Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-30-12

glr_Andrea's picture

Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

Here we are, our daily sightings.

Some new formations appearing, no more only in the sky but even flying close to the ground.

And on the news... again!

Who was the one that said disclosure is not happening?

Well, don’t remember, must have been a long long time ago, somewhere in the Middleages.

Enjoy the flight folks!

And get used to it.

What Sources Say We’ll Ascend on Dec. 21, 2012?

Lia's picture

What Sources Say We’ll Ascend on Dec. 21, 2012?

2012 April 30
Posted by GLR~ Steve Beckow

How do we know that Ascension will occur on Dec. 21, 2012? Who said it will? Various galactic, celestial and spiritual sources have. Why don’t we review their evidence to see who supports that date as the time of Ascension.


On Feb. 24, 2012, SaLuSa told us: “That you have a date for the completion of this cycle is wonderful, as it means you have something to set your sights upon as you count the days that remain.” (1) On some occasions, SaLuSa places the time at the end of 2012: “Nothing will stop the Ascension process from finally manifesting at the end of 2012.” (2) Elsewhere, he actually names the date as “the 21st of December,” 2012 (3) and “21.12.12.” (4)

Celestials like Archangel Michael support the same date for Ascension. Here he speaks through Celia Fenn on the matter: “Beloved Ones, you are all invited to be present at the Grand Ceremonies of Inauguration of the New Earth Reality on the 11/11/11, the 12/12/12 and the 21/12/12.” (5)



glr_Andrea's picture

the video im am showing is what looks to be a impact crater or that of a hole to hollow earth you make your own mind up thats just my opinion any one know what it realy is

New developer filtered by wikileaks video shot from a plane where you can see a large hole in the ground never before filmed, you can see a bright light from within.

The video was leaked by a series of documents that talked about the material of personnel authorized to fly over the area where only a few can pass and are under oath not to talk about what is in these places.
the video was recorded as unauthorized disclosure.

Some say it is proof of the polar openings to the center of the earth.
(and who argue that near the opening there is no ice in many other parts of Antarctica and a small town or military base near to guard the entry of unauthorized personnel)

others say it is the mark of a new meteorite impact.
malformation, a good trick computer, a giant crater.
ah also discussed the possibility that it is a mine as there are large mines with this aspect on the list of world's greatest holes.
the difference is that this mine would not be documented.

The truth is that this video is not without a great degree of mystery.

The last word you have, so I like to hear your opinion.


Please share this with everyone Lets Do This ~ MAKE THIS VIRAL!

Lia's picture

Please share this with everyone Lets Do This ~ MAKE THIS VIRAL!



It is time to take action! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of full moon this May. Millions of us will gather and visualize the liberation of our planet from the tyranny of the central bankers so that for the first time in our history we will have the chance to create our own destiny as free citizens of the Earth.

There is a plan, conceived by positive people in the military, supported by civil authority, to arrest the members of the banking Cabal for their crimes against humanity. Our visualization will support this plan, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We will support brave heroes that will carry out this plan. Something like this has never happened on this planet before. This is our chance to be a part of it!

Our mass effort on this day will be the trigger that will activate the plan so that it may come to its fruition. Our visualization on that day is our declaration of freedom and independence. Make this viral! Share it worldwide!
We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of full moon, which comes this May 5th /6th. Exact times for different time zones are:

8:30 pm PDT May 5th (Los Angeles)
9:30 pm MDT May 5th (Denver)
10:30 pm CDT May 5th (Houston)
11.30 pm EDT May 5th (New York)

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Worthiness

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Know that you deserve the best

You deserve to have all that you desire and even more. Trust and know that you are a beautiful child of Creator light and let know one diminish you. You are worthy of all things in your life. If you want to have more love, open your heart and love others with unconditional love and compassion. It does not matter what they say or do, love them beyond words. Remind yourself that you are beautiful and this beauty beams from your heart and acts like a beam of transformation. Open your heart.

Major Expansion! My my entire self.

Lia's picture

Major Expansion! My my entire self.

 30 April 2012 - 5:24pm|  jimmy

I'm so excited to report an awesome ascension experience. Like many lightworkers, for years I have been taking in energy through my various chakras, and also releasing energy through my crown chakra, sometimes through my feet down to the earth. I feel these energy exchanges in a very powerful way. I have experienced the opening of all chakras, and have also felt vertical connections being created between the chakras. Several other lightworkers have posted their experience of becoming a light post, a beam of light, a pillar of light, etc., connecting heaven and earth. I have enjoyed myself being a pillar of light with all chakras connected for about a year now, give or take. It has been been really awesome, and there is always a sense of excitement because I can't wait to see what happens next.


The manuscript of survival ~ part 128

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 128

 30 April 2012  aisha north
Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

Do not think yourselves lost even if you feel somewhat bedraggled at times, as this is only a natural reaction from all of the current energies you are being bombared with. As usual, on the outside, nothing seems to be changing at all, but we think you can all subscribe to the notion that nothing seems to be at ease and repose at the moment. In other words, things are constantly changing, swirling around and shifting to and fro. It can be very difficult to maintain balance in periods like this, but do not get too concerned if you mayhaps wobble a bit on your feet.



AnaShyNa's picture




I am actually so happy that I can answer to your genuine question, as well that you have a courage to state your thoughts and feelings... Thank you for this opportunity, dear Brother...






You are asking about Scotia Bank in particular, but this answer can be applied to any and all banks through the world: Banks who fully linked self with fiat money created with Fed reserve and Bank of Canada, or IMF, or BIS, in to lending funds to people of business will be dissembled and bankrupt as this trigger event happened... [my feeling is that TD Bank and Scotia are far less involved in this Ponzzy scheme, even if they belong to big 5 of the Bank of Canada's portfolio [read Queen of England..]


Lucas ~ Reflections Of Conscious Being ~ 30 April 2012

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Lucas ~ Reflections Of Conscious Being ~ 30 April 2012


In a wave of happiness I found myself when I read beautiful testimonies of wonderful lightbeings I not knew before. I got to know them by what they told. I heard what they said and saw what they expressed. It better said feeling, feeling One with their  stories and One with them in being One.


It is not a vague thing nor crap. It is like coming home after having some beautiful experiences with friends  together and having a super time. Or it is like walking in nature and seeing the beauty that surrounds us. Or See it like  meeting new people who give you new insights and broaden your horizon. Then you come home and sit fulfilled on your  couch home and enjoy those moments again.

You have the remembrance of reflections of being a conscious being. The light that has interacted with you from others and mother earth and the flora and fauna on her  is  part of you.  You are One with all and it has given you more than you hoped for.  You have felt the ultimate bliss of Oneness and love in a moment in time.


Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (April 30 2012)

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Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (April 30 2012)


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader

 The Week Ahead | April 30 2012

“A new paradigm comes along because it solves problems . . . that couldn’t be solved under the old paradigm . . . Create your own vision of what we might become as old paradigms slip away and new one coalesce.” - Michael W. Munn.


Are you paying attention to the universal sleight-of-hand that is about to happen this coming weekend? If you’re under pressure and thinking that it has all been self-generated then I have some good news for you. The first of two Super Full Moons will occur on May 5th (in Scorpio) and the second a month later on June 4th (in Sagittarius). And just for good measure the cosmos is tossing in a solar eclipse in Gemini on May 20th with a lunar eclipse occurring on the full moon (June 4th) also in Gemini.



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