~ The Energy of The Twin Flame and The New Earth=Heart~

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~The Energy of the Twin Flame is All Inclusive, All Embracing, and All Accepting of the True Love Being Made Manifest…Twin Flames are the Unification in the Physical Manifest with the Celestial…and Consciousness being transformed into awareness….as Love Un~Conditional…this would be the name for the New energy because it includes all and w/out seperation or isolation of illusionary ego….for we are Unifying together…The True Awakening of Humanity in the Highest of Love Universally….


In this Living Universe there are many Planets Awakened into the Divine presence of Being as a Universal experience of Oneness…and All of the Celestial participate in the Awakening of Humanity into their Oneness …It is Global, Galactic, Universal, and Multi-Dimensional…Love is the Oneness that connects Us All Together..in Love..Un~Conditional


All eyes in the Universe are watching this Planet and Humanity, for as the Planet Awakens so do they get to advance, We are all in this together, Equally~ Universal Government is Divine Equality Being Embraced and Expressed~


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 Happiness is a choice to make ESPECIALLY when… you feel like the Universe is conspiring against you because WHEN YOU ENERGIZE NEGATIVE THOUGHT YOU then empower more negative in your life…




~YOU are NOT a victim of Circumstance








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Meredith Murphy



Feeling it! Big incoming light in the crown chakra and the jaw and back of the neck are feeling it! Heart chakra is expanded and open. Rather intense for my head! The feel of the quality of this light to me is thick, wide, also coming up from Earth. I experience it as joyful, a bit excited and with a sense of thrill and anticipation. Remember that all light coming in is information and has unique qualities; notice what the feel is and what the information is. It really enriches the experience for me! It’s the language of the New Earth: Sensation. Being.



Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF

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Source: The Automatic Earth - Raul Ilargi Meijer, 9/7/12

 Buda Castle, Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest

I don't know about you, but I would label my personal knowledge of Hungary as wanting, if not painfully incomplete. It's not an easy country to come to grips with, not least of all of course because Hungarian doesn't look like any western language we know with the possible exception of Finnish. I did visit just after the Wall came down, and remember huge contrasts, almost paradoxes, between rural poverty and a capital, Budapest, that was much richer than other capitals such as Prague, a leftover of Budapest's status as meeting place between western and eastern diplomats and businessmen.

Active 2012 Hurricane Season Filled With Oddities

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TWC – Active 2012 Hurricane Season Filled With Oddities – 11 September 2012

GFP Comment: wheter one believes this weather changes are man made or part of Mother Earth's shift changes, the fact is these changes are happening and, in the end, they serve the light as they do assist our Planet in the great cleaning of old energies that were held upon her for much too long. Love, your earth allies.



( for the videos and pictures go to the link at the end.)

The 2012 Atlantic hurricane season has been a busy one so far. The season-to-date statistics have far outpaced the long-term averages since 1966.

On average, we don’t reach the sixth named storm of the season until September 8. In 2012, we’ve already had more than double this number with a total of thirteen named storms. The number of hurricanes so far this season (seven) already almost equals the average number of hurricanes (eight) in an entire season during the current active era from 1995 to 2011.

From a fast start to a July lull and a record-tying August, we’ve seen many oddities in the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season. Let’s step through these beginning with the 2012 “preseason” storms.

~ Love Truths To Brighten Up Your Day~

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..~11~ The Age of Angels comes to the Tribe of Blue Fire, of Initiation. The Teachers of Light speak into the world, they hold the keys that unlock the time codes of destiny. The gods and goddesses of this galaxy call the dreamers to awaken & move with the fast flowing river of the heavens. The Wayshowers are feeling… the increase of power & the acceleration of the flow rushing towards destiny and prophesy….Rysa


DIVINE STARSEED~This Earth’s school is a reality show for the Universe and I am so honored to be here NOW, at this amazing times… Oh my dear brothers and sisters of the humanity, it is now time for us to make the right choice, to be the light and love that we are… My love has no limits, I am fulfilled… I can feel the whole Universe inside me… We are all blessed to be a part of this “mission earth”, so let us make it count… We truly are a tribe of many multidimensional colours… We are shining in pure LOVE ♥ ~




T-100: 100 Days and Counting

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2012 September 11

by Steve Beckow

The countdown clock at the foot of this site numbers 100 days today, September 11, 2012 – 9/11. One-hundred days until liftoff. T-100.


Viewed from my perspective, everything behind the scenes that I’m aware of, and much of it cannot be shared, is expanding in significance, demanding that lightworkers become more conscious, calling on us to raise our maturity levels, asking us to true up to our commitments,  etc.


One reader wrote to me a short while ago and accused me of trying to take a “fathering” role and said it was neither wanted nor needed. I hear that the mission I’m at work on sounds like that, but I can neither yield to such an allegation and cease what I’m doing nor allow myself to become afraid of facing comments such as that.

How To Make Natural Toothpaste

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How To Make Natural Toothpaste

By , About.com Guide

GFP: Some of our readers asked us about making home made fluoride-free tothpaste, here is one way that seems pretty cheep and easy. 
It's easy to make your own natural toothpaste! These instructions are especially useful if you are trying to minimize exposure to fluoride, such as for children or people who already have fluorosis. This toothpaste is sugar-free and non-toxic.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Minutes

~What is NESARA Law?~ REPOST~

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Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. It was signed into Law on October 10, 2000 by Bill Clinton. It has been kept secret by members of Congress and the US Supreme Court who are working in collusion with the banks.


The Library of Light My 4th NDE

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By “Mr. M”

Nothing remains the same after an individual has a near-death experience … nothing. The NDE forces one to remain open to the world of possibilities because who could have possibly imagined the death trip to begin with. From my point of view, had it not been for the magnitude of my initial NDE in 1972, the three that followed would have been less cohesive. As such, I’ve come to believe that multiple NDEs build upon one another in a series and I’ve written to the aftereffects of the first three on my own website at www.neardeathdialogues.com. Yet, it seems fitting that I submit my fourth (and, I hope, final) experience here, because it is the likes of Kevin Williams who have championed our individually communal cause and allowed those of us who’ve endured the journey to share what we’ve found on the other side of the veil.



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Posted on September 11, 2012

Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


Our galactic brothers and sisters are disclosing their presence with us!  One of the ways in which they do so is to appear in the skies as a cloud.  The cloud can be a variety of shapes, but will appear more solid and resemble one of the several types of space ships.


Beginning on September 9, 2012, reports of saucer-like clouds filling the sky in all directions began to appear on facebook.  These reports were from upstate New York, New York City, Maryland, and Virginia.  I am posting photos that I made on September 10, 2012 in Richmond, Virginia.  I could feel their presence in the sky.


 Our galactic family comes in peace, thus their silent appearance in our glorious blue sky.



Ben Fulford: Japanese finance minister murdered, new Chinese leader missing, climax approaching

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Posted by benjamin

September 11, 2012


Tadahiro Matsushita, Japan’s Finance Minister, was murdered Monday in an attempt by the cabal to extort more money out of Japan. In addition, upcoming Chinese leader Xi Jinping has vanished from public view after shunning a meeting with Hillary Clinton and refusing to finance her cabal last week. Furthermore, Neil Keenan and his family have all been recently hit by a nasty virus that we hear was spread by Italian agents working for former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. Also last week NATO went on full military alert and was planning to attack Syria and provoke war with China and Russia before it was stopped by a UK RAF whistleblower who alerted colleagues at the Pentagon, according to both MI5 and CIA sources. All of these incidents are part of the final death throes of the Satanic cabal that was attempting to install a fascist world government after starting World War 3.

Multiple death threats have also been directed at this writer along with a raid on my house by Japanese tax police. The time for talk is over and direct action to deal with these mass murdering scum has begun.

Konstantinos: A parable from my Arcturian Family~’Light and Dark’

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Sep 11

Posted by kp40


Our warm greetings to you Dear Ones!


The parable we are transferring to you trough this message is about the story of a 32-year-old woman, Jill. Jill was a lawyer. You will see later why we are saying ‘was’. From a young age, particularly since she was 3 years old, Jill had as an intense characteristic the often laughter. Her family was happy about it, till they realized that she was doing that without looking at them, but at the ceiling!



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