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Fractal By Earth Allie Will Harader



~Kuthumi and Hilarion via Lynette Leckie-Clark


I Kuthumi and Lord Hilarion come to share with you knowledge, peace and love. We here are all aware of the stirrings of the great energy Gaia ( Earth) as she seeks to cleanse old energies, and prepare for the new. This is similar to what mankind must also undertake. Some have begun, some are merely thinking about the whole idea, others have completed, let go and are ready and waiting to step into the new energy fields almost upon you. Lord Hilarion will continue.


~Our Next Galactic Free Press Update~

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As we Prepare for Major events, we will allow the Energy to Process today. Our Next Update will Be On Monday April 30th, 2012. We are Preparing for Lots of Movement in May. The Oneness energy is On the Move~ Surfs Up~


~Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~


Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


Coming Solar Eclipse/Blood Moon/ Transit of Venus signicant to Mayans

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This is a Crop Circle that appeared in August of 2005. It was analyzed by experts in Mayan symbols. It reveals to them that May 20th 2012, the day of the Solar Eclipse, will be the (DAY ZERO)......

~Poofness Report~ A Massive Shift is Underway~

Lia's picture

Greetings and Salutations;


I’m sorry to have to still write and tell you what you’ve been waiting for, is still coming to you. Not any of us, but many who’d been waiting a lot longer than any of us are quite happy now. Considering some of the last been hangin’ since 1984. These are not the same as big lenders who got their principal back some time ago, like chinese families who were holding paper from ages ago and were given the face value of those docs. Once, certain things were opened up to me, I counted 100 zeroes to make the transition, and that wasn’t all. Looks they got enough to, ‘raise the dead and heal the sick’. The limits are being ripped off folks, how many are ready to be ‘gobsmacked’ at what appears at the end of their noses.


Remaining in the Now

maidenhair's picture

 We cannot live in a world anymore full of hatred anger it's unveiling to the human psyche


Alienment of our chakra's

Cement our Intellect & emotions for balanced


Release all your negativity that is found within you and

you will be set free


What's to come is a reality of galactic forces be ther in there now and feel the changes beneath you feet


Assuming we have to hang onto negativity is our past once the ascensions are in fold of we spark the light in every spiritual being and so it is..


Glenda J.

~Mother Earth’s Transition~

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Mother Earth’s Transition by Mother Earth
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 29/04/12
I send my love as a sweet scented fragrance upon a warm wind to embrace you fondly.
Let yourself accept my love as it flows with such bliss and joy from my being to connect
with your energy. The expression of the Creator’s love from the heart, soul and entire
being is one of the most beautiful and sacred blessings given to us all, let us rejoice in the
expression of unconditional love emanating from our bodies with each new sunrise. I am
the consciousness of Mother Earth, my deepest of blessings and dreams for your
ascension are with you now.

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~28~12 A Mass Awakening Has Begun~

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We announced Yesterday, that we have entered a Series of Events in the Oneness Energy, where all will unfold Synchronostically and Quickly. This is Occurring, as More Gather With Us in the Oneness Energy and in The Light of Real Family, Truth, Joy, Laughter, and True Equality. The Mass Awakening has begun and has been triggered in these Past 72 hours of High Intense Energy. This was A Prayer Answered for Mother Earth=Heart and HUmanity as ONE. For a Smooth Transition into the New Reality~

David Wilcock ~ Update On His Major Events : Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks ~ 29 April 2012

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David Wilcock ~ Update On His Major Events : Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks ~ 29 April 2012



We are about to post the next round of this battle — prior to my finishing the Divine Intervention piece.


It has taken quite a while to get everything properly in order, and I have had quite a grief process to work through on a personal level. Part of the problem is I see the site where it happened every time I go for a walk.


Nonetheless, I have made excellent progress.

Amazingly, when I went in to start the new article today, in preparation for posting, the exact time was 18:18:18 — down to the second. It was also 18:18 when I originated the previous article.

I must admit that even after seeing a lot of these synchronicities, this one particularly shocked me.

Montague Keen ~ 29 April 2012 The Truth Must Be Faced

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Montague Keen ~ 29 April 2012 The Truth Must Be Faced


My dear Veronica, I am very aware of the depth of pain you are feeling as so many reports of the Great Deception come to you from so many different sources. I know that it is hard to understand how such people have been able to hoodwink so many for so long. The problem is that people only see what they want to see. Unfortunately, the time has come when they have no choice. It is time to see things as they are, not as they would like them to be.


You have been cruelly deceived by the people you had placed your trust in. The Cabal are experts in deception, they have had years of practice. They thought they had covered everything, but they were not able to silence everyone. David Icke, Alex Jones, Gilad Atzmon, Michael Tsarion, and many others; as well as the creators of the web sites which have shown the strength of character to stand up to the abuse and attacks that have been levelled at them, have the courage to reveal the truth. These people have sacrificed their lives to bring you the real truth, to save you from the fate which the Cabal had planned for you.



AnaShyNa's picture


Obama Is READY TO REMOVE And ARREST Big Part Of Congress...Freedom Is HERE!!! - Message From ST GERMAIN 




Take this Observation as a Blessing from My inner self ... This way Obama will remove all but 16 or so souls from congress, where the rest will be publicly arrested, and charged for treason... So be it...


You are already living in martial Law, not even knowing it...Even Before Obama showed up in the White House.. You live in a prison of your indecisiveness and fear to lose the fake freedom that they gave you...



Unit E ~ living in a world of illusion

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Another track from our 'labor of love' music project called "Unit E". This is a raggae song about the nature of our world. Enjoy!

Light is Information. Darkness is lack of Information! As the Light shines bright in the Many, We are beginning to see beyond this illusion, We are Awakening, and we realize. . . We All Want Something Better!

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ We are here to offer you a portal of awareness

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 Peggy Black and the ‘team’

We are here to offer you a portal of awareness and invite you to remember your own divine compassion. It is our honor to acknowledge your courage in the face of the many challenges this reality continues to express during this shift and transformation of consciousness.


The challenges in your personal life as well as the challenges taking place around your world are being multiplied daily and even hourly. We observe the intense weather conditions and earthquakes that cause destruction and invoke fear in your mind and heart.  We observe the wars and conflicts between your leaders and cultures, the upheaval and crisis in the financial aspect of your world. We invite you to observe the lies that your leaders are willing to call the truth, pushing humanity to the brink of destruction.



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