GFP Newsletter - 9/7/2016

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Strange, that religious people are against drugs; politicians are also against drugs. Politicians make laws against drugs, religious people create hell and punishment against drugs.

Why are they so afraid of drugs?

It needs a deep search, investigation. They are afraid of drugs because drugs are competitors to them. LSD can give you hallucinations of heaven. That's the trouble. No religion can afford to allow people to use LSD. LSD is not dangerous; taken in the right proportions, under medical care, it can be tremendously helpful in religious growth.

But religions are not ready to allow it for the simple reason that if LSD can give you a beautiful experience - hallucinatory, but still it is an experience and tremendously satisfying, fulfilling...


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A Dog Is Re-Elected Mayor for a Third Term, Proving Politicians Are Useless

by Carey Wedler, The Anti-Media

As millions of Americans struggle to decide whether to elect a volatile narcissist or a calculated warmongering criminal as their next leader, one Minnesota town is doing politics right — they just re-elected a dog to his third term as mayor.

Duke, a nine-year-old Great Pyrenees, was first elected mayor of Cormorant, Minnesota in 2014. The first time he won, it was by accident. The small town of just over 1,000 people held an election in which residents could pay $1 to vote. Duke won the race with twelve write-in votes and was treated to an official inauguration.

The town’s voters were evidently happy with the 2014 fluke. Duke has been re-elected twice, most recently at the end of August.

His main role has been to promote a sense of community in the township. He was recently featured in a series of billboards promoting Cormorant.

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The Cove Hunt In Japan Is Back & Dolphins Are in Serious Danger – They Need Our Attention

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

When we think of endangered species, one of the first things that comes to mind is how human activity has played a part. From deforestation and climate change to toxic chemicals in the air and water, the reality is grim. But just as terrible is the unnecessary practice of poaching. Take “Drive Hunts,” for example.

Drive hunts involve herding dolphins and small whales at sea into a cove area, where they are then either killed or selected for live sale to marine parks and aquaria across the globe. Hunts in Japan comprise the biggest single slaughter of whales and dolphins in the world. It has even been documented that some dolphins take more than 30 minutes to die. But to keep the controversial backlash to a minimum, curtains are pulled across the shoreline to hide the killing process from the public.

In the cove of Taiji in Japan, some dolphins are chosen for use in dolphin shows; however, many die of shock before even making it to be transported to their new lives. This annual dolphin drive and slaughter is now back, having begun on September 1st. So as dolphins swim off the southwest coast of Japan, they may, indeed, be greeted with a heart-breaking, end-of-summer welcome.

It’s not only dolphins that are targeted, it’s:

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Slow Down

God said:

With one eye, you see how much you are needed. With the other eye, you see the futility of running a race to excel or to even simply catch up as if you are here on Earth to solve all the difficulties in the world. Is it really necessary to focus on the difficulties as if they would become extinct without your supervision? Are problems the hobby of your life?

Getting caught up has the connotation of making strides and getting ahead of life. Getting caught up may also have the connotation of getting over-involved. Naturally, you want to make progress. Sometimes it is like you want to live life ahead of time. It would seem that life gets ahead of you, and you can't keep up let alone get ahead. If you did get ahead, what would preoccupy you then?

This is a two-pronged difficulty you find yourself caught in.

Know this and remember this: You serve best in peace.

When you step into a pitfall, step out of it. Rise above what you consider barricades to free-flow in Life on Earth. It is not so much that you must solve difficulties as it is for you to rise to a higher perspective. Get out of difficulties in order to see what is going on.

You have a higher purpose in life than to discover difficulties. Keep on trying to solve difficulties, and you preoccupy yourself with difficulties. This way you are shuffling difficulties the way you might shuffle cards. You are in the midst of shuffling cards instead of playing a game of cards.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 7, 2016

The beautiful thing about surrender is that it always leads you to your next highest experience, which allows you to release the fear of making a mistake. It is not ever about not caring. It is about caring enough to get out of your own way and to give your highest self, with your guides and helpers, permission to lead the way. It is trust and faith in motion, and creating an opening for new potentials and solutions to be revealed. It is passing the baton to your unseen team, who from their vantage point can see all of the possibilities that exist and how to proceed for the highest good of all. It is allowing yourself to be loved, guided, and supported in truly remarkable and wondrous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel

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It Starts With You

What an interesting human loop you create with respect. Some demand it without knowing what it truly is or how to give it. Receiving respect starts with you! Once you are able to show yourself respect, you will automatically give and, in return, receive it. Remember, my beautiful child, it always starts with you. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 9/6/2016

will's picture

Just look at past history. All politicians have been promising people things which have not materialized in thousands of years. Thousands of political leaders have been promising the same things. How blind humanity must be!

The promises have not changed - that means certainly nothing has been achieved. The same promises are being given to you and you go on following, hoping.

Hope is the greatest drug that man has invented.


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Be a Gracious Host

God said:

It is a worthy idea for you to desire peace and leave happiness to arrive on its own accord. That is, without effort, or great effort. Have I suggested this to you before?

With effort, you may struggle to unstring yourself and unbind happiness from a net you might have cast to imprison it?

You could be so intent on being happy that it is as though happiness is a debt owed to you, so much so that you perhaps scare off happiness, as though happiness becomes an assignment, something obligatory, and perhaps you resent Life that let you down, and/or you are dissatisfied with yourself for not achieving a desired result.

When you try to force happiness, you are also forcing yourself. I don't think happiness has the capability to come to you by force. If, by deserving happiness, you mean that happiness HAS to come and stay with you, you are detaching yourself from happiness. No matter how worthy you are, happiness does not owe you a red cent. Happiness cannot be squeezed or blackmailed or extorted from life for you. Happiness chooses to come to you, and you are to choose it.

It would seem that happiness is not something achieved. Happiness and its counterpart, unhappiness, are on a scale, and it's unlikely you are to associate your value according to how you rate on your happiness scale. When Life rewards you, you are happy. When Life doesn't reward you as you as you wish it would, you may feel that Life is punishing you, and you become unhappy and sad and full of disappointment.

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Doctors Told Him He Was Definitely Going To Die & His Cancer Was “Incurable” – So He Decided To Try Cannabis Oil

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Every day, millions of people suffer from cancer and the harmful effects that stem from conventional treatment methods. Many of these people are told by their doctors that their disease is “incurable,” comparing their lives to an hourglass whereby their time on Earth is quickly running out. Cancer patients are led to believe that they only have two treatment options: chemotherapy or radiation, which are often coupled with surgery. Both chemotherapy and radiation negatively impact the body’s natural ability to heal itself as it harms healthy tissues. One study even proved that chemotherapy is ineffective more than 97% of the time (watch Dr. Peter Glidden discuss these findings here). What if I told you that a cure for cancer not only exists and is proven to be effective, but that you can also make this all-natural remedy yourself (here’s how)? For decades, cannabis has been studied and used to treat and kill cancer cells. There have been numerous medical studies performed and countless examples of people consuming cannabis oil to completely heal themselves from cancer.

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Restraining Order Filed As Pipeline Co. Begins Bulldozing Burial Sites Over Weekend

(COMMONDREAMSIn a last ditch attempt to protect burial and prayer sites, North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux late Sunday filed for a temporary restraining order to halt construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which they say has already caused “irreparable harm” to the sacred plots.

“On Saturday, Dakota Access Pipeline and Energy Transfer Partners brazenly used bulldozers to destroy our burial sites, prayer sites and culturally significant artifacts,” said tribal chairman David Archambault II in a press statement.

“They did this on a holiday weekend, one day after we filed court papers identifying these sacred sites,” Archambault added. “The desecration of these ancient places has already caused the Standing Rock Sioux irreparable harm. We’re asking the court to halt this path of destruction.”

The emergency motion came after security forces hired by the pipeline company attacked Indigenous demonstrators with dogs and pepper spray on Saturday.

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It is time to reestablish the human connection.  So many of you walk through your Earth plane existence tethered and tied to inanimate objects, searching for meaning and missing pieces of yourselves in small screens.  Yes, it is a wonderful tool and helps you learn and see more than ever before, however, it also cuts you off from ‘real time’.  Today, you are invited to be in and experience your life!  Lift up your heads and see!  If not now, when? ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 6, 2016

Dear Ones, when you feel the energies strongly it is a gift because it allows you to have more tangible proof that you are indeed shifting and evolving. It is wonderful in the sense that it shows you that you truly changing, from your own efforts and evolution, and also with profound universal assistance. The shift becomes more than a concept – you start to feel that there is a bigger process going on that you are an integral part of, and that you are being helped and adjusted through it.

When you start to acknowledge the profound purpose of it all, you become much more accepting and start to move with the energies with far greater ease than ever before. You allow yourself to see that you are beloved, included, and assisted, and become a willing dance partner with the universe, which makes the entire process so much more magical and glorious. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/5/2016

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That's why I go on talking about the political leaders and the religious leaders without making any distinction - because there is no distinction at all, only a superficial distinction. Their psyches are functioning in the same way.

Neither the religious leader nor the politician is interested in the people whom they pretend to lead.

They are interested in being leaders - and of course the leader cannot be without the led, so it is a necessity to go on promising the people things. Politicians promise them things of this world; religious leaders promise them things of the other world. But do you see any difference in what they are doing? Both are promising so that you go on following them, afraid to get lost somewhere else, because if you lose the path then you will miss the promise.

The promise keeps you with the crowd - and promises don't cost anything. You can promise anything. Promises are always for tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes.


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To love yourselves, just as you are, is the only task, the only duty that you have to complete.

These are interesting times!  Humanity is moving very positively into awareness of its spiritual heritage, of its Oneness with Source from which it has never for a moment been separated.  And that is inspiring, uplifting, and extremely exciting!  In fact humanity is most definitely established on the collective path to awakening, although, of course, each individual has his or her own personal path that is different from everyone else’; no two are the same among the many billions presently incarnate on Earth.

Here in the spiritual realms, where we constantly watch over you lovingly and compassionately, we are truly in awe at what you are achieving.  You have made the collective decision to awaken from the dream or nightmare and you are most positively implementing it.  Great changes are in the process of transforming your attitudes toward each other and God.  Love now pervades the Earth plane and is penetrating every heart that has not made a conscious choice to block It or lock It out.

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The Empire of Human Beings

God said:

Now I will tell you what freedom is from. It is freedom from a sense of conscience. Is this a surprise to you?

You don't need conscience to show you the way. Conscience is a guilt-trip. My children are not to bear guilt. Guilt comes from the false past.

Conscience is not a necessary thing at all. Don't believe one minute longer that you need long-suffering conscience.

Freedom is freedom from judgment. Judgment is not a holy thing. Judgment is the precursor to conscience. Be done with judgment and conscience. They both hold you to the past.

If you did not keep to the past, you would not regret the past. You would live right now, and that would be it. You would not be tethered to the past. You would not recriminate against yourself. You would not remind yourself of all your failings. You would not throw shrapnel at yourself or at anyone. What for? There never was a point to it but to enslave yourself to less than the Truth of who you really are.

The predominance of your humanness appears wayward to you. In Reality, you are more Divine than human. It is just that you are attached to your humanness.

Humanity is not quite the same as humanness. Believe in love for Humanity's sake more than you believe in human capacity for error. What a thing to believe in – error! Find greater to believe in. Why roll around in what you perceive as mud! There is a big difference between mud and the Earth you live on.


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