Unconditional love is all-encompassing – SaLuSa through Isabel Henn

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Unconditional love is all-encompassing – SaLuSa through Isabel Henn April 29, 2012


Today I will talk to you about an important issue. About love. I do not mean romantic love, as you know it, but the unconditional love. All of you and everything else are made of unconditional love. Of the love of Creator. It is no fault in you, or any other flaw. You are all perfect images of Creator who loves you unconditionally and without boundaries. 

Ben Arion: The Miracle of Forgiveness and the Illusion of Separation

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Ben Arion: The Miracle of Forgiveness and the Illusion of Separation

The Miracle of Forgiveness and the Illusion of Separation

Copyright © Ben-Arion | Originally posted April 6, 2012


http://www.AshtarCommandCrew.net and http://www.BenArion.com

I know that I am responsible for my projections towards people and circumstances, no one else. You can heal the Duality Mind and this is what this article will hopefully bring forth, and hopefully some resistance too, because then I am serving My fellow brothers and sisters.

Love is about forgiveness. With this article I want to broaden your horizons of Belief. I want to go beyond the “talks” about the Galactic Federation and the Cosmic awakening. I want to dive into what I will call “Hardcore Spirituality”.

May 20th Solar Eclipse Alignments

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~May 20th Solar Eclipse Alignments~

Solar Annular Eclipse – 20th May 2012
Global Planetary Alignments with Sacred Sites



Maximum Eclipse at 23:47 UT/GMT

This Eclipse begins west of Hong Kong, then it passes north of Taiwan and over Tokyo and Mount Fuji. It arcs up just south of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska at Maximum Eclipse (at 23:47 Universal Time = 14:47 AHDT / local time), then makes landfall at the northernmost edge of the San Andreas Fault. It passes over Mount Shasta, then crosses Nevada, Utah and New Mexico, and ends just inside Texas.

Path of May 20th Eclipse, with planetary alignments



Annular Eclipse and Earth’s Energy Grids

Daily Blue Star UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-29-12

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Daily Blue Star UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

few sighting today... or few cameras outside... though we still got some good pics among them. 

Enjoy it.


Keep sharing and Loving as there’s nothing better you can do.



‪Avvistamento serale di UFO a Calcinatello (BS), Italia

~Space Weather Update~Sun Harboring M Class Flares

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MARS-DIRECTED CME: A minor CME that left the sun during the late hours of April 28th is heading for Mars. En route, it will sweep past the Mars Science Lab spacecraft, which is carrying Curiosity to the Red Planet. According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the GSFC, the cloud will reach the rover on May 4th. Fortunately, Curiosity is equipped to sense and study solar storms: video.


VENUS IN BROAD DAYLIGHT: The brightest planet in the solar system is reaching its peak luminosity. On April 30th, Venus will shine at astronomical magnitude -4.7. That's 190 times brighter than a 1st magnitude star, bright enough to see in broad daylight if your eye lands right on it.


Yesterday in the Czech Republic, something drew Martin Gembec's eye directly to Venus. His guide was the International Space Station:

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-29-2012 – Sleeping Beauty~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-29-2012 – Sleeping Beauty~



As incedible as it may see, this is our update for today.

Mother Earth=Heart seems to have taken a sunday off as well!


Use these days to See how it’s going to Be to Live in a constant Harmonic Planet.

Though keep your focus, changes are not over yet and your Love is still needed, and it will be needed until it Becomes simpy what you Are.

Loving Harmonious Joy.


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Watch on YouTube


by GLR Ute

Dearest Ones,

we are the Arcturians!


As you move forward in your effort of what you call "occupy your world", this is indeed a very necessary undertaking in the process of your evolution. The more of you are consciously participating the more power, the power of light, will be received and facilitated among you and in the energy field of your Mother Earth.


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