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Stages Of Grief

Your Earth plane is moving into a new phase.  Many of you are re-thinking what your life is supposed to look like and making changes that best suit your needs.  Others are choosing to remain in anger and denial.  The Universe would like to remind you that these are all stages of grief.  As your old normal begins to fade, something new and unfamiliar is moving in to take its place.  This can be both unsettling and uncomfortable.  Now is the time to practice patience and compassion with yourself and others.  There is no need to push…all will be well in good time. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 25, 2020

Many of you are in such deep resistance to yourselves that you lose sight of the glorious aspects of you. A wonderful tool to shift you out of that habit is to complete the following sentence – “I love it when I…”

This is a powerful tool because it will help you identify what your inherent abilities are, what you love to do, and who you love to be. It will allow you to see where you naturally experience flow and alignment, which are always indicators of your innate gifts, strengths, and purpose.

It will help you acknowledge what shifts you into your heart and what honours your unique contributions to the planet. This can be an easier path to self love and self acceptance if you have struggled with those elements before.

Expansion and authentic self expression are what you are in the body to experience. Being willing to explore all aspects of what you love, including about you, can only bring you clearer direction on how to experience greater joy, purpose, and satisfaction in your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/24/2020

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You need to remember yourself. You need to become a flame of inner awareness -- an awareness so deep that even in dreams it will be present; an awareness so crystallized that even in deep sleep, dreamless sleep, it will be there burning like a light.


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Be Kind!

The Universe would like to remind you (yet again) that your world is changing in ways that both visible and imperceptible.  If you stop and listen for a moment, you will begin to understand. (Smiling) During this time of upheaval…be kind!  Remember how to respect yourself and others, embrace acceptance and practice tolerance.

Each path is unique so, if you have been asked to participate in another’s journey, do so with compassion and understanding.  You are sharing a once in a lifetime experience with those around you!  Support and love each other as The Universe loves you. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 24, 2020

Fear, doubt, attempting to micro-manage the universe, resistance to flow, worthiness issues, and not being willing to receive are all aspects that can interfere with the discovery of your highest potentials and perfect matches that exist for you.

If you feel into each of those aspects and pay attention to your body, you will immediately feel how they create a sensation of contraction within your body. If you are unsure if you are blocking your own forward movement, think about what you would like to create or experience and see if there is expansion in your body as you think of it, or if you feel any of the before mentioned aspects activating.

Creation is an expansion, Dear Ones, and you must be willing to flow forward into the discovery of what is available to you. Each of the elements we have mentioned have to do with fear of the future. But here is the good news. You do not create in the future, you create from the now moment.

So if you are feeling any of the above, get present. Consciously notice the wonder and beauty that always exists if choose to see it. Meditate. Practice gratitude. Breathe. Ask to be guided. Be. Spend time in activities that help you embrace expansion and love. All of those practices indicate your willingness to evolve, align, flow, and receive, and the unfoldment will take care of the rest. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/23/2020

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This has to be remembered, that "I am real." This has to be remembered, that "I am the only certain reality -- everything else may be, or may not be."

We never look inwards for this absolute reality; and we go on living a life without basing it on this rock of certainty. Hence our lives are just castles in the air, or at the most, sandcastles; signatures made on water -- you have not even completed it, and the signature is gone. Our lives are like that -- one moment we are here, another moment we are gone, and that moment could have been used for self-remembering.

Only people who use their life for self-remembering are using this great opportunity.


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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 23, 2020

Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is that ultimately all movement is forward movement. If someone is moving forward mindfully that is forward movement. If someone is moving in a direction that is not for their highest good, they will eventually get so uncomfortable it will become impossible to stay the same and they will surrender which will result in accelerated forward movement.

You are all exploring endlessly, finding energetic matches to who you really are, and also re-directing by experiencing what does not match who you really are and how you wish to express yourself. The beautiful thing is the more conscious you become, the more you will choose to surrender and flow by listening to the guidance of your soul rather than expanding through the catalyst of extreme discomfort.

But one thing is for sure – if you are in the body, on the planet, you are growing. You get to decide your preferred method of how you do it. If you understand each and every soul knows exactly what it is doing to best facilitate that growth, you will see all methods deserve your compassion and respect. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/22/2020

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The only thing that is absolutely certain is your own existence. The dream may be false, but the dreamer cannot be. Even for the false dream to exist there is a need of a real dreamer; to be deceived, at least somebody is needed to be deceived.

The world may be illusion, but who is an illusion? At least some consciousness is needed, absolutely needed, categorically needed; without some consciousness the illusion cannot exist. The rope may not be the snake, the snake may be the illusion. But the person who has the illusion is not an illusion himself.



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