April 26 - Pay-It-Forward Day

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"Give like a rose gives its perfume... effortlessly, unconditionally because it is its own nature."

-Swami Vivekananda


Today, April 26th, is Pay-it-Forward Day, and to get fired up to celebrate it, here are ten great, real-world stories. Each demonstrates a different way of expressing kindness -- anonymously, just because it is in our own true nature.


1.  The tried and tested - pay for the coffee for the person in the line behind you.


2.  Anonymously pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant.


3.  Gift something from your home to someone who might appreciate it.


4.  Get your friends together - organize a ‘Pay-it-Forward’ activity with people in your community.


Message From The Angels And Ann – 25 April 2012

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Message From the Angels Wednesday, April 25, 2012

by Ann
There is a symphony being played in the natural universe that is extraordinary dear ones. All of nature works in cooperation. You too are intended to live this way, guided in each moment, moved by the very force of love that creates you and breathes life into you.

Marcus Mason ~ Solar Annular Eclipse – 20th May 2012 (Global Planetary Alignments With Sacred Sites)

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Marcus Mason ~ Solar Annular Eclipse – 20th May 2012 (Global Planetary Alignments With Sacred Sites)

Posted on April 25, 2012 by GLR Gillian

Maximum Eclipse at 23:47 UT/GMT

This Eclipse begins west of Hong Kong, then it passes north of Taiwan and over Tokyo and Mount Fuji. It arcs up just south of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska at Maximum Eclipse (at 23:47 Universal Time = 14:47 AHDT / local time), then makes landfall at the northernmost edge of the San Andreas Fault. It passes over Mount Shasta, then crosses Nevada, Utah and New Mexico, and ends just inside Texas.

Path of May 20th Eclipse, with planetary alignments

Annular Eclipse and Earth’s Energy Grids

This is an Annular Eclipse, which means that the Moon is positioned further away from the Earth than at a Total Eclipse, so it does not completely obscure the Sun, but leaves a ring (annulus) of sunlight visible around the Moon’s dark disk. According to NASA’s Fred Espenak, “annular eclipses have a special charm all their own. During an annular eclipse, sunbeams turn into little rings of light. The best place to see this is on the sun-dappled ground beneath a leafy tree. Hundreds of circular shadows can be found there.”

Aluna Joy ~ Earth Grid Update

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Aluna Joy ~ Earth Grid Update

Posted on April 25, 2012 by GLR Gillian

Aluna Joy  | April 20 2012

The Star Elders ~ Since the beginning of 2012, the energies have gone from feeling stuck, to feeling like we are in an out-of-control spaceship. This pace is literally taking our breath away. Yet we when we tune in deeply to our hearts, we are excited and feel like we are finally about to arrive. There is an excitement in the air that we have been missing for some time, and it feels good.

4/26/2012 -- Severe weather UPDATE -- IL, IN, OH, KY, TN, WV, VA, NC be aware and alert

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Possible tornado detected west of Elizabethtown Kentucky, heading east/southeast Towards Bowling Green, Somerset, Glasgow (Kentucky) ...... further southeast Knoxville Tennessee should be alert to this storm as well. Illinois has one cell in south central IL near Mount Vernon.. heading ESE towards Evansville IN at the KY border.... its small but strong.

also.. Ohio.. just northwest of Columbus.. heading east/southeast towards West Virginia .. storms in West Virginia.. heading east/southeast towards North Carolina, and through west portion of Virginia.

Eventually the strong cells in Kentucky, will pass through east Tennessee, and then through North Carolina, and Virginia.... these states should be aware of the possibility of severe to hit within several hours.

Use the links here to monitor severe weather in your area:


EXPANDING to encompass EVERYTHING! By Lee-Anne Peters

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By GLR Lee-Anne Peters
Usually when we get into a space of being overwhelmed or scattered we are disconnecting ourself from who we are - even if we have things to do for example. Often we see our tasks that need to be done from the viewpoint of them being external from us. I have been feeling like this for a few days as I become busier and expand further. 

Heavenletter #4171 The Kingdom of Heaven

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Heavenletter #4171 The Kingdom of Heaven, April 26, 2012 

God said: 


How can you possibly be without Me for one moment? I cannot be without you. I would not be without you, for you are My love. I love you as Myself, for you are Myself. You cannot be anything else. Oneness is Our relationship. Oneness We are. Oneness I AM, and Oneness you are, and, so, it has always been so. I am One. Oneness alone exists. Come now, sit on My lap, as if you were a child. Of course, you ARE a child. You are a child of God. You are Myself who knows it not. Therefore, I sit with you on My lap, and I tell you about Oneness, and so you come closer to Me until you recognize that you are the same Oneness I am. You meet Yourself.

SaLuSa ~ Fantastic Update

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Hello, lightworkers. This is SaLuSa connecting to you through a close friend. I have been so happy to witness Ikao’s awakening, from afar. He has had very rapid success, and is now ready to go into heavy detail about many things confusing humans on the surface of Gaia. I will start by announcing that we will be having mass reunions, soon. Many humans on the surface of Gaia have had a full remembering of their life outside of earth, in the eternal. This means, a wave of remembering is soon to sweep across the whole planet. Not a single soul will be free of this remembering. It is mandatory. That being said, if you find the truth truly unbearable, the appropriate measures will be taken to preserve your wellbeing, both physically and emotionally.


Update From Gaia ~ How things are Going

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 Update From Gaia ~ How things are Going



Thank You to Mogaly for this Information


Hello my wonderful lightworkers! How have you all been doing? I have been doing utterly fantastic, thank you. For the first time in eons, I can actually carry myself as one entity in the higher vibrations. Before, for a very long time, I was unable to collect myself due to illness. I'll get into the details a bit later.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~25~12 Blasts of The Highest Light Energy Incoming~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~25~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Blasts of The Highest Light Energy Incoming~

 Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader~ Our Craft and Angels In the Sky Coming Into Planet Earth Equal Heart~


Greetings Love Beings, Interesting developments have occurred in the Past 24 hours. We also held our Transitionary Government meeting today with a total of 67 beings with us at one moment. This makes a record Breaking Amount of Focused Light On Planet Earth=Heart. As a result, for what we collectively as a Family accomplished today, Incoming Blasts of The Highest Light Energy From from All Directions, will be arriving into this Planet for the next 72 hours. This is going to Be A Huge Energy Influx, Stay Centered in Love As The LightHouse You Are and Hold Onto Your Hats......


Transitional Council Meeting Experience

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In light and love, I would like to explore something about the council meeting that was very surprising to me -- the level of diverse interpretations of the shift among the lightworkers. The different  levels of development and the different ways of developing are vast.


I saw some of the Julian Assange show on the RussiaToday YouTube channel. He attempted to bring together two extremes in a way that could lead to peace. I loved what he was attempting to do, but with extreme points of view came extreme egos.


I keep wanting to ask how do the Galactic brothers and sisters do it, but I know the answer -- unconditional love. There's no judgment among them.


Now, I think I see the importance of connecting with soul families and those whose interests serve one another best. If you're happy working together, then you will have high energy and you will work together to keep it.


There were extreme technical difficulties due to solar emissions so many people communicated through chat messages. As an observer, I noticed that interests split. People who resonated with one another chatted easily together so there were several conversations at once. Everyone seemed so happy just to communicate with one another.


I'm looking forward to next week. Perhaps the solar conditions will be more favorable.


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