Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
Greetings Love Beings, The Signs continue to show up from everywhere! The illusion is crumbling quickly as many are awakening on several levels. Another Interesting Unfoldment are the Real Indigo's are Ready and are Beginning to Rise Up and take their Places for the Next Facets of the Divine Plan, which is fully Activated! The Indigo's arrived as a Unique and Specific Group of Royal Angels Here to Assist Mother Earth=Heart Specifically, In the Liberation of The Planet. They Know who they are and if your asking yourself right now if you are, you probably are. These Group of Beings Began Incarnating in 1947 after the atomic bomb. They are not special or different, than anyone else on this planet, accept for they incarnated with a Specific Role and Task, which they are In the Process of Completing. YEEHAW! As a Result of this Recent Energy Movement, The Shift of the Ages is Here and will be unfolding now, at a quicker rate.
Quoted from Shekina Rose ....."You are seeing the signs of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth everywhere as the veils to the higher realms and your true essence are becoming thinner. You are experiencing greater synchronicity and spiritual phenomenon in your world of angels, lights, starships, the devic kingdoms, inter-dimensional time space and more....You are now entering into uncharted time space of planetary alignment of transitional periods of emotional intensity and stargates. Know the New Earth and these celestial occurrences are bringing you to your frequency resonances of home here on Gaia. 13 The Soul Essence of your divine I Am Presence is here to tell you that what you are seeing and sensing is real; it is the entry into the New Earth and you are the New Earth....." End of quote
Quoted from Montague Keen "..... What was shown to you this week proves conclusively that the Light of Truth will triumph. Preparations are well under way. Be prepared for the unexpected. The element of surprise is important. .....People are waking up to the lies they are being told. You can see this for yourselves as the evidence of what is being done is clear....The TRUTH is out there. It can no longer be hidden.
Humanity will be helped to recover. The right help has been organised to step in and provide all that is necessary to recover from this onslaught. There are ships surrounding Planet Earth with everything that you could possibly need to rebuild and restore everything that was destroyed by the Cabal. This does not require money. All will be given and peace will be restored. ...Planet Earth will soon resume its rightful place in the universe and all channels of communication will be restored once again. It needed enough of you to wake up, in order to bring this about. Do continue to wake people up, so that they can enjoy the experience of taking part in the most important enterprise in the history of your world. It does not matter which country you belong to. You are all important....Send love to everyone, everywhere. You will be amazed at the results it will bring. LOVE can destroy the power of the Cabal. Love is pure and good. It enhances the lives of those who love and are loved. Write the word LOVE in big letters and hold it aloft. Come together in the name of love, and let love be your guiding light as you progress on the road to the Transition.... " End of quote
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Sunspot AR1825 has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that poses a threat for M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/H
The easiest way through this Passage we are currently in for the remainder of August and beyond is a Complete Surrender Into The Present Moment of Now, despite anything else which may distract you. Let Go and Trust Love Every Moment and You Will Discover The Promise Land. For those who cling to the old, you will discover nothing will work the way it used to, because its now been rendered impossible. That energy is not available. This is because the New Paradigm Energy, The Love Called God Everywhere Present has Now Firmly Taken Hold as Decreed.
Quoted from Eyona....One of the things to understand is the utmost importance of your heart. Your heart is the portal and there is no other. The Liberation Gateway is even now being built in your Collective Heart, growing in strength with each individual Heart that integrates the Grid of Light now deeply anchored into the planet through numerous activations at sacred sites. This grid is constantly replenished and strengthened by more and more activations at more and more sacred locations, some unknown until now. But your heart is your entry point and it is empowered by linking to the ONE Planetary Heart within which the Liberation Gateway is taking form..."
Quoted from Ron Head ..".We will speak of the great amount of light which you are absorbing every minute of every hour of your days. We will congratulate you on having brought your world to the very brink of massive but peaceful change. The Divine has had a huge influence upon this, certainly. But it is you who, as you like to put it, have your boots on the ground that have been making the greatest inroads into the change in the very energy field which creates your reality. Never could this have been done without your intent, your dedication, and your steadfast determination.
You have learned that the most important and far reaching changes are those you make within, and you have never avoided the work that requires. The results of what you have done, and what you continue to do, reach far beyond what you can yet imagine. You have attracted the attention and accolades of everyone in this universe and even beyond. This has all been told to you before, but on this day, hear it all in one place. Hold this dear to your hearts, dear friends. Use it to reassure yourselves often.
You are now on the very steepest part of your journey. As you well know by now, this is not an easy path to walk. It never has been. But the signs of your impending victory are beginning to appear now. They will be ignored at first. They will be disguised at times. They will be derided, certainly. But you will see them, and they will be true. Your time of joy is at hand. If you could hear the applause you are receiving even now, it would be deafening. Go in peace now, and go in joy. We remain in your hearts and in your service..." End of quote
This Evening there is a Full Blue Moon Taking Place. This is the Second Full Moon In Aquarius and they call this an Astrological Full Moon. This Deep Energy is About Being Heart Centered, with deep transformations, changes and Purifications ignited by jumping into the Fire of this Energy. Choose love and Just JUMP!
Quoted from Alex...... "Once again it is an Aquarius Full Moon and this Full Moon is a reminder of service. We have to do what is right for each other as we are our brother’s keeper. For those who are scared to make a stand, the energies of this Full Moon will help us to overcome our fear of ‘rocking the boat’ so that we can do what we need to do to support each other.Let’s do what’s right this month for all of us as a collective. Remember that ‘United we stand. Divided we fall...." End of quote
Quoted from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Strength To Love, 1963 "Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that."
Quoted from Jody ...."(The second Full Moon Lunation in Leo/Aquarius, occurs on August 20, 2013 and is known as an Astrological Blue Moon)'....
The Blue Full Moon occurs in the Fixed Signs of Leo/Aquarius on August 20, 2013.
Sabian Symbol for the MOON at this Full Moon:
[The capacity to utterly transform the character of one’s consciousness by radically altering the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of relationships one enters upon.]
This Full Moon occurs in the very last degrees of Leo/Aquarius, thus bringing a culmination and ending of some type in our lives. The Moon in Aquarius is in close proximately to Neptune in early Pisces, and elucidates the issues of understanding that we Are All One, from the primordial ocean of vibrant, blue light, we emerge and form our unique manifestations of Light in all magnificence.
Honor and celebrate the differences of all beings!
Mars continues to navigate the waters of Cancer, as Saturn continues through the waters of Scorpio and Neptune floats through Pisces, there is still much emotional energy in our midst; Venus has recently arrived in Libra, the sign most associated with relationships. As the Ruler of Libra, Venus is very much at home here, and concerned with partners, beauty, balance, fairness and justice. As the Goddess of Love moves quickly through the heavens, on August 26, 27 she will (along with Jupiter in Cancer) further activate the Uranus/Pluto square creating a Cardinal Grand Cross, and with Jupiter and Venus in the mix, calls for Justice, Equality, Love, Compassion and Forgiveness, will be heard.
As this most interesting week unfolds, with endings, new beginnings and unexpected events, stayed grounded in the solid center of the Heart, connected to Spirit, The Universe, Love.
As always, Stay in Your Heart…" End of quote
Quoted from Cathy "....The Leo-Aquarius Full Moon At Full Moon, we get to see the light of the Sun fully reflected on the face of the Moon. In fully embracing the Light, our lunar nature becomes conscious—we understand something about our emotional nature that we didn’t know before. Each full Moon takes in the light of the Sun as it moves through a sign and shows us how we are experiencing that cosmic energy through its opposite sign. So with the Sun in Leo, we get a full Moon in the opposite sign of Aquarius.
The energy of Leo is heart-centered and heart-felt. Leo’s confidence comes from knowing what lies at the heart of life—creativity, love, generosity to others and a deep sense of Self. The royal nature of Leo stems from this self-confidence in Life—when we realize that we are responsible for the choices we make in our lives. We are not powerless, even in the face of oppression. We’ll need this Leo energy in the years ahead, as we take back our culture from the mechanistic, patriarchal, corporate culture that now rules our world.
Leo is one of four power signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius—that concentrate the energies of the activating cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Leo is the power of fire, of spirit, of creativity. Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates; fire symbolizes purification and transformation. The alchemical fires transform our consciousness, opening us to deeper insights and wider understanding. In ancient Egypt, there was a lioness goddess who exemplified this creative/destructive fire of Leo~Sekhmet[ Also called MotherGod], the Eye of the Sun, Lady of the Sacred Flame." End of quote
Many are Now also Waking Up and Connecting to the 5d Grid. We have Intense Energy Currently spiraling around the Planet, causing Intense and Sudden awakening's for many. The veil is very thin and it wont be too long now this veil is completely dissolved. This is happening in the Brain, as a result Many are Now Seeing the Planet In a Whole New Light and in their Lives as Well. Even if people are unaware of what is really happening on the Planet, the souls are stirring. The Soul knows why they are here and nothing can stop the soul once the infectious Love and Truth Gets EM!! This is exactly what is happening. The lies are Over, the Moments have Come for the Truth FOR JOY and the Great Awakening Of Planet Earth=Heart. We can Say With Confidence many are feeling there is something Happening and We Agree.
On August 25th, 2013 We have An Important Global Opportunity to Help Induce Peace On this Planet backed with some astrolgical alignments. We Announced Last Year That one of the First Steps On this Planet is Peace. Mother Earth=Heart has Decreed this So and that Balanced Harmonics return to Her Planet! She is Humanity's Host to over 7 Billion People Living here and Guess WHO WINS?
Quoted from Anna Merkabah "....~The theme of this walkway as you make your way to another portal is CONFIDENCE. This is the moment when all of you will breathe confidence, think confidence and be confidence. As the old patterns of your daily lives begin to slowly fade into the background, you will shed the skin like a snake born anew and arrive at the Portal of August 25th a new born infant.....Greetings dearly beloved ones. Greetings dear children of light and love and the creation of all that is. Yes finally you have walked through one of the gates only to find yourself in the midst of a walkway that will lead you through into another gate which is within your reach and is coming your way shortly.
Let us begin by saying that all of you have finally grown the wings, the wings of freedom, love and understanding. The wings that will allow you to soar up to new heights and to finally master the creator within. And so, we wish to say onto you now that in the next few weeks of your time, many of you will begin to feel that your wings are growing beyond your current state of comprehension.
Each moment, each day will assure to you that you are making the right steps in creating the kind of future that you wish for yourselves. With each step you will feel yourself more and more confident, walking steadily along your path of creation, walking steadily along the path of enlightenment, stability and perseverance.
Quoted from Cobra ".....On August 25th, a very important portal will open that will bring a strong infusion of Light into the conflicted situation on the surface of this planet....Therefore the activation of the Peace Portal will offer an unique opportunity to transform the tension of Uranus/Pluto square (intensified on that day with Jupiter and Venus into a cardinal cross.)..... We are all doing this activation at 11 hours 11 minutes pm Cairo time on August 25th. This equals 11:11 pm in Central Europe, 10:11 pm in UK, 5:11 pm EDT, 4:11 pm CDT, 3:11 MDT and 2:11 PDT...."
The Light quotient on the Planet is tipping over and is now ever increasing energy every moment, this will increase the rate and speed of the Planetary Awakening across this Planet. Once this begins, its OFF YOU GO on the Ride of a Lifetime! and There are No Seatbelts!
Decreed by Heaven~ The Indigo's have been activated for the Next facet of the Divine Plan. Peace is to Be established On Planet Earth=Heart, and this will ignite the Many Events to Follow. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!! We are Currently Behind this Month! Thank you for honoring us.
Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!
Total July Donations 1323.67$
Total Goal 3000$
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Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
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