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The Muscle of the Soul: How To Unlock It And Use It to Decrease Stress

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

We have published many articles on the concept that we, as human beings, house a soul in our physical bodies and that our eyes are the gateway to this essence. We’ve talked a lot about the relationship between the mind, body, and soul and the importance of keeping it balanced and in harmony. However, have you ever contemplated what the physical muscle of the soul could be? Well, therapist and filmmaker Danielle Prohom Olson has; in fact, she claims that by relaxing  your psoas, or what she terms “the muscle of the soul,” you can reconnect with the powerful energy of the Earth.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 24, 2016

Somewhere along the line, busyness has become glorified for many human beings. They deem themselves as being good or successful the more action they can squeeze into the day. While we applaud action toward creation, many people are finding themselves exhausted and less than satisfied with their lives regardless of the amount of effort they have put into it. How can this be?

Busyness does not necessarily mean positive forward movement. While it may meet the approval of societal expectations, the real proof of its success is the health, happiness, and satisfaction of the person living the incarnation. And you may have noticed that busyness does not necessarily equal happiness.

Your mind, the operating system of the ego, thrives on distraction. By constantly keep you on the move it avoids your growth and expansion, and fills your day with so many tasks any opportunity for quiet reflection or connection is avoided. Because it is through your heart, the operating system of your soul, which navigates through flow, connection, feeling, growth, and expansion to find your way to the most satisfying matches for you and your life expression, avoiding those opportunities through busyness virtually guarantees a life that has diminished satisfaction and presence.

GFP Newsletter - 9/23/2016

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Consciousness is painful, because you will have to drop so much which you have carried your whole life thinking it very valuable.

You will have to uncover your wounds which you have covered and completely forgotten.

You will have to revive all worries and anguishes that somehow you have repressed.

You will have to face again your original face which you have lost far back. You have become somebody else. You have been somebody else so long, that now to face your original face is going to shatter you completely.

To be conscious not a game.

To be conscious is to go through a deep surgery.

And the problem is, you are the surgeon, and you are the patient.


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Big Pharma Spent Nearly $1 Billion Lobbying Government to Push Opiates — and It Worked

by Alice Salles, The Anti-Media

(ANTIMEDIA— Op-ed) The pharmaceutical industry is often the target of relentless criticism. But while the concerns brought up by said Big Pharma critics are often legitimate and unsettling, they are also the product of heavy government intervention.

Because misdiagnosing the disease — in this case, Big Pharma’s influence and its consequence — has been the standard approach among reformists, proposed medical solutions continue to kill patients. In other words, as reformists propose still more regulation and government involvement, Americans who fall victim to the cozy relationship between Big Pharma and government continue to suffer.

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Mainstream Media Silent After Another Major Oil Pipeline Spill While North Dakota Protests Continue (How Ironic)

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Native American tribes across the country continue to march in their respective cities to show their dedicated support of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Media outlets have covered the ongoing protest exhaustively, which makes it interesting that, when a prominent pipeline in the Southeast broke, major media outlets didn’t cover the news nearly as thoroughly or frequently.

While some outlets did report on the spill on their websites, the focus remained on the forthcoming gas shortages and the resultant spike in gas prices residents could expect. It’s another testament to the fact that mainstream media would rather focus on how news will affect consumers than how it will affect the environment.

The Colonial Pipeline has main lines running through roughly 10 states. Having broken in Shelby County, Alabama, the rupture caused a leakage of 250,000 gallons beginning on September 9th, forcing workers to close the pipeline.

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A Tulip Bulb

God said:

You are always on time. Do you hear what I am saying? I am saying that, despite what the world says, you are never late.

Now, don't think I am saying that you are to delay other people by showing up at a later time for your convenience and to another's inconvenience. I do not encourage you to lack consideration for others, not at all. It is not My intention to give you an excuse for being late in the world.

On the other hand, looking from another angle of life, everything in life follows its own schedule. A tulip bulb from the Earth comes up at the right time. From this view, We can say that when you miss a train, the later train you take is just the right one for you. In this sense, you are on time.

You are born when you are born, and this is perfect. And, also, beloveds, when the body dies when it does, this is also perfect. And if your body had died at a different time, that, too, would be the exact right time.

How can this be otherwise when time is a manufactured illusory element on Earth? Time is believed in, and time is an extreme force in the world, yet it is pure fiction. In this way, whenever an event occurs, late, early, We can say that it is the right time. In truth, if time is non-existent, how can time be wrong?

If you are very logical, then you might say that time can't be right either. However, also logically, if time is not wrong, then it must be right! At the time something occurs is at the time it occurs. Who can say this is wrong? In another sense, there is no right, and there is no wrong.

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 23, 2016

Dear Ones, as you start to really understand and honour the value of balance in your lives, we wish to point out that the energies of love and connection are what create the greatest balance and stability.

Think of when someone is in emotional distress and you offer them a hug. It does not take long at all before the energy of love and connection works its magic to bring them back into greater balance and stability.

On a more personal level, think of how the practice of meditation helps bring balance and stability. It is through meditation that you align with Source which is the ultimate experience of love. Again, it is the experience of love and connection which fosters balance and stability.

Do you see? Love and connection are powerful choices that build the foundation that allows all other things to be created and sustained from. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 9/22/2016

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Now you are asking me - how are we going to raise the consciousness of the world? Why should we raise the consciousness of the world? Are you nuts or something? Can't you let the world alone?

You just raise your consciousness.

No, but this is how the world is. Nobody is interested in raising his own consciousness. Everybody is interested in raising the world's consciousness - that seems to be easier, more fun. To raise one's own consciousness is arduous. To raise the consciousness of the world is just fun, no problem to you. Whether it is raised or not, you are not losing anything.


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Our Right to Informed Consent Being Usurped - Will You Resist?

Alex Pietrowski, Staff
Waking Times

Through case-law, as well as by the 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, it is well established as a legal precedent in the United States that an individual has the right to informed consent of any invasive medical procedure.

“No right is more sacred, or is more carefully guarded by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law…To compel any one, and especially a woman, to lay bare the body, or to submit it to the touch of a stranger, without lawful authority, is an indignity, an assault, and a trespass…”  ~Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford (1891)

“Mandating an invasive procedure in order to give informed consent is not a proper role for the state. No person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state, without their consent, as a precondition to another medical procedure.” ~Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell (2012)

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The Beauty of Everyday Life

God said:

You may think you need guidance in handling sharp remarks or dark looks extended to you by others or perhaps the fact of your being overlooked altogether. You may think you need guidance in many matters pertaining to courage and managing to get through the pitfalls of life in the world.

What you really need to gain is familiarity with feeling calm and, therefore resulting in calm, forthright and calmer still.

How many times do you later think of what you wish you had said instead of what you did say, or you didn't say and didn't think of at the time? What you may need protection from is your being defensive. Defensive, you escalate situations that don’t need escalating. Be the cooling waters. Have one less confrontation to regret.

You may feel that it is incumbent upon you to make sure that you are not taken advantage of. You have far greater to prevent than your being taken advantage of, dear ones.

You may want to prevent your hasty responses. Your red-hot responses may be one of the main areas of life for you to curtail.

Remind yourself that silence is all right. Silence is a balm. You may need time to remind yourself that there can be blank places that do not need to be filled. In this way, you will create more peace in the world. Not a false truce. A true one.

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Negative To Positive

In your modern world, so many of you have successfully used your communication tools as a distraction to keep from feeling.  If you feel sad, watch a funny video.  If you feel angry, play an aggressive video game.  If you are upset, talk to another person about anything other than what you are truly feeling.
Instead of hiding from or masking them, it is important for you to fully embrace your emotions in whatever form they come to you.  For every negative emotion you feel, once it is released, a more positive feeling will follow.  It is time to stop running from them!  Embrace the feelings then let them go…..and grow! ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 22, 2016

Do you see how much the universe loves and serves you? After so much turbulence as you went through the energetic corridor created by the recent eclipses, you are now presented with a day that locks in your progress and offers the energies of balance and harvest.

You are never given more than you can handle, nor does any energy last one second longer than what is required to assist you on your path of evolution and expansion. You have now integrated energies that are unprecedented on your planet and would have been completely unsustainable in your physical bodies just a few short years ago. You have developed a far greater ability to move with the energies as you have become more accustomed to the shift, purge, and integrate pattern, as well.

We suggest you make this a day to honour your continued success as an enlightening human being on an ascending planet. It is a day to honour your ability to move back into balance, which reflects your growth and spiritual maturity. You are truly remarkable beings for all that you have accomplished and you are loved and celebrated for your essential and willing role in it all. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 9/21/2016

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Who recognized Gautam Buddha, that he is enlightened? Who has recognized anybody in the whole world, in the whole of history? In fact it is impossible. The unenlightened people cannot recognize or certify an enlightened one; he has to declare himself, there is no other way. Whether you believe it or not, that does not matter, and that does not shatter him.

Nobody may believe it, not even a single human being. Do you think that makes any difference to the status of a man of enlightenment? He remains still the same, his enlightenment not even a little bit less because you have not recognized him.



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