~♥~ A Mighty Healing Invocation for the Water Element of our bodies and Planet Earth,Gaia ~♥~

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Radiant Rose Academy Inc. Follow us in Facebook http://www.facebook.com/AkashaAsun

The Water Element of this planet has been so poisoned by that which is not of the Light, the water element of our physical bodies requires so much healing as the water element of the Planet .This invocation has been given to us to use it daily .The water element that is most vulnerable of all, many species that live in the water of this Planet are leaving the Earth because they can not stand anymore the poisoning and the toxins.

Welcome to the Dispensation of the Rose Pink Ray to the Earth, the Return of the Divine Mother's Presence, the Path of the Heart, the I AM Presence, and the Soul.This official Dispensation truly offers a deep understanding of the Soul and its evolution; the highest evolution being the Radiant Rose Soul.

The President Of Iceland Tells Us How He Had The Balls To Stand Up To Britain

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The President Of Iceland Tells Us How He Had The Balls To Stand Up To Britain


The president of Iceland sits in his study drinking tea from an immaculate china set.


"If a collapse in the financial sector can bring one of the most stable and secure democracies and political structures to his knees as happened in Iceland," Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson says to me, "then what could it do in countries that have less stable democratic and political history?"

The God Light

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The God Light


a message from Christina Lunden
Monday, 16 April, 2012
As we ascend into the higher dimensions, we are moving closer to our remembrance of who we are as a piece of God. We start raising our consciousness to be more God-like in our daily lives. In our special Universe, we can understand that we are to allow the free-will choices of anything living, like God has done for us. Non-judgment, compassion and a higher love for ourselves and others play a major role in our 5th Dimensional experience. They are not easy concepts to incorporate into our lives after thousands and thousands of years of seeing life through the ego’s eyes but it is something that our souls are ready to do.

Dolores Cannon - The Three Waves of Volunteers & The New Earth

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Dolores Cannon - The Three Waves of Volunteers & The New Earth

July 17, 2011

Born in 1931, Dolores Cannon is a regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who records "Lost" knowledge, through her own hypnosis technique which enables her to gain the most information from her clients. In 1986 she expanded her investigations into the UFO field, including working with abductees. She is also an international speaker who has lectured on every continent in the world. Her thirteen books are translated into twenty languages. In this interview, Dolores will discuss The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth. Dolores, in her hypnosis work, has discovered three waves of volunteers who have come to help Earth. Some have come direct from the "Source" and have never lived in any type of physical body before. Others have lived as space beings on other planets or other dimensions. Because all memory is erased upon entry to the Earth dimension, they do not remember their assignment. Thus these souls have a difficult time adjusting to our chaotic world. Dolores says these souls have a vital role to play as they help the rest of us ascend to the New Earth. We'll discuss the characteristics, difficulties and roles of these volunteers. Later, Dolores tells us about the New Earth, how the separation from this Earth will happen, what it will be like and the effects we'll feel in our body

Greetings from Galactic Heart...Spreading Love Not Fear

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Greetings from Galactic Heart...Spreading Love Not Fear


I love this message. Everyone I talk to now is excited about the unfolding of events that we have all held near and dear to our hearts for oh so long. I am honored to be among you.....yes, Victory is at hand. PAO/PAG members and friends had the tenacity, the steadfast conviction of our heart-knowing. Soon the entire world will be spinning from the Truth and they will need our compassionate, loving assistance. So be it. And so it is done!


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Did you ever played this very silly and old paradigm game of 'Musical Chairs'?... here I referring to old paradigm as existence of lack... paradigm or loser vs. winner... paradigm where one has to have a lot [of what?...] to be happy?... Paradigm of more vs. less... Paradigm of God vs. You?...


Did you consider to address this paradigm and change the game... by simply changing the beat of your Heart... Realizing that your heart need no chair to sit, to be winner or better than other human...


When I see new paradigm Musical Chair Game in my heart, I hear Music start playing and all the players start cheering and singing with the music, joyfully moving toward the chairs, and taking the chairs from their spots and bringing them to the people they still thinking do they want to play this silly game of abundance... where there is leftover of the chairs when each and every one of players have one...

Now I see players running for these abundant chairs and bringing them out side of this theater, and giving them to observers on the street...


Street Wise Ascension °139, Family of Light

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 Street~Wise Ascension,

Yoj Chase

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta


Thank you Fathermother God for sharing this! 


Family of Light,
It is a miracle to be walking the Earth.
Souls are lined up from here to Arcturus
to participate in and get the experiences
from the Quantum Leap, the dimensional shift,
on a planet that has gone this far and long
into separation with so many billion souls…
back to the rule of Love.

Spectacular M1.7 solar flare at northeastern limb

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Spectacular M1.7 solar flare at the northwestern limb....


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As I Was Lifted Upward-I Touched Unconditional Love

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Greetings Dear GFP Family!

     I was asked by Mother/Father God to share this experience I had early this morning.  I feel that it will be beneficial to many who have not yet experienced Unconditional Love.


     Early this morning while in a lucid sleep, suddenly I was taken "upward".  Deep in my mind, the word "allow" came to mind as I was taken swiftly up, up, up, much like a head rush, to an unknown place in which I believe was the 5th Dimension.  Upon my arrival, two beings were there to welcome me.   I was not able to see their faces, but a feeling of Unconditional Love WAS as they both put their arms around me, comforting and protecting me.  With a very loving thought they asked me if I was alright, and I replied "I don't know".  Then very slowly, they guided me away from where I landed. 

     I wanted to stay there, because the love that washed over me was so overwhelming.  My sleep was interrupted by my own thoughts thinking that I had ascended to the 5th as I briefly opened my eyes to see if I had, only to find that I was in the same familiar surroundings.  It was indeed a bummer.  I closed my eyes again hoping that I could return to that place where I wanted to stay forever...but couldn't. 

     As I laid there in bed awhile while my mind seemed to be going in so many different directions, I felt some changes happening within my body.  My heart started to palpatate and I felt a very slight pain, which only lasted a minute or so, in the right side of my chest.  The experience was so profound and definitely mind-blowing!

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~16~12 Indeed Victory is Our's~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~16~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Indeed Victory is Our's~


Photo Of Cloud Ship by Earth Allie Dawn Christine


Greetings Love beings, We are really Moving Fast Now. These Energies are preparing the way for the huge changes that are about to take place on this Planet. This is per the Divine Timeline and cannot be changed or stopped. The Momentum has gained alot of speed and everyone who is not standing in the Real Truth will begin to really spin into chaos and confusion in these incoming energies~ Because of our increased momentum, the denser energies are really putting up a fight as expected. It does not matter, as truly the Light Has Won and Victory is indeed ours.

Top Seismologist says something is very wrong...

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Romania's top seismologist Gheorghe Marmureanu finds the latest Indonesian quake VERY unusual.


FAIR USE: This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.

I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If any individual wishes to go beyond the fair use law, they should contact the copyright owner for permission.

All videos by Pinksapphiret. Please do not mirror or embed to Power Tube, or Zippcast without my permission. Thanks for understanding.

Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 16 April 2012 We are Your Family

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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 16 April 2012 We are Your Family


We ask you at this time to sit back and wait for your family to signal you. We ask you to do this to enable yourselves to be able to be reached by us in the event that we have news for you, updates for you, or we wish for you to participate in a project with us. At this time, there are several projects that are prepared to get underway, and we ask all of you to remain vigilant and look and listen for our signal to you that we wish to communicate with you. There are those at this time who have heard us and understand just how they will be meeting with us and working with us. There are also some of you who we have tried to reach, but have not been able to do so. This was expected, as not all of you have developed your telepathic abilities to such a degree where you are able to pick up our subtle messages sent to you. Do not be upset by this, as nothing is going to pass you by and you will not be left out of anything as we will be in contact with you one way or another in the days ahead. There are many projects that you may participate in, and your abilities are needed and will be very much appreciated.  Developing your telepathic abilities is not an easy task and does not come easy for some. We ask those of you who wish to receive a sign from us that we are here and that we understand who they are or that we have some kind of relationship with them to listen for our messages better by quieting their minds more and listening for the subtle signs of communication.


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