing severe doubts because, and as you interact with others who are caught up in the media’s catastrophic information onslaught, you encounter the negative and even despairing energies to which they are so firmly attached, and then, instead of observing them and letting them pass, you engage with them and get drawn in, thus intensifying your own doubts .

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 26, 2016

Temptation is an opportunity to explore something without having the experience. It allows you to stop and consider what is your truth and to choose and create from there. It can also make you aware of something that is seeking to be healed and loved within you. It is a wonderful chance to self define and express who you are in a new, wiser way, without the creation of karma and regret, which is far more in line with the desires of the mindful, evolving human being. You see, Dear Ones, there is a gift in everything if only you have the eyes and the wisdom to see. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/25/2016

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Gautam the Buddha used to say, "My path in the beginning is tremendous pain; in the end, tremendous blissfulness. But patience is needed."

I told you, in this surgery you are the patient and you are the surgeon both. Remember the English word "patient" comes from "patience." It is significant. Why is the sick person called a "patient?" He has to be patient, he has to wait. But when you are the patient yourself and also the surgeon, the difficulty is multiplied. But still it is nothing compared to the bliss.

All that you can do is to pass through this suffering, to pass through this dark night of the soul.

Reach to the dawn of your being.

Blossom. Let your blissfulness explode.


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The Fluidity of the Soul

God said:

Throughout the ages, I have heard you ask Me to give you boons. I hear you. Today I heard you say:

"Beloved God, I want to ask of You to please banish stress, worry, fear from my life and heart. God, as I say this, I realize it would be better for me to ask You:

"Beloved God, please banish stress, worry, fear from everyone's life once and for all."

What do you think I'm working on, dear One?

I might word your question differently. I might say very simply:

God, please bring peace to this Earth. Beloved God, teach us to know love and trust and let go of uncertainty which is another name for lack of trust.

Now I say to you:

Beloveds, My whole attention is already on this – we can call it a project. It is a Peace Project. It is a Love Project.

I, too, wonder why all Our desires have not yet materialized. Then I remind Myself that there is a great rush of love and a great demand for peace.

I could also phrase this differently. Do not be offended at what I say:

Be not swallowers of negativity. Be not sheep who follow other sheep as though you were blind. Use your own heart as a bell that tolls Truth. Your heart is to ring true. When your heart rings fear, you can know you are misleading yourself.

You might say, if your house is burning down, that fear is good because it tells you to get out of the house right now. This is so, no argument there.

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This 8-Year-Old Raised Money To Buy Hot Lunches For Thousands Of Classmates

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

For the majority of students, helping out a classmate for lunch entails sharing a snack, trading food, or, at most, buying them lunch occasionally with leftover credit on their lunch account. For Cayden Taipalus, a third grader living in Michigan, these approaches weren’t going to work when he suddenly became concerned about several students unable to afford hot lunches.

Cayden was at school one day when he witnessed his friend give up his hot lunch from the cafeteria because his lunch account balance was overdue and unpaid. Instead, the school gave him a cold cheese sandwich, which is better than nothing, but Cayden was upset for his friend nonetheless.

He went home that day and brainstormed with his mom about how to help other students at his school that faced similar situations everyday. They came up with a plan to first pay off all of the overdue balances by returning empty bottles and cans and soliciting donations from friends, family and neighbors. On Monday, Cayden presented the school with $64 to pay off 150 lunches.

“I am so very proud of my son. He is only 8 years old and to grasp the concept around this is just amazing in my eyes. He has a heart of gold,” his mom said.

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The Power of Presence, How “Living In The Now” Can Change Your Life

by Allie Stark, Collective Evolution

Presence is the powerful practice of being in the moment.

It is created through an acute awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and in our modern day society, being present doesn’t always come easily. The overstimulation and distraction that come from technology, social media, work, family life, social engagements, and the never-ending “to-do” lists regularly take us out of the now and into a memory from the past or a fear about the future.

Cultivating the power of presence comes from creating the space to observe one’s mind and one’s self. This skill of observation allows us to look at our own lives and the lives of others without attaching judgment or analysis. Using this awareness, we become mindfully attuned to all that is around us through our five senses (smell, touch, taste, sight, and sound) as well as our physical sensations — you know, those signs from our bodies that we often tend to ignore.

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It Is All About The Choice

A gentle reminder; when humans commit acts of violence or degradation of another, it is the individual that chooses to do these things.  It can be very easy to blame it on a religion, ethnicity or ideology, but it is the individual that chose that particular path.  Others may join in, giving strength to the darkness already within them, however, it is still a choice.  You too are given a choice.  You can give into and let the lower energies and vibrations of fear dictate what you do or you can be the light.  It has always been and will always be about free will. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 25, 2016

Many of you feel regret for what you consider to be your mistakes. But the fact that you regret them indicates those actions were not in line with who you really are. You have uncovered a deeper layer of truth from the experience, a deeper level of your inner knowingness, which has brought you closer to the experience of your own divinity. You can then integrate that into your latest expression of beingness, and that, Dear Ones, is the purpose of experience. All movement is ultimately forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/24/2016

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Consciousness is self-surgery.

And don't ask me how can we raise ...? Nobody can do it for somebody else; you can only do it for yourself.

This is the fundamental of spiritual surgery: you can only be successful on yourself.

Howsoever painful it is ... but there is no other way. Yes, it pays tremendously if you can pass through the test.

If you can pass through the pain, if you can pass through all the misery, the suffering that you have repressed will rise again. It is like entering a house which nobody has entered for years. You will raise so much dust - and that dust is not simple dust, it covers your wounds. It has helped you to forget yourself. It has made you unconscious of yourself. It is not like taking off your clothes, it is more like peeling off your skin.

But once you succeed, then all the pain seems to be just nothing, because the bliss that descends on you is incomparable; the pain that you suffered looks so tiny and so meaningless. But that is in the end.


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The God O' Oneness

God said:

I hear you, beloveds, as you sing from the mountaintops. You sing:

"Beloved God, I just want to say: God, My God, My God of Love. God, God, God. There are times I feel a rush through My bloodstream, and this rush, this energy I feel, is Your Love pulsing through me. I can't quite put my finger on You, yet You are resoundingly God dancing and singing so silently and happily in my heart.

"At these times, I am a blob of Silent Joy, All-Powerful Joy, Joy like Glory in Excelsis Deo. At these times, I feel -- yet not comprehend -- that I am You and You are I, and there is no wilderness between. There is nothing but You, God. There is nothing and no One but You, and You are all there is. Is this Truth coming from my mouth in song, God?"

Beloved, yes, I God do tell you, Yes, this is Truth coming from your mouth. Do you hear your Self -- what you sing? Yes, you sing nothing but Truth, the Truth without words, the Truth of Existence. There is nothing but the Oneness of Us where We exist solely as the Oneness of Love.

All the details fade. At heart, We are One. In Heaven or on Earth, We are One until there is nothing but Oneness, and it is Our Oneness, and there are no two ways about it. There is no possibility of separation. There is no such concept as Two-ness. There is no such thought. There is no such possibility.

The concept of anything but Oneness is too far-fetched. This is a total reversal of the whole incongruity of everything existing except Oneness.


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