The manuscript of survival – part 133

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The manuscript of survival – part 133




 •May 10, 2012 • 


Tension will be running high as the incoming energies starts to work their magic on you all. Or rather, magic will seem to be a somewhat ill-fitting word, as you will in so many ways feel less than magic as these waves take their toll on you. Already, some of you will have been hit hard by these emissions, and the physical and mental bodies are both struggling to keep up with the pace. This will only be intensifying as the day goes by and more and more of these emissaries from outer space hits your shores. But do not be frightened dear souls.

FREEDOM PROJECT: Russia President Putin will miss G8 Camp David summit...

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Very Nice news of yesterdays 'surprising' decision from Obama's Brother in Arms Vladimir Putin not to attend G8 Summon in Camp David on 18.5.12...


Instead he is sending Dmitry Medvedev, counterpart of Hilary Clinton in USA... So, if you allow me small addition to the politicians to be closely observed [and escorted to closest FEMA...] during G8 are Medvedev and Clinton Hillary too...


Her hubby will be waiting there already, so they can have cells next to each other... among their war buddies Bush, Kissinger, Cheney... and many many more... 


Please, enjoy the show, as it will be the most enlightening last meeting of G8 and politicians as we know it...


Love and Freedom is Here, PSG



COMEDY CIRCLE: Keiser Report: I Steal, Therefore I Am (E286)...

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Follow Max Keiser on Twitter:

In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss MF Global's fraud playbook, Jamie Dimon's give and take, take, take and the fact that nine out of ten tapeworms bear an uncanny resemblance to the JP Morgan CEO. In the second half of the show Max talks to Chris Whalen, senior managing partner of Tangent Capital, about fascism, too big to fail and Jamie Dimon's problem.

Oracle Report ~ Monday May 10 2012

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Thursday, May 10, 2012


Disseminating Moon Phase

Right now we are undergoing growing pains resulting from the weekend's super-conjunction of the Sun, the Black Moon, and Jupiter, and the super Full Moon that was the biggest and brightest of the year.  Our energetic fields were re-calibrated in a blazing interface with the planet, and the upgrade was a big one.  However, if we didn't have that upgrade, the things that the Sun is doing now would be blowing us away psychologically and physically (as it is going to do to most people over the next few days).  The biggest sunspot in years is extremely active with intense radio bursts and M-class flares, and it continues to amp up.  It is getting stronger.  This photograph was taken of the Tuesday night sky over Alberta, Canada by Z. Kenwell (on  It shows the effects of the Sun on the Earth and the energy that is permeating us.

Heavenletter #4185 The Prime of Life,

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Heavenletter #4185 The Prime of Life, May 10, 2012 

God said: 


What wonderful words will I speak today? From where within your heart shall I approach? Ah, yes, it is you who must come to Me because I am already here. Drag yourself over to Me. Or leap over to Me. I am here. I am never away. I am right here, eager to have you notice Me. See Me now. Feel Me now. I am right here with you.

Your senses don't tell you everything. Your senses leave a lot out. They are not utterly reliable. I AM.

You may say, "How can You call Yourself reliable, God? You have set up the loss of human life. Do You have any idea how that tears at our hearts? Do you know what it is to lose a loved one?"

Wes Annac – The Golden Council Of Acclipthys : An Invitation To Take Part In Our Meditative Rituals

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Wes Annac – The Golden Council Of Acclipthys : An Invitation To Take Part In Our Meditative Rituals – 9 May 2012

Posted on May 10, 2012 by lucas2012infos 

by GLR Wes Annac-

We are the Golden Council of Acclipthys, and we come to humanity with Love in our hearts and with an admiration for the densities and struggles that mankind has been ‘forced’ to sludge through as you all made your way through your difficult Life paths.

When it's Time to Say Goodbye

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When it's Time to Say Goodbye

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Lynette Leckie-Clark

29 April, 2012 


When it's Time to Say Goodbye


It was time to say goodbye to our beautiful, gentle Labrador. The decision to euthanase her, thus ending her life, was one we had wrangled with over two months. During this time we had decided yes, as we watched her struggling up and down the stairs in our home, limping toward us, her large shoulder joints riddled with arthritis. The once strong shoulders she had used to pull herself up as the strength had ebbed from her hips and thighs. But, after limping toward you, she would slowly sit sideways and give you the most gorgeous wide grin, full of love.

My Tribe ?

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Have you ever had the feeling you were in the wrong tribe? I certainly know plenty of inteligent, succesful, interesting and beautiful people. Then I open up and start  to share my truth..the lifetime full of other dimensional realities, " dreams " that are truly vivid training sessions on large craft larger than many cities. Training in how to travel, move speak and partake in humanitarian issues on other vibrational planes. The detailed instructions in new technolgies and the major changes in the future of human existance. Have you seen it ? That slow glaze that starts to cover the eyes of the person you are talking with, then maybe the anger..beneath the surface..real anger for discussing somthing so naturally that it disturbs every fiber of their being? Facebook posts without a single comment..are that many people still sleeping?? Yes, that many still are. Our work here as Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigos and so on can be a very isolating experience and most of us are born in to the tribe to bring the message, the news. It is important to remember that as a Light Bringer that we do have a tribe , a tribe that we may not have even met in this present focused reality, but we are one. We are working with our other members here in 3D and more. Soon our message will truly be shared far and wide and we will be leading the way, bringing the comfort, the peace the information and Lighting the path ! Stay strong all of you and remember the rest of us feel and appreciate your work !


Douglas Cole D.C.

David Wilcock ~ NEW~ DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order ~ 9 May 2012

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David Wilcock ~ NEW~ DIVINE INTERVENTION: ETs Defeating Old World Order ~ 9 May 2012



ETs are performing blatantly physical interventions to stop the “Powers that Were” from throwing Earth into war and chaos. Every aspect of the war machine is being systematically blocked — with a minimum of casualties.


[PLEASE NOTE: This investigation is undergoing dynamic updates, including new sections that will be uploaded as time permits. For this reason, please LINK to it and pull excerpts, but do not COPY and REPOST it, as it will be constantly changing. Thanks!]




Divine Intervention is now taking place on a dramatic, unprecedented basis — worldwide.

This is causing a complete, systematic failure of the war machine on every level.



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Unknown Light Arist



You have accepted yourself as who and what you are. 

You have humbly accepted your assignments within your journey with no strings attached. 

No what ifs and no looking to the past. You embody the living Truth with no drama, no trauma, in every moment that you are.

You embody personal integrity. This doesn’t mean how honest you are in the world, but how honest you are with yourself. 

Self-deception is one of the greatest causes of fear.

You can tell if you are in personal integrity, if how you feel on the inside matches what you experience on the outside. 

YouTuber alleges NASA cover up of spaceship spotted near Sun

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YouTuber alleges NASA cover up of spaceship spotted near Sun

By Peter Farquhar

Published May 09, 2012

  • 083183-spaceship-sun.jpg

    rob19791's "spaceship" (left) is almost identical to the one spotted last month (right). (YouTube user rob19791)

Either we aren't alone, or it's nigh time NASA fixed its dodgy cameras.

For the third time this year, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has returned an image of a giant UFO hovering near, or feeding off the Sun. Maybe.


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