Transitional Government Council Meeting BRB

glr_Andrea's picture

Transitional Government Council Meeting BRB




It's wednesday again and we'll be in Transitional Government Council Meeting


We'll be back as soon as we finish.



Much is unfolding and happening right Now on the Planet


We'll keep you informed!


Stay tuned in LOVE!




Sheldan Nidle 3~27~12…”It is a historic moment… This will be a moment of long-awaited celebration for us all!” With Commentary from Kauilapele~

Lia's picture

Sheldan Nidle 3~27~12…”It is a historic moment… This will be a moment of long-awaited celebration for us all!” With Commentary from  Kauilapele~

This is a Nidle that mirrors/is mirrored in other reports, by other channelers. I feel it is very promising what he states here. I do sense we are quite “close” (whatever that means) to all this happening.


Visionkeeper – Don’t Water The Seedlings

glr_Andrea's picture


Visionkeeper – Don’t Water The Seedlings 

(picture by



As we zoom along on our journey into the light, most of the time we forget(thankfully) to even think about the dark and what they are up to. While in most situations this is a good thing, I feel it is imperative to also keep an eye open on them as well. They are not only going about the world wreaking havoc and causing major disruption and destruction, they are very busy planting all of their evil seeds of darkness in whatever plot of empty land they can find, namely schools! Their thinking is to get to the children and alter their minds while they are young. Program them not to be like or listen to their parents, teach them to hate and divide and conquer the world, steer them towards military brainwashing and begin to shut down their minds and take control while their minds are still soft and pliable. They carefully till the soil and plant their seeds and get the kids themselves to water and tend to them creating their growth! This is a situation where we must keep our eyes wide open and be active in protecting our children while there is still time to save them and reconnect them back to love.


AnaShyNa's picture


Ask your local Politian, banker, or mum respectfully?... Yes, this was done with question mark on the end, meaning do you need to ask your loco guys how much freedom they would give you...


Well, I did ask for such a long time.. I did ask how much I have to pay for my own house and my own land just to own it... I did ask how much cost me to have a child...

I did ask how fast I can drive on the highway, and how slow I can walk across the green light...

I did ask where and what forms I have to fill in so I can pay taxes on time...

I did ask permition to be with my partner, in registry office or in the church...

I did ask what is necessary for me to open business... and they gave me tons of rules and regulations.. Not because they were mean, but because I asked...

Father.Mother.God's Love...

Yojman's picture


Father Mother God , this filled me after reading your helpful guidance's in the 

March 27 Updates. Thatnk You so much for all the assurance of Loves Victory !

Yoj Chase~ author of the Book~Streetwise Ascension

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~27~12 All controls have been taken over By the Planet~

Lia's picture

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~27~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ All controls have been taken over By the Planet~


Greetings Love Beings~ We have massive movement today. The Energies are extremely High. We are getting reports from across the Planet of not being able to sleep, to extreme tiredness, intense energy in the Crown Chakra Area and feet,and strange dreams.


What is Happening?


All Prayers of Love are Now Being Answered and Love Wins~



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