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All Will Be Well

It may be challenging to realize that you are in the right place, at the right time, doing what you are doing to affect change in your world.

It may be challenging to see it as anything other than destruction but, there is an extraordinary amount of growth happening right now.

Even if you have chosen to remain emotionally and physically neutral, your energy is still contributing to this substantial change.

It may be challenging to trust The Universe during this chaotic time but, you are being asked to look deep into your heart and know all will be well. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 31, 2020

If you feel like you are surrendered into the flow in your faith and trust and find yourself in a holding pattern, please know you are acting as an anchor, a stabilization point, if you will, for the collective. This is important service. Keeping a space of peace by remembering what you know and honouring your truth and beingness helps more than you know in times of chaos. This is something your soul is honoured to do in order to assist the whole, since you have already gone through your activation points on your own awakening journey. Once more of the collective start to experience their own awakenings, which will happen this year, you will be freed up to move into the next exciting phase of your incarnation. Trust this service is needed, helps more than you know, and your time for movement will come when it supports everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/30/2020

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The really poor people are those who have never fallen in love and never suffered. They have not lived at all. To fall in love and to suffer in love is good. It is passing through fire; it purifies, it gives you insight, it makes you more alert. This is the challenge to be accepted. Those who don't accept this challenge remain spineless.


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Holding Space

There will be times when you have to release and trust the awakening process. It may not be an easy thing to do, especially when a connection exists. Let others know you are there, offer support when asked and hold space for them in a kind, loving manner. The rest is up to them and The Universe. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 30, 2020

Your unexpressed emotions, particularly anger and frustration, when repressed, can result in a deep sadness. For many of you on a spiritual journey, you have suppressed these emotions, deeming them “unspiritual”.

As you prepare to step forward into the next phase of your journey, many of you are in the finishing stages of a profound review of the first phase of your incarnation. This will allow you to disengage from old timelines and let the past go, embracing the growth and lessons learned and leaving the rest behind, much like you would a pastlife. As the process of review moves from the present back to birth, the phase many of you are working through is early childhood.

We urge you to take the time to connect with your child self and honour, protect, love, and integrate any aspect that has not received what it is needed. Allow that aspect of you to have all of its emotions and love and support it through that experience. Let it know they were normal, and justified, and nothing to be denied or feel shame from.

When you give yourself permission to acknowledge needs that were not met and develop skills you needed but were not taught, you can release those emotions in a safe way. Understand that those who were taking care of you back then simply didn’t know the importance of those emotions and were trying to lead you to the best of their abilities.

GFP Newsletter - 5/29/2020

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The stupid politicians and the priests have always been in a conspiracy. They don't want people to be transformed, because transformed people are no longer under their domination. Transformed people become independent, free; transformed people become so aware and so intelligent that they can see through all the games of the politicians and the priests. Then they are nobody's followers; then they start living a totally new kind of life -- not the life of the crowd, but the life of the individual. They become lions, they are no more sheep.


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Daily Message ~ Friday May 29, 2020

There will be times when your highest service is holding the space and anchoring new energies. There will be other times when you will be guided to serve in more active and tangible ways.

There are many different service paths on your planet. This is designed to meet a wide variety of needs based on people’s innate skill sets and best ways of contributing. One form of service is not better than another, for all serve the whole.

So how do you know if you are doing enough? If you are surrendered into the flow with the intention of being of your highest service, following the calling of your soul, and consciously staying dedicated to your own evolution and embodiment process by prioritizing your healing and walking your talk, you cannot make a mistake, for all of the above support you in being the change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/28/2020

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My understanding is that whatsoever is given to you is precious. You may know its value, you may not know its value, but it is precious; if it was not so, existence would not have given it to you. So you have to find ways to transform it. You have to make your love more prayerful, you have to make your sex more loving. Slowly slowly, sex has to be transformed into a sacred activity, it has to be raised. Rather than sex pulling you down into the mire of animality, you can pull sex upwards.

The same energy that pulls you down can pull you upwards, and the same energy can give you wings. It has tremendous power; certainly it is the most powerful thing in the world, because all life arises out of it. If it can give birth to a child, to a new life, if it can bring a new life into existence, you can imagine its potential: it can bring a new life to you too. Just as it can bring a new child into the world, it can give a new birth to you.


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Love Is Changing Your World!

You have the honor to be witnessing someone that has never happened before.  There is a systematic dismantling of an entire system and you are a integral part of it.  Because it is an unknown, there is a great deal of fear being brought to the surface.  But there is also a huge amount of Unconditional Love being generated!  When fear is enveloped in love, it shifts and changes.  It may feel and seem very chaotic in this moment…give it time, darling one! (Smiling) The process may be slow, but it will eventually pick up speed until your entire Earth plane settles into an all-encompassing peace. ~ Creator


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