The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~28~12 Today we Entered the infamous 3 days of Light~ or darkness as some as shared

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~28~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Today we Entered the infamous 3 days of Light~ or darkness as some as shared.



Greetings Love Beings, We come with a Short update, as we Process the Grand Energy that is coming in, as Our gift to Humanity. We are almost ready to release to everyone, this Gift of True Love and Family ~


Today we Entered the infamous 3 days of Light~ or darkness as some has shared. This is a Metaphor, as the ego's are in their last throe's and will be dissolving completely now. With the old grid collapsing, this moment has arrived just in the knick of time!



Wes Annac – We Hardly Know A Thing

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Wes Annac – We Hardly Know A Thing









28 March 2012

Gaia is beautiful

After a recent discussion with the always beautiful and Loving Archangel Michael (1), Steve Beckow has reached the assessment that we truly do not know very much about our Star Families and about our Angelic Guides and allies alike (2). As has been expressed, we have fashioned the very ideas of these beings in our own image based on what we expect a being to look and act like, and to please us in an effort to aide us in so very many different time periods, our Angelic Guides have taken on forms that we would expect and understand better.

Denise Le Faye – Transitions – The Devil’s Best Trick Is To Persuade You That He Doesn’t Exist!

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 Transitions – The Devil’s Best Trick Is To Persuade You That He Doesn’t Exist! 


by GLR Denise Le Faye 

Thanks to “A” (and another indirectly) for sharing this link recently. The video is from Bernard Guenther, blog owner of Piercing the Veil of Reality. [See link below.]

The video is 1 hour and 50 minutes long and in my opinion worth every minute of your valuable time and focus. It only gets more interesting the farther into it you go, so if you’re interested in watching it I’d suggest you do so when you can dedicate 1 hour and 50 minutes of uninterrupted time and focus to it.

Meredith Murphy – Message From The Council Of Light -The Divine Dialogue

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Meredith Murphy – Message From The Council Of Light -The Divine Dialogue -28 March 2012

Posted by GLR lucas2012infos 





Stillness precludes order.

As you revise your lifestyle to liberate greater well-being and also open to your inner guidance, you spend more time in stillness, discovering the way in which this creates coherence and synchronicity to your path and activity.  The ease you experience as a result of this time spent in stillness is significant.  It is as if you do less and more happens.  It is because you are taking the time to be in stillness and synchronize, attune your energy to the energy of all that is.  In this harmonious vibration, you are all-knowing.  Although you may not feel as if you suddenly become the old-wise one, the truth is you then know all that is relevant and useful to you in that moment.  So in essence you have all that you need and can proceed with clarity and coherence underlying your action.  Creating your life in this way is a great blessing and it is the joy-filled pathway that many of you long for.  It feels empowered and graceful.  Coming forth into being from this stable, centered stillness, you are also more available to life itself as it exists in your world.

The "Closet Ascender"

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We are becoming more than we’ve imagined ourselves to be.  It is not so much that we are changing; the potential has been here always.  We just didn’t know.  We know now.


It’s all I think about and yet, not something I speak of often, if at all.  There are a few of us that can speak to it, yet most of my talk of ascension and transformation happens right here.  I wonder how may “closet ascenders” there are amongst the people in my daily life.


Sometimes, when on a street or in a store, I look around and think “Does he know?” “Is she waiting for the spaceships to land?” “Are they participating in a group channeling session later?”  Mostly, I think not.  It feels as if I reside in two very different worlds.


In this one I am an infinite being, poised to usher in this incredible new age for humanity.  It is exciting, fulfilling and sort of wild.  I am part of the greatest show in the galaxy.


In that one I am a mom in the U.S. suburbs who just took her cat in to be groomed and went to the grocery store and made a doctors appointment for her son.  I love this life I have created, yet it is feeling surreal.  No longer is it my only focus.


We’ve all heard the prophecies and channeled messages, telling us “soon”.  This is because we have not yet combined both lives into one life.  Until we merge ascension and galactic citizenship with cooking and car repairs, it won’t happen.



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My dear ones I AM Gaia, speaking to you!


You have asked Me to explain what will happen with My body in the near future. There are many who expect Me to move soon in a more dramatic way than I have done so far in the past.


To those and to all those who are in fear and who believe in nearing catastrophic events, I say: there will be none of these upheavals occurring. Not in the very near future and what is beyond that depends entirely on where your human collective consciousness is heading to.


In this context it has to be said that conscious intention, when expressed firmly and from the heart by a certain number of people, whereby about 8-10% are enough, can easily override the rest of the collective consciousness, whether it is conscious or unconscious.

Message from the Ashtar Command 3/28/12

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We would like to revise history here, and that is the purpose of our mission. There were events in your past that saw the destruction of an entire continent and millions of lives lost in this catastrophe. It is our intention to replay this event, but this time we wish to achieve a different outcome. This is the basis for our presence here in you world, and as we move forward more of what we intend to do will be revealed to you. As more information is shared with you, you will understand better your reasons for being here as well.


Many lives were lost when your planet experienced great seismic activity and your oceans became mountains of water rushing over continents. What we intend to do is prepare your planet and your people for these events this time, and spare as many lives as possible from these consequences. We have a plan, and we have greatly advanced technologies than what you possess today here in your world and we will share these technologies with you to better prepare you at this time for this seismic activity which again will result in rising sea levels. There is no reason to panic or be fearful. Instead, this is a time to remain balanced, calm and courageous, as together we will work to prepare your world for these eventualities. In time, we will disclose our plans for your people and give everyone an opportunity to prepare themselves for these seismic events. Everyone, with no exceptions, will be given the opportunity to relocate to what we refer to as safe zones.


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 03-28-1

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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Biggest news I found today has been Mexican Defense Dep. UFOs Disclosure!

The rest is just to enjoy...




‪‪‪AMAZING UFO's Caught On Video Nottingham England


~Space Weather Update~ Solar Wind 488~

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IS IT SNOWING MICROBES ON ENCELADUS? As NASA's Cassini spacecraft completes its deepest-ever pass through the plumes of Enceladus, researchers are wondering if it might be snowing microbes there. The idea is not so far-fetched, they say, as evidence mounts for a "uniquely accessible" habitable zone on Saturn's icy moon. [full story]


NORTHERN LIGHTS: A geomagnetic storm is brewing around the Arctic Circle. Last night in Europe, Northern Lights descended as far south as N. Ireland, shown here in a photo taken by Martin McKenna at Ballintoy Harbour in County Antrim:

"What a stunning night," says McKenna. "Auroras were visible for more than 6 hours with two major outbursts and numerous rays. The lights looked amazing over the sea with the ancient rocks of Ballintoy Harbour below."


Michael - These developments are quickly clearing the way for your abundant life to begin.

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These developments are quickly clearing the way for your abundant life to begin. –   by GLR Ron Head




by GLR Ron Head
March 28,2012

You are seeing a marked change in the tone of all channeled messages now. You are also seeing the same in the reports from your alternate news sources. This message will be no different.

The manuscript of survival ~ part 111

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First, let us take this opportunity to congratulate you all. It is easy to forget the magnitude of your achievements dear ones, as you so rightly get rather bogged down in all of the physical and mental challenges you encounter on this way. You see, we have a very clear view of it all from our side, and what we see is beautiful to behold indeed, as you have all managed to raise the light quotient on your little planet to incredible heights. We know all too well that to you, nothing seems to be further from the truth, as from your vantage point, things seems to be more dismal than ever.


Lee-Anne Peters ~ The HARD Way Or The HIGH Way?

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Lee~Anne Peters ~ The HARD Way Or The HIGH Way?


Words of Wisdom | March 28 2012

The HARD way or the HIGH way ~ the choice seems simple on paper however it can be far from simple in real life! Some people seem to be making choices that take them down that HARD path, while others seem to flow through life with relative ease as they take the HIGH path. It can seem like this HIGH path is above the obstacles and so out of reach – or so we think looking at others flying high above us, only to make us struggle even more!


I have done it tough throughout my life! I’ve been bankrupt with 2 young children and have come through the others side! I have done a lot of hard work to reach where I am today – sometimes people ask me why it is so easy for me, but let me tell you – where I am today did not happen overnight! Yes, I may learn things pretty quickly in this lifetime however I am no different to anyone else out there!



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