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'Sickening' Killing of Wolf Pack Proceeds Despite Research Debunking Program

by Nika Knight, staff writer, Common Dreams

Washington state has the remaining five members of a pack of gray wolves in its gun sights this week, after assassinating six members of the pack for killing cattle that a local rancher had sent to graze atop their den.

"This wolf family has been shattered by the loss of the breeding alpha female and five other members. All that's left is an adult male and a few four-month-old pups."
—Noah Greenwald,
Center for Biological Diversity

"It's been a sickening week in the Pacific Northwest," writes Noah Greenwald, the endangered species program director for the Center for Biological Diversity. "Snipers, including gunners in helicopters, have snuffed out half of Washington state's Profanity Peak wolf pack and have put the rest of the pack in the crosshairs."

"This wolf family has been shattered by the loss of the breeding alpha female and five other members. All that's left is an adult male and a few four-month-old pups," Greenwald adds.

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 2, 2016

The act of focusing on what you like perpetuates flow, while being focused on what is unwanted automatically stops the flow. Simply put, you can stand in the buffet line yelling about how much you don’t like tomatoes, or you can simply keep moving, filling your plate with whatever it is you like. Wouldn’t you rather have the delicious, satisfying experience? ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 9/1/2016

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It is a very essential thing to understand, that the establishment first tries to persuade you, to bribe you. When it fails in purchasing and bribing you, then it comes into its true color: then it starts destroying you. And it has learned through the centuries that poisoning a Socrates is not good. You killed the man, but you made him immortal; you imprinted his message on the very soul of humanity.

You proved foolish - it was not the right way.

Crucifying Jesus was not the way to destroy him. You have saved him.

Now the modern status quo, establishment, vested interests, are far more clever. If Jesus comes back he should not be afraid that he is going to be crucified again. No, this time it is going to be worse: he will be ignored. To be crucified does not take your dignity, but to be ignored .... Nobody bothers about you, nobody pays any attention, nobody is for or against you. This is real humiliation that is being done.


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Toxic Cookware Chemicals Have Polluted Drinking Water for Millions

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times

According to a recent Harvard study, 16.5 million Americans have detectable levels of at least one kind of polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl chemical (PFASs) in their drinking water. About 6 million Americans are drinking water that contains PFAS at or above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) safety level.1,2,3,4

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The Wheel of Puzzlement

God said:

Deep within you lies all knowledge. It always has. All awareness is contained within you. We speak now of what you could call the Unknowable. The Unknowable is Knowable, yet this is not at all facts and figures that I speak of. This is True Knowledge I speak of. I speak of the Truth that goes beyond all the borders of the world. I speak of All Truth that you know in the palm of your hand, in the core of your heart. Somewhere with you, you know all Truth.

All else you purport to know is a role you play. Somehow you got that part. The part you play is all an act. It is a put-on, and you put it on.

You found a costume somewhere. You figured that this is who you are, and you play this role to the hilt. There was no stopping you from playing this role. Certainly, you take part in a drama. You are exquisite in your ability to play the role you adopt as if it were made for you.

Of course, this role is not you at all. It is just a role. It's like you got on a bus, so to speak, and you don't quite acknowledge that you can get off the bus. All the while, you are searching for yourself. What do you think you are searching for when you search for Me? Of course, you are trying to find yourself and get off the Wheel of Puzzlement.

You play your role with brilliance. Your performance is incredible. It is as if you invent yourself as you go along. You are a consummate artiste.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 1, 2016

There is a beautiful, authentic, and profound shift in your power when you start to navigate your life from inclusion rather than exclusion.

When you are focused on inclusion you have stepped out of pushing against what is unwanted to simply deciding what your preferences are. Inclusion is an act of acceptance, of unity consciousness, of love.

Inclusion takes you out of the energetic layer that holds judgment, struggle, fighting and rejecting – engaging with what is unwanted – into an entirely new energetic platform that is much more efficient and satisfying to create from. It demonstrates your ability to peacefully choose, rather than fight.

Most of all, inclusion finally moves you into the receiving of your own unconditional love and acceptance, demonstrating that you finally see yourself as an honoured, divine, worthy, and beloved part of the whole, and thus, embodying your truth and what it is you wish to experience more of.

It is through inclusion, Dear Ones, not exclusion, that you will finally create the peace, support, and joyful expressions of self you’ve been seeking. ~Archangel Gabriel


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My darling child, I know you are tired and frustrated. I know that you wish all of the changes that are taking place right now would hurry up and be over. You are going through a very human experience; be grateful for it because it will never happen again. And, when it is over, you will be able to look back and see it for what it truly is…..a priceless gift of growth and learning. ~ Creator


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Organic Rice Crop Yields Debunk Myth GMOs Are Needed to Feed the World

by Christina Sarich, Underground Reporter

Bihar, India — In India’s poorest state, farmers are setting world-breaking records growing rice and other staple foods, without the help of genetically modified organisms, and none of Monsanto’s billion-dollar herbicides.

With the biotech industry claiming that the world can only be fed with heavily-doused herbicidal crops coming from genetically modified seed, it’s astonishing to see a region responsible for providing food for so many people, churning out some of the biggest yields ever — 22.4 tonnes of rice on one hectare of land, to be exact.

The crop yields being realized by Indian farmers are simply phenomenal and have been achieved by employing age-old, yet simple, growing techniques like using farmyard manure and forgoing herbicides.

GFP Newsletter - 8/31/2016

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Your so-called greatest scholars are continuously proving their slavery to the establishment.

None of them is a rebel. They are hankering for the prizes and awards the establishment can bestow upon them: respectability, honor. They are all desiring to be Nobel laureates, but to get the Nobel prize you have to sell your soul. You have to accept a thousand and one things that no intelligent person can accept.

You have to support the status quo, the people who are in power, who have the money. You are just a puppet to them. Yes, it is a very mutual conspiracy: they give you the Nobel prize, they give you honorary doctorates, they make you world famous; in return you support their exploitation, their oppression, and whatever nonsense they are doing. You have to become a protecting wall.


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US State Department Offers $3 Million Bounty on ISIS Leader THEY Trained

by Alice Salles, The Anti-Media

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIS, has been known to use weapons and vehicles their militants have seized from rebel forces backed by the United States. But many have also speculated that in the past, members of the terrorist group were trained or provided with weapons by the U.S. government — either directly or indirectly. Now, the rumors have finally been put to rest in a more formal fashion.

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Prescription Painkiller Deaths Have Dropped 25% In States That Legalized Marijuana

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

In all states that have legalized medical marijuana, there has been a 25% reduction in deaths related to the overdose of legally prescribed painkillers.

There is still heated controversy in the United States about whether or not marijuana should be legalized for recreational use, let alone medicinal purposes. After reviewing a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2014, you’ll likely agree that it’s much safer for cannabis to be doled out than most prescription opioids.

For the study, researchers analyzed all deaths caused by opioid overdoses between 1999 and 2010 in the U.S. Then, they determined the association between medical cannabis laws and opioid analgesic-related deaths using linear time-series regression models. The various models helped the researchers determine that in every state that legalized medical marijuana between the aforementioned years (a total of 13 states), there was a 25% reduction in deaths related to the overdose of legally prescribed painkillers.

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Kratom Now Schedule 1: Cartel Sex Scandal Shamed DEA Suppresses Herb Imports

August 31, 2016 | Cassius Kamarampi

(Era of Wisdom) What gives a government the right to use force against people for consuming an herb or substance?

In my humble opinion, nothing gives the state or anyone that right. After decades of the drug war in the United States and all over the world, it’s abundantly, obscenely clear that people should have a right to consume what they will, and the law doesn’t stop people either way.

Despite all of this, the consistently criminal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) essentially declared martial law on kratom yesterday, placing it into an “emergency” Schedule 1 classification: the same classification heroin is placed under.

After the head of DEA Michele M. Leonhart was forced to step down over a scandal involving cartel supplied prostitutes in Columbia, how could anyone consider their authority legitimate, even if one believes the government should be able to regulate what we consume?

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Thank You for Arising

God said:

How lovely is a day with God. How lovely is a day simply wanting to be with God. How lovely is a day full with God and Service to God and Service to the Universe. How lovely is a day when I, God, am your Prime Mover, a day when you do not even think of yourself, a day when you are One with the Creativity of Life and the Beauty of Being One with God and One with Everything.

This is a day when the Whole Universe is knowingly contained within you. You are the Universe. Nothing is outside of you. No longer do you appear to be a small dot on the horizon. Now, you are the horizon and beyond the horizon. You are not contained within the Universe and all the Galaxies. You are not a portion. You are Infinity Entire. All of Infinity is your Identity.

No longer are you this or that. No longer are you filled with varying emotions or a preponderance of thoughts and memories and activities. You are vibrant. You are the herald of all energy and all light. There is nothing outside you. Nothing exists outside you. There is no wrapping. You are all that exists. All is contained within you. There is nothing that is not within you. Divine are you.

You are the Union of the Universe. You are Oneness, and there is nothing that is not Oneness. In one step, you cover Heaven and Earth. Nothing exists apart from you. You are Existence Itself.


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