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None of those inner anxieties or doubts about yourselves are in any way valid.

Your loving intentions are changing the world – MIGHTILY!  As you visit your favorite on-line news and spiritual web sites you are presented with enormous amounts of information confirming this.  All that is required of each of you is that you relax daily into your holy inner space, where the divine Light of Love burns constantly on your holy altars, and restate your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation, because that is what is changing the world.

And of course you are not doing it on your own, the full power and might of God’s Will is added to your intent.  You cannot fail because God’s Will is always achieved, so let go of worry and anxiety, both are distractions from living, and you were created to live.  Instead, intend to deal successfully with whatever arises in the moment that it does so, and with the firmly held intent to be loving in every moment you will find you have whatever you need to deal with it.  Life can be very simple if you allow it to flow through you instead of focusing on certain moments and attempting to prolong or resist them.  There is only flow!  To be motionless is impossible.  When you sit quite still meditating all your bodily energy systems continue to function, and the life force – Love – continues to flow through you, and in your meditational state you are more likely to notice this constant and loving flow bringing you to a beautifully relaxed state of inner peace.

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Hear Me

God said:

What is anger? It is a rebuffing part of you that gets on fire. Anger bears the flames within your own self that are for you to put out. No one causes you to be angry. Say this three times: No one causes you to be angry. No one causes you to be angry. No one causes you to be angry. Anger is an inside job.

The whole story of your life is an inside job. Blame no one. To hold yourself responsible does not mean to blame yourself. It means to find your way out of the mire you have put yourself in. Lower the flame.

You are attached to your self-image of righteousness. You don't have to be angry.

How do you get past anger? How do you surpass it? You don't want to swallow it, for you might choke on it. You don’t want to pretend your anger away, yet you utterly don't want to keep the anger. You don't even really want to manage your anger. You don't want to have it burst out of you, nor do you want it smolder within.

The more you pound your anger, the stronger your anger becomes. It would seem that anger knows no bounds.

I do not know of a quick-fix to anger. You can't go to a plastic surgeon to have anger removed. You can't pretend it away. You can't chop it up and throw it away. At the same time, it feels urgent to get rid of it. Anger is eating you up to say nothing of what it may do to the recipient of your anger.

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What Matters?

Beautiful one, it does not matter if ‘they’ like you, it does not matter if ‘they’ approve of who you are and most certainly does not matter what ‘they’ say.  If you choose to live your life with honesty, integrity and kindness….that matters.  You are you, you are amazing, you are blessed and you are loved by your Creator! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 9/9/2016

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The original face of every child is the face of God. Of course my God is not a Christian, a Hindu, a Jew. My God is not even a person but only a presence.

It is less like a flower and more like fragrance. You can feel it but you cannot catch hold of it. You can be overwhelmed by it but you cannot possess it.

My God is not something objective, there.

My God is your very subjectivity, here.

My God can never be indicated by the word "that."

He can only be indicated by the word "this."


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Enlightenment Isn't a Personal Gift

God said:

What if today you had realized Enlightenment, how do you think you would feel?

Most likely, you would expect to be thrilled. At the same time, let Me say that there is no certain way that Enlightenment has to feel like or appear like.

It's possible that you will not even notice. It is even possible that you have not noticed.

It's possible that what you associate with Enlightenment is not your experience. You may not experience Enlightenment the way you thought you would. You expected something amazing, and, yet, you still seem to be as you always were or thought you always were.

You may not experience this great change with the bright colors you have been waiting for with all your heart.

You know, dear ones, life always presents itself to you, yet life does not always present itself to you in the ways you expect.

Remember this, Enlightenment does not have to always appear as a rapturous experience. Enlightenment may not be what you expected. It may not feel momentous to you. Enlightenment could even make you weep, not for joy, and yet weep you know not why. Alas, you wonder what is the matter with you because you do not find yourself jumping for joy. You may have been sure that you would experience Enlightenment as an out of this world experience, and now you experience its realization as an experience of the world.

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 9, 2016

Dear Ones, if you are experiencing discomfort in your life, these are the possible causes and remedies.

If you are in deep pain, the likely cause is resistance. Your soul is always seeking to grow and evolve. Resistance to that growth will only create discomfort. The purpose of the discomfort is to make it impossible to stay in the resistant place. The remedy for this is to surrender.

If you are having a feeling of anxiety and fear from being in an accelerated flow, the cause of that is not having trust that it will all turn out alright and that you are safe. Faith is the belief in a higher being. Trust is the unshakeable belief that that higher being has a plan and will keep you safe. The remedy for this is to connect with your higher being and feel their constant love and support. Trust is what keeps you in the flow long enough for the magic to happen. Faith and trust work together to create acceptance. Acceptance brings peace, which is the opposite of anxiety and fear.

If you are frustrated that you cannot create what it is you would like, the cause is often a lack of gratitude. Gratitude, simply put, is positive focus. It is through your positive focus that you can navigate beyond the perpetuation of what is unwanted. Negative focus is active resistance. Gratitude creates willing forward movement towards more of what is desired. It is your feedback to the universe and your steering wheel of the flow. It also allows you to become comfortably present with your Now moment.

GFP Newsletter - 9/8/2016

will's picture

The religious leader or the political leader - both are in the same boat, helping each other. The politician protects the religious leader, the religious leader protects the politician. He protects him through people's religious feelings, and the politician protects the religious leader by his power. It is a mutual understanding. Hence I don't make any difference between the two. To me, the political leader is more criminal-minded; hence is ready to take the risk.

The religious leader is a coward, but cunning; through cunningness he manages to rise even higher than the political leader; at least in the abstract sense he is higher than the political leader.

But the desire of both is the same: to rule, to have control over millions of people.


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CDC's Power Grab: Quarantine and Vaccination for Suspicion of Infection

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info
via Waking Times

You’ve had this dry cough for a couple of days but are otherwise feeling ready for your much awaited annual ski trip to Utah. On the security line, an officer signals for you to come with him. Not knowing why you’re being selected out of the crowd, you follow to learn that you meet criteria for quarantine. Sound like science fiction?

In what appears to be an unprecedented power grab, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) just issued a proposed amendment to its domestic and foreign quarantine regulations giving itself the power to legally apprehend, detain (isolate or quarantine), and treat (including vaccinate) anyone simply for suspicion of being infected by a communicable agent.

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How Online Poker and Virtual Gaming Helped Me to ‘Awaken’

by Lance Schuttler, The Mind Unleashed

In many ways, I grew up as a ‘regular’ kid in a small Iowa town here in the US. I had a loving and supportive family, had great friends and played sports all the way through high school. In other ways, my experience was very different and exciting–and would eventually serve as the basis for a big awakening in my life, on several levels.

My brother and I, along with a mutual friend of ours began playing online poker for fake money. Shortly after, we made the jump and started playing for real money. When that happened, a few other friends joined us (you know who you all are) and got in on the action.

Though on April 15th, 2011 everything changed in the online poker world and in my world alike. On what is now known as “Black Friday” within the online poker world, the FBI raided and shut down the 3 biggest online poker sites, which affected millions of people around the world and was done under very questionable means. The income I was making on there (which was enough to provide for myself like a day job) was now inaccessible and still to this day have not received it back. What was I to do now that I had plenty of free time to read?

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An Acrobat of Life

God said:

No matter how active in life you may be, you are also an observer of your life as it reveals itself to you. You witness your life as if from a far-off land, as it were. This is as if you are not experiencing your life but rather are watching your life as it slides past you. You watch your life slip over the edge.

On this basis, we can say there are two lives you live, the one you enact on stage, and the one you watch as it dances before you. What a performer you are. You are a virtual acrobat of life.

Possibly there is a third life mixed in, and this is the life you interpret. What you interpret takes precedence. Whether you interpret your life pro or con, your interpretation eggs you on. Actually, you emblazon your interpretation. You embroider it. You go by how you see your life.

If you see someone ready to hit you, you are prompted to get into your fight mode. You do not always put the best light on your life.

You may look for hurt, for hurt may be what you are accustomed to enacting, and so you respond with your fists up. If you perceive someone giving you a diamond ring, you run to hug the person. What is true or not true at this point is irrelevant. Your interpretation rules the roost.

If, let's say, even if you are accurate in your assessment of negativity, still, don't hold it to you as a trophy. You are not a head-hunter. You don't want to cut off someone's head. You don't want to go over and over an offense and hug it to you.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 8, 2016

Dear Ones, it is far easier to have gratitude when things are going well than when you are experiencing challenges. Yet it is your gratitude that will help you find your way to a better feeling place. Gratitude is the steering wheel of your flow and the way you communicate your feedback to the universe. Think of it as an energetic sorting tool. If you can understand its very important function in your life, you will see that it has immeasurable value to you in the creation of the life you desire, in good times, and especially during the times that you experience as trying, for the use of gratitude soothes your present self and pre-orders gifts for your future self. ~Archangel Gabriel


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