God said:
You are always on time. Do you hear what I am saying? I am saying that, despite what the world says, you are never late.
Now, don't think I am saying that you are to delay other people by showing up at a later time for your convenience and to another's inconvenience. I do not encourage you to lack consideration for others, not at all. It is not My intention to give you an excuse for being late in the world.
On the other hand, looking from another angle of life, everything in life follows its own schedule. A tulip bulb from the Earth comes up at the right time. From this view, We can say that when you miss a train, the later train you take is just the right one for you. In this sense, you are on time.
You are born when you are born, and this is perfect. And, also, beloveds, when the body dies when it does, this is also perfect. And if your body had died at a different time, that, too, would be the exact right time.
How can this be otherwise when time is a manufactured illusory element on Earth? Time is believed in, and time is an extreme force in the world, yet it is pure fiction. In this way, whenever an event occurs, late, early, We can say that it is the right time. In truth, if time is non-existent, how can time be wrong?
If you are very logical, then you might say that time can't be right either. However, also logically, if time is not wrong, then it must be right! At the time something occurs is at the time it occurs. Who can say this is wrong? In another sense, there is no right, and there is no wrong.