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From One Gold Tree

God said:

Beloved, I know you hear Me. You may not know Me yet as much as you would like, yet I am well aware of you. I whisk you up in My arms, and I whisper in your ear to My heart’s content. You are not the roustabout you seem to think you are. All are you, and all am I exactly as One, Oneness all signed, sealed, and delivered.

I grant you a soul, and I take care of your Holy Soul on Earth as it is in Heaven. What more do you crave? Accept Oneness here and now!

GFP Newsletter - 1/9/2019

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You can either be creative, or you are bound to be destructive. You cannot remain neutral; either you have to affirm life with all its joys, or you start condemning life.

The past has been a long long drawn-out nightmare of destructive attitudes, life-negative approaches. I teach you life-affirmation! I teach you reverence for life.



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In ILLUSION, one can imagine there is "time", but in reality there is only NOW BEING PRESENT AS LIVING MOMENTS OF CREATION AWAKENING.



Yep, you got this. You are DIVINE PLAN "A". YOU ARE THE EVENT.

Enjoy your day

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Restoring Movement

Take a moment to look into your own eyes today; are you part of your problem or part of your solution?  Yes, there will be human moments when you feel as if the last thing you want to do is create forward movement.  You may say to yourself, “I am so done with this!  I don’t wanna play anymore!”  This, my dearest, is the time when you need that momentum the most.  How do you move when the will has left?  One…step…at…a…time. (Smiling) In case you have forgotten, your existence is a wonderful thing.  Look around, find one beautiful thing on which to focus.  Then another and another.  Pretty soon, that forward motion will be restored.  The Universe knows you can do this because you are magnificent! ~ Creator

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Walk the High Road

God said:

Beloved, take comfort in Me. Take comfort in life. Take comfort in yourself. Alas, the relative world does not give you all the respect you seek and deserve. You look for some kind of proof that the world loves you as you deserve. You crave that the world honor you. Alas, too often the world forgets to respect itself.

Lift your own spirits. No longer believe that you are short-changed. Respect your own worth. Don’t starve for greater legions of love. Grow love from the High Heavens. Love is true humility.

GFP Newsletter - 1/8/2019

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The body belongs to the earth, you belong to the sky. The body belongs to matter, you belong to God. The body is gross, you are not. The body has limits, is born and will die; you are never born and you will never die. This becomes your own experience, not a belief.

Belief is fear-oriented. You would like to believe that you are immortal, but belief is just a belief, something pseudo, painted from the outside. Experience is totally different: it wells up within you, it is your own. And the moment you know, nothing can ever shake your knowing, nothing can destroy your knowing. The whole world may be against it, but you will still know that you are separate. The whole world may say there is no soul, but you will know there is. The whole world may say there is no God, but you will smile -- because the experience is self-validating, it is self-evident.


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Self Care And Free Will

There will be a time, very soon, when you will need to make some hard, fast decisions regarding which direction you truly want to move.  They may not be easy or popular to those around you but, they need to be done.  Yes, it is acceptable to consider those around you, however, you are important as well!  If you have been surrounded by others that treat you badly, or take without considering its effect on you, then it may be time for a change.  Do not worry about being ‘alone’, dearest child, because The Universe is always there to support you and will bring the ‘new’ to you just when you need it most.  Remember, self-care and free will go hand in hand. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 8, 2019

Dear Ones, comfort is your natural state of being. You came from the energies of Home through the womb, both of which are places that support your comfort and well being.  As babies, you expect comfort and will cry to have your needs met and to move back into that natural state of being.

So how do you expand and experience comfort? By staying present. By listening to what your needs are and giving them to yourself. By not creating discomfort for yourself through the energetic overlays of fear, doubt, worry, and resistance. By trusting and flowing, knowing that wellness and wholeness are your preferred states and you will always redirect back into them. By acknowledging all the things that support your comfort that are already in place and serving you.

Every profound energetic shift supports your expansion but then will seek integration so you can be comfortable in that new expanded state of beingness. You navigate great change one Now moment at a time.  By doing so it will never, ever be more than you can handle and you will always ultimately find your way back into comfort. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Bein' an Old Cowhand

God said:

Beloved, Beloved, hands down, hip-slapping, you choose the sun. The sun does seem to be your natural habitat, yet you prefer not too much sun in your eyes. It can be too bright as well. Sure, to be in the world seems to require adjustments, and adjust you do again and again whether you want to or not.


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