Note Regarding “Operation Green Light” and Response from (It’s not quite ‘Green’, Yet)

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Note Regarding “Operation Green Light” and Response from (It’s not quite ‘Green’, Yet)

Posted on April 28, 2012 

by GLR Kauilapele

Earlier today there was a post at RMN that stated, in part,

“My friend is a member of Maine’s De Jure Grand Jury, as well as being privy to other information not released to the general public … His sources sent him this information, which he has passed along to me, which I am passing along to you, which I hope you will MAKE VIRAL !!
“This is our 24 hours notice !!

When something disturbing sweeps into your awareness, just let it flow

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When something disturbing sweeps into your awareness, just let it flow



04/29/2012 by John Smallman

The forthcoming event to which you – humanity – have been progressing steadily for so long, with not infrequent, apparent back-steps, gets ever closer.  Yes, all is on schedule, and your awakening is to occur precisely as divinely planned with your enthusiastic help and agreement.  Any doubts about it that you may be harboring are completely without foundation.  Release them, and focus your attention on what you truly desire to happen, and bring it to fruition.  That is your task, ably assisted by all of us in the spiritual realms who are constantly offering you advice (but only when sought) and encouragement.

~Incoming Code's` We Walk Together~

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~Freedom is Occurring, In Love Everywhere Present~ Enter Love into All Consciousness on Planet Earth =Heart.We Are With You, and you are no longer Alone. Let's Break the Chains. We Are Free.


Love The Earth Allies


~Spend Every Moment in Joy~

FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Oh My Gun! (E281)

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In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert discuss how shouting 'fire!' in a crowded economy may be the only thing left to save us from our unpayable debts and, failing that, Barack Obama's 'revolving door' could be another GDP booster. In the second half of the show Max talks to David Graeber, author of Debt: The First 5000 Years, about weaponized debt and the origins of May Day.


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