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Daily Message ~ Friday December 28, 2018

It is fitting that this year of review and transformation has ended with many of you spending time with family, for there is no other group that can bring up any old issues and conditioning that may still need attention as well as they can. Now that you’ve had a chance to get back into your own energy and catch your breath, what did the holidays clarify for you? What did you do very well? What would you like to improve? What new intentions can you create moving forward?  How can you approach old patterns in new ways?

The busyness of the holidays can also make you aware of how you may neglect yourself, over give, or take on too much resulting in you losing your balance. How can you adjust this moving forward? Are there other people who can assist you in your tasks? Can you incorporate more being than doing into your holiday traditions? The holidays are such an ideal time to explore these areas because they truly magnify any area that is asking to be brought to the light for transformation.

You may even wish to write down what your discoveries are as a reminder to yourself to be read next year.  Place it right on top of your decorations to be found and read first thing next year when you open the box. You might consider it a new year’s resolution for next year’s Christmas or a love letter of support for your future holiday self.

GFP Newsletter - 12/27/2018

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Methods are needed to come out of hell, methods are needed to go into hell, but no method is needed to go to heaven. When you are out of hell, you are in heaven.

So the whole question is how to be out of hell? Out of hell is heaven. Heaven is not some place where you have to go, otherwise methods would be needed, paths and ways would be needed. No paths and no ways are needed. All paths, all ways, lead into hell. But if you are in hell, then you will have to use the same paths and the same ways to come back.


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Spiritual Focus

There will be many things attempting to pull you in many directions as a distraction from your growth.  You can choose to allow the distractions or continue your path as planned.  Many of the old things and old ways are very tempting because they are comfortable and safe.  Stepping away from comforting people, places or things may leave you feeling isolated and lonely.  Do not be afraid of this, dear one.  This is when your deepest learning happens.  Your new year will be many opportunities for learning and the progression of that learning is completely up to you.  Free will has, and always will be, yours. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 27, 2018

In the quiet between December 25 and New Year’s Day, it is an ideal time to take a moment and review all you have accomplished in the year that is drawing to a close. 2018 has been a particularly transformational year. Looking back over the past 12 months you will have a very good idea of how much you have changed, even if the new potentials that are now possible due to that change have not quite shown up for you yet.  Many of your new creations are waiting to get into the energies of 2019 to take on form. You are poised like never before to create and experience based on your energetic truth. Having broad intentions combined with heartfelt surrender, faith, flow, and trust along with a healthy dose of appreciation for yourself and all you have done, are ideal practices as you prepare to make the shift into the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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All of Life Is Rare and Precious

God said:

Beloved, you are here on Earth in order for the world to blossom. You desire freedom, and you and I exist as One to make a mark in life and to discover the life considered yours and to gaze upon all life and love in the Universe by Divine Right.

Relationships are known as inter-relationships.

GFP Newsletter - 12/26/2018

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Methods have never been any good, but they still serve a purpose. The purpose is negative. If you have a thorn in your foot, you need another thorn to pull it out. Once the first thorn is pulled out by the second, don't put the second back in the wound just out of gratefulness. Throw away both! The second thorn is as much a thorn as the first; their qualities are not different.

Because your mind is so full of rubbish, you need something to pull it out. But whatsoever is going to pull it out is rubbish in its own way; it is the same. Poison is needed to kill poison. Don't cling to the second poison, thinking it is medicine; don't become addicted to the second poison.



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I spend my life BEING me, I laugh a lot. I am funny. Lol

How can I share now with you? All you have to do to experience CREATION IS be PRESENT. THERE YOU ARE, DIVINE INTELLIGENCE, WHAT ELSE IS THERE?

Enjoy your day.

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A Great Adventure

Now that you are in the new energy of the latest shift, breathe!  There is no need for you to lose any sleep over this; it will be a gentle and comfortable transition to the next level.  Opinions will vary as to which “D” the world is in.  This is just another way to separate and exclude others.  From The Universe’s stand point, it does not matter which (3D, 4D, 5D) you feel yourself to be in.  What does matter is that you continue to do your work in a way that is best for you.  You are on an amazing adventure; greet and embrace it with excitement and love! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 26, 2018

We understand that for many of you spending time with family can be challenging. These are the people you have soul agreements with, who agreed prior to your incarnation to help you with what you wish to experience and master during this lifetime. They are the great activators of your chosen path. They may support you by encouraging you in that direction, or they may facilitate your growth by being examples of what you do not wish to be.  Certain people may be triggering, especially when you have been working on your growth and expansion and they have not yet been ready to step onto their own path and can’t see you in your energetic truth.

Dear Ones, we commend you for your efforts to navigate these relationships. Whether you have found yourself getting frustrated and upset (and then feeling bad about it afterwards), or whether you are getting to a point where you can hold your light and balance in their presence, we honour you for continuing to show up with your best, loving intentions. Even if you have come to a place where you have decided you can’t be around certain people from your past, we honour that, too, for it shows you are making your self care a priority by stepping away from situations that aren’t ready to shift.

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Godwriting! Godwriting! Godwriting!

God said:

Beloved, some may see your taking on Godwriting as not only bold yet also as outright impertinent, as if you may flagrantly take on that to which you have no right.

Of course, it is I Who gives you the right!

By what right might you or anyone reject My invitation?

As I, God, see it, it is courageous and simple of you to Godwrite. It is competent of you to trust in Me.


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