Ascension Diary Wednesday 12th September

Oz Angel's picture

Time is still playing silly buggers with me ~ I feel like I'm now living in "the eternal now" as I really have no idea of days or dates, when I'm sending correspondence from my business I find myself having to switch my phone on just so I can recite the time or the day.. The fact that I can say that my relationship with time has changed shows to me how far I have come on my journey. Only a few years ago wherever I looked I would be surrounded by clocks, and would be constantly asking what the time was, how much time we had left (on a certain project), what time did i have to be somewhere etc.. Then one day I got rid of clocks in my house, this didn't happen over night, but gradually one by one the clocks went by the wayside... No bedside clock, no clock in the kitchen, no watch.. These days the only timepiece in my house is the one that is on the front of my microwave. Yet I'm never late for appointments, I have plenty of time to get whatever needs to be done in my day done and find that I am far less stressed. I've now discovered time works 'for' me not 'against' me.. A significant shift in my belief system and one that I've noticed cementing itself to me as a marker on my ascension journey. So I find it interesting that yesterday a common theme I heard when talking to people was time and the varying beliefs that we all hold around it.. I had a realisation when I was talking to a friend over dinner last night that busy is our new collective definition of success.. Think about it, how many times do you hear people ask "You keeping busy" "Have you been busy" "Are you busy".. I could go on and on, and a lot of responses when you ask people 'how' they are will respond with "busy". The realisation I had was this... Busy keeps us in the dark to the truth... If you truly wish to connect with your heart, your higher self, your spirit then you look to slow things down and go within..

Pink's Preview Tuesday Sept. 11, 2012 Events

Lia's picture

1) Costa Rican earthquake did not relieve pressure
2) rotten smell wreaks havoc across S. California
3) Activity increases at Indonesia's Mt. Krakatau
4) Costa Rica's earthquake aftermath - 1,650 aftershocks and still shaking.


Worry Not-Waste Not

David Porter's picture


I am attempting to CATCH YOUR EYE  ' ' Here try this: December, 21st, 2012, THE END OF TIME AS WE KNOW IT TO BE!!! However, we are fast approaching the 'stabilization' of a 'NEW PHASE' if you will, of life on Earth, and a NEW EARTH as well. The Aliens in Missouri that I have previously posted here caught quite a bit of attention from you and some of you that are living in "FEAR" of our "Ancestors" yes our family members that have been called back to us in the major shifts that are now occurring and will continue long after the end of 2012.

But for now it is High time to get out of your states of 'FEAR' as this will PREVENT you from entering the "GATES OF HEAVEN" as most of you in the west understand it to be, or 5th Dimension. I'm not the guy with all the information, but have been blessed with the time to find much of the truth of what is and will continue to transpire to bring us up and out of the muck and mire into the LIGHT/CHRIST Energies that are permeating our Planet and won't be letting up anytime soon.

Did you know that CMEs or Solar Flares once they arrive that they don’t dissipate without leaving their new “mark?”  This new energy signature is Permanent. It changes everything from when it arrives into the new future that it just established.  

All the symptoms that you are experiencing are shared in differing ways by all of us now. I mean tell me that your sleep patterns and eating habits are body aces and pains are normal, I know better as I am one of you. This nearly constant stream of Energy coming to us now is causing the 'dark forces' to "SHINE FORTH" (Every Eye Shall See") in this LIGHT.

How To Clear Blocks In The Energy Field

Lia's picture


Thank You to



Everyone on Earth has blocks in their energy fields. Our souls carry an energetic imprint of everything that has ever occurred during our entire soul’s evolution.


We are at a time in our evolution where these blocks are being released so we can free ourselves of our karmic distortions and imbalances that no longer serve our highest good. As the Earth continues to move further and further into the photon belt of the transformational Christ Light Energies it will be important for us to actively participate in our own energetic clearing.


Every soul is a cell on the Earth’s body and part of our soul’s mission is to heal ourselves. When we clear out our energetic blocks ~ raising our vibrations ~ we assist the Earth and All of Humanity paving the way for a smooth, easy transition into the VERY high vibrational energies of the New Earth.


The gifts 9/11 gave me

Oz Angel's picture


Yesterday in Australia we saw the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on humanity… 11 years before 9/11 saw George Bush SNR gives us this (now) famous quote ”“[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times…a new world order can emerge.” 

The acts that were carried out against humanity 11 years ago should not be forgotten, but nor should it (in my opinion) be a constant source of further inflammation of hate and anger. Instead of further enslaving humanity 9/11 for me has become a beacon of awakening. It was the turning point for me to begin my investigation as to what really happened that day, which led to me having a much clearer understanding of those who would seek to control/ manipulate/ cajole and eliminate. Unfortunately for them the fear and scare mongering that was force fed to us through the mainstream media did not work on me, and so I looked deeper, followed the trail and found that the real truth did not align with what was being ‘sold’ to us through the media.

9/11/2012 -- Large Eruption at Sakurajima Volcano in Japan

Lia's picture

After a period of relative silence, Sakurajima Volcano in Japan has given off a spectacular eruption. Large volumes of magma/lava , static discharge lightning, ash, and steam are propelled miles into the air.

Still on elevated alert around the area in south Japan from the agency which monitors this chain of volcanoes.

mirrored with permission from:

~Update from Sheldon Nidle~ The Coming Transformation~

Lia's picture

4 Cauac, 7 Zip, 9 Eb


Dratzo! We come today to give you a message. This message is about the coming transformation of your world. At present, a number of spectacular events are happening around your globe. They herald the great change that is preparing to manifest. Humanity is awakening from its long slumber and is no longer inclined to allow its earthly masters to dictate which path to follow. Humanity is now actively advocating that true democracy be established on your world, and the old guard who led the former global kleptocracy is no longer able to force you to blindly obey their commands. The multitudes are calling for a general discussion on every issue. The protests in Mexico, the formal decrees in Iceland, and the active rebellion in Syria demonstrate the degree of determination that lies behind what humanity is demanding en masse from its 'rulers.' The time has come for a clean sweep, leading to a wholly new paradigm which can supply real solutions to age-old problems; but above all, it must be a time when universal sovereignty becomes a living, breathing reality that is honored and safeguarded by every nation on the planet.


Little Horse Thief Fire threatens Jackson, Wyoming

Rain's picture

Source:, Ann Kreilkamp, 9/11/12.

Possible evacuation area as of one day ago. Fire approaching from southwest.

In any other year, this fire, which threatens a resort area visited by millions each summer, might have made the national news.

I remember 1988, when the gigantic Yellowstone fire blanketed the valley with a thick pall and no rain fell between April and October. That fire was heavily covered by national and international media.

But now, in this unprecedented era of global weirding, fire — and drought, and dead forests due to pine beetle infestation — is only one of the geophysical stresses we face.

Obama-Hugger Scott Van Duzer - Founder of The Van Duzer Foundation

Rain's picture

Scott Van Duzer gained a lot of attention from the media after this video of the Obama-hugging Republican went viral.

According to The Huffington Post,

On Monday, Van Duzer appeared on "The Situation Room," explaining to Wolf Blitzer the hug was spontaneous, not staged, as some have alleged. "I guess I got caught up in the moment," Van Duzer said. "I had a brief moment when I knew he was coming. He opened up the door and he was like, 'Where's Scott at?' ... I was just so excited, I just gave him a big hug and picked him up. It was crazy."

Changes in the Sun are Changing Science as we Know It.

Lia's picture



 by Vatic Master 

*** This is back up because of the massive actions of the sun right now, and this is a year and two months later from when we first published this article. Check out the video and decide for yourselves, but everything discussed here seems to be accelerating right now and its to the good for us. I believe the dark forces are way late in achieving their agenda so far because of it.


We have added a new section, Part 2 to the existing one and it confirms what we found back then and is being confirmed by the current behavior of the sun outside of its normal activity during its normal active cycle period. Definitely watch both videos, especially the second one about how it will change humans.


Holding our vibration: Moving into the Heart

Lia's picture

Dear Ascension Pioneers!

The more that we realize how important it is to hold our vibration at its highest right now, the more this will become a daily priority in our life. This is what is of utmost importance on our planet right now, and that is what so many volunteers came here to do. That is why we are truly invited to bring even more Love and Light when it gets the most challenging and difficult. And remember, all is a matter of perception anyway, so we are also invited to keep working on that. Nothing is either good or bad, for it's all about the experience.

We are not to give our power away to the external; the conditions, situations and people in our life, they are supposed to empower us as we keep sending more Light and Being the Love that we are!

Remember ... only Love has the power, for Love is truly the only real power in all Creation!

Within Divine Love, Polona

China’s President-in-Waiting ‘Disappears’

Lia's picture
Commentary by Stephen Cook

Xi Jinping. Photo: Reuters

China’s President-in-Waiting ‘Disappears’

Stephen: It seems China’s Vice President, Xi Jinping, may well have been in containment for some time; or at least he is now. There are many rumours that the country’s leadership is about to change faces and policies, so maybe he requires a little bit more Lightwork before he can take up his new job? Or maybe he’s not the man for the job at all? I doubt there is a conspiracy at work here as this story implies – simply the light forces in action, I suspect.


It’ll be interesting to see if Xi surfaces a changed man or ‘disappears’ for good – like many other world leaders, especially those in Africa, who have been recently unable to cope with the ‘demands’ of their time in containment – and have left this world for good.


What’s interesting is that this ‘disappearance’ is making headlines around the world; showing how much more open China’s political scene has already become… and on this particular day, too.


Increasing Connected Communication

glr_Andrea's picture


Increasing Connected Communication


Communication, they say, is a skill and an art, something we must learn and work at to refine. Whether it’s a business, family or friendship interaction, communication is an important tool throughout our lives. We can employ it to improve ourselves, others and the world. 

HeartMath believes the most sincere and effective form of communication is connected communication, in which the heart is engaged. Most of us communicate with any number of individuals every day. Often, though we exchange words and gestures or make eye contact, or we telephone, e-mail or use other means, our interactions can frequently lack the heart warmth of authentic communication.


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