Conversation WithThe Devic Realm, via TAUK. “Gaia’s Heart Will Weep No More”

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Conversation WithThe Devic Realm, via TAUK. “Gaia’s Heart Will Weep No More”




By, AuroRa Le. April 17, 2012.


Old friend, our names are Tulla and Nara, and we are the Water Deva.  We knew you in Atlantis, when you were sent to help in the final days. You remember very little about those times, when God sent you to create the vibration of peace.  Many like you came to make them understand that the destruction was coming.  We stayed by you and protected you as Guardians.  Now we are back.  Many of you incarnated on Earth at this time have been assigned Elemental beings as protectors.  The Devic Realm is part of the Elemental Realm. 

As Mass Arrests Approach: Repost of Matthew’s March Message

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As Mass Arrests Approach: Repost of Matthew’s March Message

As the mass arrests approach, we’d like to remind readers of what Matthew Ward said in his March message, which covers the subject about as well as any communication we’ve read.  The cabal is trying to push through CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act), but none of these initiatives will succeed and their power to effect any change will soon be ended. This is an excerpt from that message.

Matthew’s Message, March 12, 2012

The changes you wish to see in your world will come as a thief in the night. One moment your world will carry on with the hustling and bustling of the old paradigm, then suddenly, nothing that you have come to know as your reality will ever be the same. …

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING ~ Get ready for Earth changes

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The spiritual awakening begins with some kind of uneasiness, a generalized and widespread premonition that we are in the final times of a cycle.

The search for truth leads to spirituality, to a door in our heart that allows us to reach another type of knowledge: the inner one. Through that knowledge we can achieve mystical experiences; those are experiences from our soul or spirit that allow us to know the mysteries of life and nature.

In order to reach that knowledge, many people resort to certain practices: Yoga, Tai Chi, relaxation, meditation, techniques to activate chakras, astral projection, etc. All those are helping tools, but the true awakening is that of the consciousness. It is achieved with will, in a rigorous work upon ourselves that enables us to grow spiritually until we reach inner enlightenment.

Our planet is about to undergo a process of change. The time for a new era is coming close: a period when spirituality, love and peace will prevail. But before, great sufferings will come to this humanity.

Do you wish to be prepared for that?


Taurus New Moon ~ Creating Abundance!

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Taurus New Moon ~ Creating Abundance!



The Taurus New Moon on April 21 is empowering us to create greater wealth in our health, finances and environment—our beautiful Mother Earth. Taurus is the first earth sign, charged with developing a healthy relationship to the physical plane. Perhaps this is why Earth Day falls in Taurus on April 22.

In Taurus, we connect through our sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, rules the part of our life that has to do with our resources, both inner and outer, our talents, gifts, and abilities. 

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Melchizedek ~ 17 April 2012 Allow Yourself to Relax

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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Melchizedek ~ 17 April 2012 Allow Yourself to Relax


Beloved Ones,

These days that you are each experiencing are bringing each of you into greater balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of your Being, and this will continue until all the parts of you that are not Love are loved by YOU into wholeness. This is the most important task and objective that is before you now, the realization that you are the creator of your own life and that you DO have all the tools necessary to successfully attain both personal planetary and cosmic ascension. Love and compassion for your Self is an important part of the process for if you cannot Love yourself unconditionally, it is nigh impossible to Love others in the same way.


49th volcano erupts in 2012: Ecuador’s Sangay volcano unleashes 2 km ash cloud

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49th volcano erupts in 2012: Ecuador’s Sangay volcano unleashes 2 km ash cloud

April 17, 2012 – ECUADOR - During an over-flight on 13 April, an explosion from Sangay volcano was observed at 08:25 local time. It generated an ash and steam column of 2 km above the summit crater. A new vent was detected; both on visible and thermal images, located next to the active dome on the SE flank (Ñuñurqu). The activity in this area has intensified since October, when the last aerial survey had taken place. Extensive lava flows are descending on the SE flank of the dome and reaching the base of the cone. Strong fumarolic activity was seen on the SE flank of the dome and on the S flank of the central crater. -from Volcano Discovery


The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 120 Let the force's of Your Heart Reign~

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The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 120 Let the force's of Your Heart Reign~

 17 April 2012  aisha north
Earth Allie Dawn Christine~  Home Tonto~

As we have touched upon earlier, mankind has a hard time seeing the things that they are not meant to see. In other words, the programming that has overwritten your original blueprint has taken away your abilities to live as full citizens of this magnificent creation, therefore your outlook will seem bleak at this moment in time. But fear not, dear ones, you are about to be included in the multitude that makes up this vast ocean of creatures and entities once again, and just as in the blink of an eye after opening your eyes from the pitch darkness of night and into a bright new dawn, you too will be able to stretch, yawn and finally marvel at the rich tapestry unfolding on all sides.

Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 17 2012 Spiritual warriors engage!

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 17 2012


Spiritual warriors engage!


Posted on


April 17, 2012

by Gillian

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase


Spiritual warriors engage! Today’s report is very important and our inner wise, old owl that we have been working so hard to cultivate will need to come out and soar HIGH above today’s energy. The energy in and of itself is intense today, but we have the added extreme plasmic effects of “magnetic fields on the Sun erupting around 17:45 UT on April 16, producing one of the most spectacular explosions in years” (NASA). Extreme ultra-violet wavelengths are hitting us today. This is going to challenge us.

FREEDOM PROJECT: BBC News – Argentina Nationalizes Spain’s YPF Repsol Oil Company – Warning Of Strong Respons Of Spain – 17 April 2012

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GFP Commentary:


I would read this one with a true joy, and not dreaded that countries will collide because of oil or who owns how much of what we do not need any more...


Just watch how this article can be read as complete destructuring of oil giants like YPF Repsol, based on Argentina's resources [that belong to people of Argentina only, and not some shareholders from EU coroprate elite...] returned to its people by simple act of Nationalization... 


Argentina showed tremendous example in financial, political and now in corporate sfheres that It is not afraid of any of these fluke enetieis which controled whloe world by lies and deceptions... 


Please, take this one with the smile and joy, knowing this is just a begining of true return of Ownership of the People and not some fake corporate enetities...


WIth Love and Joy, Predrag/Saint Germain

~Space Weather Update~ The Blast From Yesterday Largest In Years~

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SPECTACULAR EXPLOSION (UPDATED): Magnetic fields on the sun's northeastern limb erupted around 17:45 UT on April 16th, producing one of the most visually-spectacular explosions in years. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the blast at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths:



The explosion, which registered M1.7 on the Richter Scale of solar flares, was not Earth-directed, but it did hurl a CME into space. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have analyzed the trajectory of the cloud and found that it will hit NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft, the Spitzer space telescope, and the rover Curiosity en route to Mars. Planets Venus and Mars could also receive a glancing blow.


Using data from SDO, Steele Hill of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center assembled a must-see movie of the event. It shows the explosion unfolding at 304Å, a wavelength which traces plasma with a temperature around 80,000 K.


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