The Soul and the Human… Merging! Power Up!!

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by GLR Lisa Gawlas


I feel that since the 15th of April my entire view of what is happening on earth has officially become a split screen view.  Above and Below!!

The “above” view is coming thru you.  Thru the blinding Light’s that show up on my field of readings.  Yesterday, the theme was straight from the soul: this is what you are doing on the larger scale, for humanity, now learn to do it in your personal life.

Kauilapele Message… “So What Are the ‘Energies in Hawai’i Telling Us?”

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Kauilapele Message… “So What Are the ‘Energies in Hawai’i Telling Us?”

Posted on April 16, 2012 

[UPDATE... see end of post] After awhile, and after a few hundred or more posts, there’s times when I realize there’s more being communicated to me than just the articles on the internet. Poofness here, SaLuSa there, Galactic Federations everywhere. But where’s “Today’s energies from Hawai’i…?” (That’s the subtitle of this blog).


Anonymous's picture

You can create the world you want to live in.

It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine altering your self-perceptions...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
What are YOU passionate about? 
We'd love to hear from you
All my Love, Boo

Lucas – Do You Believe Or Know? – You Decide! – 17 April 2012

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Lucas – Do You Belief Or Know? – You Decide! – 17 April 2012

It is election time in the good old USA.  That country that lots of older people in Europe see as the power that liberated them from WWII, the economic power that exported freedom and wealth and lots of good things. The most people if they still believe think of the USA as the land of freedom and opportunities. Other countries over the world see the USA as oppressor, invader and or  liberator. That is a divers lot of thoughts.

Visionkeeper – Living In A Cartoon …..- 17 April 2012

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Visionkeeper – Living In A Cartoon …..- 17 April 2012

Okay, I don’t know about any of you, but to me, life seems to get more like a cartoon everyday. It cannot be possible that what is going on is really going on. If things were not so serious in nature one would have to laugh hysterically, but things are serious, extremely serious, and this very fact leaves all of us wondering just what the heck we are supposed to do about it. That is the feeling I think we are all beginning to feel so strongly. 

Heavenletter #4162 Playing in a Field of Flowers

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Heavenletter #4162 Playing in a Field of Flowers, April 17, 2012 

God said: 


And so, beloveds, you play in a field of flowers, yet you perceive Earth as a mine field. From one view, it is. You can't rely on the world. It shifts in sand constantly. Nevertheless, the world's foundation goes very deep and very high. It is solid. It cannot be shaken. The world's foundation never trembles. It never wavers. It cannot be shaken. The foundation is immutable. The house built in the minds of men is subject to disturbances of various kinds, some earthshaking. Nevertheless, the Earth is built on a secure foundation, an unshakable foundation. You who stand on this foundation can shake all over the place, 

You decide how easy or difficult this will be

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It has been a very active week of energetic cleansings taking place in all forms and on every level of our beings. So deep and so true are the essences of this that one can be left feeling exhausted and not quite sure what has happened. Thus if you’re feeling drained or “fried” there is a good reason for it.

Lee-Anne Peters – Living In Someone Else’s Dream! – 17 April 2012

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Lee-Anne Peters – Living In Someone Else’s Dream! – 17 April 2012

Posted on April 17, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Whether we are putting our dream expectations onto others, or others are expecting us to birth their dreams it doesn’t matter – how can someone other than the ‘dreamer’ really give the dream the life it needs? In most cases they can’t! Expectations are an interesting concept, one that has had me in deep thought over these past seven years. I am yet to find anything positive about an expectation as they tend to block the flow of energy.

The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Celestial Miracles, Energetic Bleed-Throughs And The Three Days Period Of Light

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Wes Annac ~ The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Celestial Miracles, Energetic Bleed-Throughs And The Three Days Period Of Light ~ 16 April 2012


Thanks to Lisa (wolfke74) for the Image


-by GLR Wes Annac-

The pure Logos energy being sent through the sky of Gaia at this time is beginning to become too pure to go unnoticed by you all. We ‘caution’ you to expect so very many things that you will not expect upon the initial disclosures and revelations that will be surfacing. The most noticeable and unique aspects of Gaia’s ascension into ever-purer realms of consciousness must be preceded by events of a celestial nature that show that all that is happening on your world is reflecting the ongoing ascension in progress currently.


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