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Sometimes, it may feel like you have lost yourself somewhere along the way.  You may be in a space where you do not know who you are, where you are going or what you want…or the path you have been walking has suddenly disappeared.  Do not be dismayed, dearest one!

The Universe is inviting you to rest, reassess and regroup.  Use this as an opportunity to think about your next steps, what you would like to manifest and in which direction you would like to grow.  Once you have decided, your whole self will be ready to receive in ways you can only imagine! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 5/18/2020

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First be. Everything else is possible only afterwards: first be.

Jesus says it in his own way: "First seek ye the kingdom of God, then all else shall be added unto you." This is just an old expression for the same thing that I am saying: First be, then all else shall be added unto you.


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It is absolutely essential that you love and honor yourselves.

We are approaching the completion or the end point of humanity’s awakening process!  That probably does not appear to be the case from your perspective as the news media floods the airwaves and the internet with further misinformation about the worldwide pandemic, along with news of the ensuing dramas.  However, humanity is on a roll toward a new way of living that will totally change the ways in which you relate to one another, as your perception of the meaning of life as a human evolves into spiritual awareness of the real purpose of your lives as humans in form.  Memory of your true nature is returning, and therefore you are seeing your human lives in a completely new LIGHT!

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 18, 2020

Not knowing is a blessing because it allows you to explore the potentials of the future with curiosity rather than pre-conceived ideas or restrictions acting as constraints. It allows you step forward into the new with full flowing energy which only supports expansion and discovery. There is great potential for joy in not knowing because you are moving with the flow and willing to be surprised and delighted. You are showing up with your whole heart to both contribute and receive, which is the sweet spot of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/17/2020

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Two lovers support something invisible and something immensely valuable: some poetry of being, some music heard in the deepest recesses of their existence. They support both, they support some harmony, but still they remain independent. They can expose themselves to the other, because there is no fear. They know they ARE. They know their inner beauty, they know their inner perfume; there is no fear.


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Just For You!

You hear time and again that The Universe is full of good things and that is the truth. So, what is getting in the way of you experiencing it? YOU, of course! If you would just release all of your preconceived notions of how and why your world is the way it is and step beyond, The Universe is fairly flowing with abundance, just for you! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 17, 2020

The last couple of months of your linear time has given you an opportunity to step forward as a loving parent for yourself. The focus has shifted to your wellness, meeting your needs, and making wise choices that serve you, your loved ones, and the whole.

While this may not seem remarkable to you, it is incredibly healing and setting you up well for the next phase of your incarnation. You are learning to identify and prioritize your needs and to give yourself the care you have needed and deserved all along. This is creating beyond the old belief systems and conditioning you had been trying to thrive under but didn’t support you at all.

Not only that, but you have been given enough time to start to anchor these new ways of being into your energetics, which means moving back into the old ways will simply not be an option because they will no longer be energetically viable. This is setting you up to move forward into the new from a much better space of balance, alignment, wisdom, and clarity, all elements that will assist you in creating lives that are much more satisfying and sustainable.

Internal growth can be difficult to gauge because it is gradual, but small consistent changes quickly add up to open you to brand new timelines, potentials, and possibilities. While many of you are aware that things have changed and will be different moving forward, you will not know the full scope of the transformation that is occurring on your planet for some time to come.

GFP Newsletter - 5/16/2020

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To possess is not to relate. In fact to possess is to destroy all possibilities of relating. If you relate, you respect; you cannot possess. If you relate, there is great reverence. If you relate, you come very close, very very close, in deep intimacy, overlapping. Still the other's freedom is not interfered with, still the other remains an independent individual. The relationship is that of I-thou, not that of I-it -- overlapping, interpenetrating, yet in a sense independent.



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