~ReHearter from OSHO~ Very Important Truths for the Moments we are IN!~

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You are accustomed to fight, you are accustomed to swim upstream. The ego feels nourished if you fight with something; if you don't fight, the ego simply evaporates.

IT IS VERY ESSENTIAL FOR THE EXISTENCE OF THE EGO TO CONTINUE FIGHTING. This way or that, in worldly matters or in spiritual matters, but go on fighting. Fight with others or fight with oneself, but continue to fight. The people you call worldly are fighting with others, and the people you call spiritual are fighting with themselves. But the basic thing remains the same.

THE REAL VISION ARISES ONLY WHEN YOU STOP FIGHTING. Then you start disappearing -- because WITHOUT FIGHT, THE EGO CANNOT EXIST FOR A SINGLE MOMENT -- it needs constant pedaling. It is just like a bicycle. If you stop pedaling, it has to fall; it cannot continue for long -- maybe a little while because of the past momentum. But your cooperation is needed for the ego, to keep it alive. And the cooperation is through fight, resistance.

When I say to you to float, I mean that YOU ARE SUCH A SMALL, TINY PART OF THE COSMOS, it is absolutely absurd to fight with it. With whom are you fighting? ALL FIGHT IS BASICALLY AGAINST GOD, BECAUSE HE SURROUNDS YOU. If you are trying to go up-current, you are trying to go against God. If he is flowing downwards to the ocean, go with him.


~ A Message from The Angels~ We are Here to Help~

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Who you are is our business. Ultimately it is everyone’s business. You see we are all one, all connected, all divine. Therefore what you do or become affects all of us. Do not turn your back on Angelic help; allow us to do our business with you. Allow us to help you to carry the load. Notice we did not say we will carry the load for you, but we are here to help you carry the load. We will take some of the weight off your shoulders, but it is you who will have to take the footsteps to move forward. Propel yourself toward who you desire to become, for in that desire is Truth. For in that desire is the memory of what you planned for yourself, what you knew for yourself was possible.


Preparing for Fall Equinox, 2012!

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9/11/12– Love/Light Message from the celestial team

Beloved, we greet you most earnestly at this current “time” of your linear experience of the All.

Our frequencies are very earnest NOW on your behalf, indeed, for what we greatly desire to communicate to you is of the utmost importance. In truth, many of us from the angelic realms have stepped forward in this transmission to “lead the orchestra,” you might say. We do so that our message–which is from the all of us in the celestial team, of course–be delivered in the clearest tones possible, so that they may then be understood and taken in by you as simply and easily as possible. We explain this to you because, as you are opening your heart to receive the energy that is carried through our message, we are quite sure that you are noticing that it feels a bit different from most of our messages. “Less fizzy, for one thing,” as our Judith says! That is, in fact, quite true. We of the angelic realms are channeling much of this transmission from the all of us through our own  tones, so that there is less complexity (or less “fizz!”) within the message, and more purely fluid simplicity. We wish you to experience our message flowing into you effortlessly. A useful metaphor would be to feel it as “liquid love.”

October Surprise ~ A Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin

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Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Comment from Father God~ We are Waiting for Obama to Disclose the sooner the better NOW.

Greetings this is Lord Ashtar communicating to you from the New Jerusalem Flagship.
Today is the 11th Anniversary of the events of 9/11/01. All of you are in the forefront of our minds today.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Friendship Friendship and support

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Friendship

Friendship and support

You make many contracts of friendship and support with your soul family, which is all around you. Cultivate and nourish your friendships as they are very much a part of understanding your separateness from each other. No one plans to go it alone and just as you are honouring your part of the contract, others will honour theirs. Take some time today and call an old friend, or start a new friendship with someone. Heal a friendship that has been strained in some way. Release ones that are not healthy for you and cut the cords that might be binding you to a lower energy. Forgive yourself and others and let go.



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_________ Message from the "team"_________


~ Peggy Black and the "team"


We are here to offer a clear coherent vibration of revitalization to you. When we observe those who have been anchoring the new reality with their actions and intentions we can sense the weariness that you carry. Be embraced with our deep gratitude for holding the template and calling forth a reality of harmony and well-being for all.

Do not be discouraged by what is unfolding; do not allow anger and fear to dominate your thoughts, feelings and energy field. Recommit. Recommit, revitalize and remember the truth within your sacred heart. You are here at this time of great changes on purpose. You are the anchor as well as the doorway for the galactic family of light to unite. You hold a physical position on this planet by your conscious presence.

It is most important for you to continue to refuel and renew yourself often. There are certain requirements that your physical vehicle needs in order to function at its highest and best. You are aware of the valuable role of water, eating organic fresh foods if possible, giving yourself time for rest, and interface with nature to replenish a calm state of mind. These are all common sense suggestions for your personal well-being.

Gabriel's Monthly Weather Report Of Physical & Emotional Symptoms for September - December, 2012

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We have reached a time that has received more attention than any other year we could mention... a year of major prophecy and change.


"The end of the world" as we have known it... What does that mean? it is a time when energetic shifts, as well as the transition of cycles will create more transformation, endings and beginnings, than anything we have ever known.


2012 is being called a Year of Prepration for Service (as you move through Disillusionment into Enlightenment) by Archangel Gabriel.


In the Overview of the Year, we have talked about the three quadrants (four-month segments) of the year. This channeling will be about the last four months of the year specifically.


People Appreciation Day: One lovely story of reaching out

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Submitted by bwheeler on 08/16/2012 - 09:04 


 Yesterday was People Appreciation Day,  a day when Americans were exhorted to invite to lunch someone different from them. One of the organizers of the event posted this story on his Facebook page from a friend of his.

It's a sad truth, but without the cause of People Appreciation Day and push by Andy McFly, today would not have happened.

My intent was to buy a bunch of food and feed as many people as I could in the time that I had. What happened was this:

I show up to McDonalds and tell the young lady behind the counter I would like to order 40 cheeseburgers. A manager standing behind her says, "WOW, you hungry?" I told her my plans to find as many homeless people as I could and get some food in their bellies. She shrugged. A few minutes later, the manager returns with 40 burgers and says "great idea....they're on me." I said GOD IS GOOD and headed out.

Oracle Report - Wednesday, September 12, 2012

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Leo

Today our minds are concerned with bigger questions.  Even simple issues will be seen against the background of something greater.  Patterns are becoming more visible, especially patterns where we have acted in accordance to what we think we deserve.  This is happening to change our perspective.  What is best for you? This is what we are confronted with today.  There is a big answer to this and it speaks to the core of who we are.  This relates directly to the Black Moon entering Gemini.  It doesn't matter if your Black Moon is in Gemini or not.  This is being experienced at the collective level by everyone to some degree. From my book:

Visionkeeper - Are you feeling it?

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Are you feeling it?

Posted on September 12, 2012 


So, are you feeling things intensely and finding perhaps you are just a bit out of balance and shaky? I sure am. I know yesterday September 11th had some major issues surrounding it, but beyond that, the energy coming in to earth is powerful! I have continued to drop things all morning, tripped over rugs and just a short while ago fell down the last five steps of the stairway into a heap on the tile floor below. I am okay aside from a cut hand and a sore back and rear, but boy, yesterday was not my day. I know what the Oracle report had to say about it and I guess I was falling into step. I find the more we seem to be getting realignments within the more out of whack my body becomes while trying to function in 3D. I will be most pleased when we are finally in place somewhere and we stop this jumping in and out of dimensions.

'Unrevealed Secrets' About UFOs To Be Described By Ex-Military During Lecture

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International Business Times - Jeff Stone, 9/2/12

(Photo: Wikipedia)
Former military officials -- including two who were associated with the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book -- will speak during a Sept. 22 lecture in Las Vegas. They promise to delve into some of the previously unknown information the military has about UFOs. The accompanying picture was taken in New Jersey in 1952.

Las Vegas' National Atomic Testing Museum will host a lecture that promises UFO secrets will be revealed. The event on Sept. 22 will feature UFO investigators that used to be in the military, including former officials of the U.S. Air Force's now-defunct Project Blue Book, according to the museum website.

Costa Rican officials: A strong earthquake could still occur in Guanacaste

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Tico Times - 9/11/12

Experts confirmed the Sept. 5 magnitude-7.6 earthquake was the ‘Big One’ they’ve been expecting, but the fault rupture was only of 50 percent.

After a series of analyses conducted in the northwestern province of Guanacaste, experts from the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (Ovsicori) reported Tuesday that another quake of equal or greater magnitude could occur in Nicoya Peninsula, but predicting when it would happen is “impossible .”

Marino Protti, Ovsicori’s lead scientist, explained that the magintude-7.6 earthquake on Sept. 5 caused a 40 percent slip and an inclination of 1.8 meters on the fault located in Nicoya.

To read the rest of this story, visit TicoTimes.net.

Indonesian volcano shakes, spews lava

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UPI - 9/10/12

Anak Krakatau is the small, brownish island in the center of the photograph. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

HARGOPANCURAN, Indonesia, Sept. 10 (UPI) -- Ongoing activity by Indonesia's Mount Anak Krakatau has residents of nearby coastal areas concerned as the volcano spewed more lava, officials said.

On Monday the volcano in the Sunda Strait spewed hot lava and other volcanic material 2,000 feet above its peak, the Antara news agency reported.

To read the rest of this story, visit UPI.com.


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