GFP Newsletter - 1/3/2019

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Man has been trying, down the ages, somehow to have some kind of immortality. The fear of death is so much, it haunts you your whole life.

The moment you drop the idea of separation, the fear of death disappears. Hence I call this state of surrender the most paradoxical. You die of your own accord and then you cannot die at all, because the whole never dies, only its parts are being replaced. But if you become one with the whole, you will live forever: you will go beyond birth and death.

That's the search for nirvana, enlightenment, moksha, the kingdom of God -- the state of deathlessness. But the condition that has to be fulfilled is very frightening. The condition is: first you have to die as a separate entity. That's what surrender is all about: dying as a separate entity, dying as an ego. And in fact it is nothing to be worried about, because you are not separate, it is only a belief. So only the belief dies, not you. It is only a notion, an idea.


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Unconditional Love

Now that the energy is changing, you may feel as if you are sitting, smack dab, in the middle of a toxic environment.  Nothing within that environment has changed, everything looks the same but, it has shifted.  If you are in a position where you are unable to move at present, The Universe would like to remind you of all the tools at your disposal.

Having a less than stellar day?  Ask for Unconditional Love.

Do you perceive the people around you to be a challenge?  Ask that they be sent Unconditional Love!

Are you in a place that is not the best for you?  Manifest a change and top it with Unconditional Love.

Action on your part, in combination with the strongest force in know in The Universe, can move any mountain, change any mindset and conquer any challenge…if you allow it to happen!  You have more loving power than you realize, and it is time to put it to use. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 3, 2019

Shelley’s note:  Today’s message came back into my awareness thanks to Miranda Sparks-Nieves sharing it on facebook. I have no idea the date we originally posted it, but I think it answers a question many of us ponder on our journey, and it felt very pertinent to the energies today.  Sometimes Gabriel’s messages seem to have a life of their own and pop up in the perfect timing. :)

Many of you wonder what your enlightenment process means for your current relationships. Can you have a relationship with someone who is not spiritually awakening?

We liken this scenario to being on a highway, which could be considered your soul path. The person who is embracing their spiritual awakening seems like they are in a race car, while the one who is not may seem like they are walking down the side of the road. What we wish for you to understand is that both are in forward movement and one is not necessarily better than the other.

You see, there are many who do not have conscious spiritual awakening on their “to do” list for this incarnation. They may have focused on spirituality for many lifetimes and are wishing to take a break this time around. They may be fine-tuning other parts of the human experience and have come in service to you, to create the stability, resources and time you need to have the freedom to embrace your own enlightenment.

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What a Difference a Day Can Make

God said:

Beloved, can you let go of holding on so tight to life? Relax your hold. Let life speak for itself. You don’t have to be a controller of life. Easy does it. Sometimes you hold on so tight, it’s a wonder you can move your fingers. This is tension to an extreme. Relaxation is better.

GFP Newsletter - 1/2/2019

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We go on believing that we are separate. We are not, not even for a single moment. In spite of your belief, you are one with the whole. But your belief can create nightmares for you; it is bound to create them. To believe that "I am separate" means to create fear.

If you are separate from the whole, you can never get rid of fear, because the whole is so vast and you are so small, so tiny, so atomic, and you constantly have to fight the whole so that it does not absorb you. You have to be constantly alert, on guard, so the ocean does not simply take you in. You have to protect yourself behind walls and walls and walls. All this effort is nothing but fear. And then you are constantly aware that death is reaching you and death is going to destroy your separation. That's what death is all about: death is the whole claiming the part back.



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AWAKENING, yep, it's happening EVERYWHERE, Just like NOW.
I love oneliners, lol.

Got Yours?

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Change The Outcome

Many of you have been viewing this lull as a time of repose…a resting of the soul and body but, so much more is happening! (Smiling) The Universe is quite busy examining your requests for the coming year.  Your manifesting abilities have taken on a new strength and the wishing and hoping of the past will be nothing in comparison to the ‘I do’, ‘I will’ and ‘I am’.  Take a few moments today and think of what you are creating for yourself in this moment.  How are you viewing them?  Is it something in your future, a sometime, a maybe or soon?  Change the thought, change the outcome – this is your free will at work! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 2, 2019

We urge you this year to shift from the concepts of good or bad, right or wrong, into simply seeing the value of experience. What would that do for you? It would instantly release you from the chains of judgment (both for yourself and for others) into the grace and ease of honouring the process that allows you to discover your preferences and expand more into the knowingness of who you truly are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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We Are Solid God

God said:

Beloved Child, grant Me service to My heart’s content. From you, I receive great joy. No matter how beleaguered you may feel, Beloved, grant Me great joy for the asking, and I accept.

Beloved, I relish you. Keep rising up higher.

GFP Newsletter - 1/1/2019

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Surrender is a very paradoxical state: on one hand you disappear, on the other hand you appear for the first time in your infinite glory, in your multidimensional splendor. Yes, the dewdrop is gone, and gone forever; there is no way to recapture it, to reclaim it. The dewdrop has died as a drop, but in fact the dewdrop has become the ocean, has become oceanic. It still exists, no more as a finite entity, but as something infinite, shoreless, boundless.

This is the meaning of the myth of the phoenix. He dies, he is utterly burned, reduced to ashes, and then suddenly he is reborn out of the ashes -- resurrection. The phoenix represents Christ: crucifixion and resurrection. The phoenix represents Buddha: death as an ego, and a new birth as utter egolessness. It represents all those who have known; to know means to be a phoenix. Die as you are, so that you can be that which you really are!

Die in all your inauthenticity, phoniness, separation from existence.



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