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Daily Message ~ Monday September 5, 2016

There are distinct challenges that come from shifting into your authentic power. The first stage is shifting out of victim consciousness. As you start to assume the role of loving friend, guardian, parent, and guide for yourself, you start to experience the idea that you are completely able to navigate your life from a place of complete competency and innate and divine strength. As you leave behind the illusion that you have no power, you start to experiment with what power is.

This usually manifests in different ways depending on your predominant energy. If you are predominantly masculine, the challenge is moving out of the old 3D model of power – that which overpowers, controls, intimidates – into authentically being able to anchor in your truth and innate power and create from there. The challenge is being able to leave the ego dominated ways behind and find balance and fairness while embodying a new, much more loving and unified version of masculine strength.

For those of predominantly feminine energy, the challenge is to not mimic the old masculine based 3D models of power, or to use your emotions or old illusions of weakness as a means of control, but rather harness your innate and divine strength and create from there. Many women think they need to be tough and strong-willed to be taken seriously or weak and helpless to get assistance. The task they are facing is the creation of the new template for the empowered feminine energy, which is fair, loving, empathic, yet strong, capable, balanced, and firm when required.

GFP Newsletter - 9/4/2016

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Politicians are successful criminals.

Criminals are unsuccessful politicians.

Criminals are poor, pitiable. They had tried but they failed. Politicians are of the same tribe, with only one difference: they have succeeded.


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Climbing to Greater Heights

God said:

Of course, you would like joy and happiness to be a constant, just the way you would like to have a full tank of gas all the time without having to stop at a gas station and fill up.

How you would love happiness to be a constant. Of course, happiness is not a benefactor from outside you. It certainly seems that life just shows up. Nonetheless, happiness is something you allow. As in a dance, by necessity, you go forward and back, this way and that, or there would be no dance.

You keep climbing a ladder. You are happy on a particular rung of the ladder, and then you want to climb higher and note new sights along the way. Nothing wrong with this. By all means, desire greater happiness.

Climbing to Greater Heights is not the same as being disgruntled with what you have or thinking you are owed a reward. You may think so. There is a part of you that wants to break previous records of happiness. Naturally you desire consistent elevating happiness, and you have had times of it, perhaps years of it, and then you hit a slump as a stock market purchase you are sure has declined in value. You are insatiable for more and more happiness.

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Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters With Dogs & Pepper Spray

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

On September 3, the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) company attacked Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they protested against the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction.

If completed, the pipeline would carry about 500,000 barrels of crude per day from North Dakota’s Bakken oilfield to Illinois.

The project has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and members of nearly 100 more tribes from across the U.S. and Canada, as well as activists and alternative media outlets arounds the world.

These are big time human/earth rights violations.

The DAPL has huge potential to leak into the Missouri River. How does this make any sense? If it does, it would pretty much destroy the lives of an entire nation that depend on it for their livelihood.

Below is a video with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now who was at the scene.

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A Sense of Lightness

God said:

I say you worry too much. Be. Before life, there is Being. You are obliged to Be, not to worry.

Now you are looking to free yourself from the past. No longer do you want to play the roles you assumed in the past.

You see now that too many people do not view you as you wish, as you are and, and as I see you, and as you deserve. So what that they are mistaken? Now you can relinquish others' hold on you. Now you begin to see that you are aligned with Me. It is good that you are beginning to see this.

A Sense of Lightness will come back as you feel less duty-bound to hurts of the past. Freedom spurs energy forward. It is freedom you are lacking. What keeps you back from freeing yourself from the bondage of the past? What prevents anyone?

You might call it inertia, yet it is not so much absence of energy as it is a stranglehold you hold on yourself.

You haven't freed yourself. You have objections to the past that you hold on to. You still stir an old soup. You were done with it a long time ago, yet the aroma lingers.

There is no one from the past who holds you back except you. You are the one. Others might like to keep you where they once put you as a habit, you understand. Some declare a status, and they hold onto it.

How is it that you can be carrying My light and yet blind yourself to your own God-given Self-Worth? You are so fearful of ego that you would ignore your worth. Okay, forget about your worth. Remember Mine.

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A Top Secret Black-Budget Secret Space Program That’s Reversed-Engineered Extraterrestrial Technology?

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Yes, there are still many who would instantaneously think you’re completely bonkers for even contemplating any truth to the title above, but that comes from a place of innocent ignorance. It’s easy to dismiss something without properly investigating the subject for yourself, and the thought of an idea like this still remaining in the category of a “fringe” type of topic is unsettling. The masses continue to ignore a tremendous amount of evidence that points to the fact that we are not alone, and that we’ve actually been visited.

“Read the books, read the lore, and start to understand what has really been going on here, because there is no doubt that we are being visited.”  Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14) (source)

Why is this important? Well, it has tremendous implications in all fields, from history to science to energy and more. Unfortunately we’ve been bombarded with the idea of alien invasions, little green men and alien propaganda, which is probably a big reason as to why so many people have such a hard time even considering it as a possibility.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 4, 2016

When we suggest you can live a life of far greater grace and ease, what comes up for you? Do you immediately think that can’t be true? Do you equate ease with being lazy or somehow not deserving reward? Do you think grace and ease are for other people, not you?

Grace and ease, simply put, come from embracing the energetic flow that is available to you at any given time. It is a space of acceptance, of gentleness, of beautiful and willing movement, of inclusion. How could any of those elements be considered not enough?

Dear Ones, you can be powerful and gentle at the same time when you are embracing your true divine nature and your ability to co-create with intention and preference. We urge you to release the idea that your worthiness is somehow wrapped up with how much you have suffered or efforted towards a goal. You can beautifully and mindfully create from a space of alignment with Source energy whenever you choose, which is what allows you to experience the state of grace and ease as an effective and viable option. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 3, 2016

By now many of you know you have assistance from above in the form of the angelics, ascended masters and guides. But did you know your earth is also a wonderful source of help to you?

Your beloved planet is always available to you to ground you, to clear your energy, and to offer healing to you. Stand on the earth in your bare feet and connect to the beautiful grounding she offers to give you balance. Spend some time lying on her to receive her healing and adjustments. Ingest the pure offerings she so abundantly gives. Immerse yourself in the salt she provides for cleansing, purifying baths. Use her treasure – her crystals – to further heal and assist you. Spend time walking and communing with her and she will help you connect with her wisdom, as well as with spirit.

You have endless supports available to you, Dear Ones. Ask yourself what you need and let your inner knowingness lead the way, for there is a tremendous amount of help, both from above and below, to help you continue on your ascension journey. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/2/2016

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Intelligence is of the soul.

Intellect is of the mind.

Mind is just garbage. Mind is that which has been given to you by others. The whole collection, the whole junkyard all kinds of people have been throwing in you - that is your mind. That mind continuously suffers from an inferiority complex, is bound to suffer: it has nothing of its own, it has no ground underneath its feet.


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Tip Your Hat to the Past

God said:

I ask you:

What holds your Life back from being a celebration of itself?

With all the opportunities of various kinds that Life provides, why aren't My children very very happy, exceedingly happy rather than down in the mouth? What is all this about --wanting something and not wanting something and fussing about it? There is so much picking and choosing, so much sorting and classifying.

You may say that Life gives you suffering, and you are fed up with suffering and lesser heartaches as well.

In fact, you are very good at being dissatisfied. We could call dissatisfaction a hat you wear pulled down over your eyes. Consider lifting up that cap and beginning to see what you have not heretofore seen.

If you find yourself longing for the past, the long ago past, can you not just simply love the past instead of aching for the past and the ideal parts of the past? If there was someone in your life that you miss now with all your heart, if there were those in your life that you would now find more gracious ways to respond to, be glad for right now, this very morsel of time as your heart is opening. How about relishing the gladness and forgoing the sadness?


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Good News: Human Impact On The Natural Environment Is Actually Slowing Down

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

We’ve long known the detriments human activity has on our planet. And even more alarming is that, despite our knowledge, that impact continues to grow. But finally, there’s something positive surfacing about this rate.

Researchers have now found that though the impact of human activity on the planet is still, unfortunately, continuing to grow, it’s now doing so at a slower rate than our economic and population growth.

While humans continue to take over the planet at the expense of many species and the natural world at large, the upside is that the slowdown at least gives us reason for hope—suggesting we’re getting better at managing what we take from the environment.

“Seeing that our impacts have expanded at a rate that is slower than the rate of economic and population growth is encouraging,” explains lead researcher Oscar Venter from the University of Northern British Columbia in Canada. “It means we are becoming more efficient in how we use natural resources.”


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