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As your Earth plane starts to ‘level up’ yet again, it is best to stay as calm and peaceful as you can. You may feel as if you are being triggered left and right, however, that is The Universe saying to you, “See what is left over?  It is time to release them so you can move on to bigger and better things!”  You can sit with them for a bit longer or let the go in a way that works best for you.  As always, the choice is yours. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 4, 2018

Today we would like to offer you an analogy that will help you better understand the energies of 2018 into 2019.

This year of transformation is much like deciding it is time to renovate your home because the style is no longer working for you or you would like to improve the energy to better match your needs and your current taste. The first phase is the realization it is time to let the old go because it is no longer supporting you like it used to.

The next step is to assess what you would like to change, what elements you would like to keep, and what needs to be done in order to prepare for the new. You may need to take down walls or rip up floors. You may need to take things down to the basics and redo electrical or plumbing systems or change materials in order to do it right so it will be healthy and sustain you for many years moving forward.

Even though progress is being made it can be frustrating because much of it is going on in areas that ultimately won’t even show.  It is messy and inconvenient. You might discover things that need to be addressed that you weren’t aware of before. There might be delays. But slowly but surely with consistent effort, the jobs start to be completed and a new structure starts to take form.

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Life Will Have Surprises Up Its Sleeve

God said:

Beloved, in some ways, perhaps in many ways, the less you know, the better off you are. There is an advantage in being innocent. There is advantage in finding out rather than being positive that you already know all the ins and outs of life, that you are sure you have life figured out and have the ability to evaluate it.

Be wide-eyed. Be open to life. All is not yet said and done.

You may address life itself in new ways and not at all as you might have thought you would.

Life plays itself out as it plays itself out. You may not know best.

GFP Newsletter - 12/3/2018

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Trust is possible only if first you trust in yourself. The most fundamental thing has to happen within you first. If you trust in yourself you can trust in me, you can trust in people, you can trust in existence. But if you don't trust in yourself then no other trust is ever possible.

And the society destroys trust at the very roots. It does not allow you to trust yourself. It teaches all other kinds of trust -- trust in the parents, trust in the church, trust in the state, trust in God, ad infinitum. But the basic trust is completely destroyed. And then all other trusts are phony, are bound to be phony. Then all other trusts are just plastic flowers. You don't have real roots for real flowers to grow.

The society does it deliberately, on purpose, because a man who trusts in himself is dangerous for the society -- a society that depends on slavery, a society that has invested too much in slavery.


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Your Truth, My Truth

It is wonderful and perfect to stand in and voice your truth.  However, if you allow your truth to override the truth of another, you are ignoring one of the reasons you are here. (Smiling) I can hear you asking, “What is the difference?”  One has healthy boundaries, hears and understands those around them while the other is deaf to anything but themselves decrying all else as ‘wrong’.  As this monumental shift continues, please remember that even though another’s truth may not align with yours, is it no less valid that your own.  Keep an open mind and heart…when you truly embrace this, anything is possible! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday December 3, 2018

Today’s daily message is completely different than normal but I just had to share what I’ve been experiencing with Gabriel.

It takes me a while to get a real feel for the prevalent energies of a new year.  Usually I’ll start to receive bits and pieces of information about it as we get closer to it, but I often won’t get the full understanding of a new year’s energy until we have entered it.  But Gabriel has given me this little nugget a couple of times now in private sessions, and it makes me giggle.  He says, “2018 has been a year of complete and total transformation. 2019 is the bridge of increasing clarity about what that transformation means for you, which will lead you to the year 2020, the year of perfect vision.” And then he laughs heartily at his own joke. He cracks me up sometimes.

I know this year has been a tough one in so many ways. I thought you might appreciate a little glimpse of where we are going, and also share a chuckle at Gabriel’s sense of humour. Have a wonderful day!

PS. Unfortunately humour doesn’t always translate well into other languages, and I’ve had people message me to ask me why this is funny.  In North America when you get your eyes examined at the eye doctors, 20/20 vision is considered perfect eyesight. This is why Gabriel is calling 2020 the year of perfect vision. :)

PPS. Daily messages will be back to their regular channeled format tomorrow. xo

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There is No Telling

God said:

Beloved, you are here on Earth to go more deeply into life and love. No longer do you skate so intently on the top layers of life. Sometimes, as your heart falls more deeply into love with Oneness, you simultaneously divest less of yourself into the surface world. The world doesn’t have the hold on you as much as it once did, and you may tend to experience this as a lessening of love. It is more like a lessening of attachment. Change in perspective can take some getting adjusted to.

GFP Newsletter - 12/2/2018

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I am not against sex, but to live only a sexual life is to live life at the minimum. Why not live the whole spectrum of it, from sex to samadhi?

When a really beautiful woman passes by, if only your sexuality is stirred, then the animal is alive but you are not. But if your spirituality is also stirred, then you are alive in your totality. And to be alive in totality is the way to God.


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Finding Treasures

As you continue to learn, grow and change, you may feel as if there are gaping holes left behind.  You may feel that emptiness in the depths of your soul, making it hard to breath.  Do not despair, darling child!  Every time a hole is dug, the displaced Earth must go somewhere.  Instead of focusing on what is missing, look for the treasures that were uncovered.  Yes, you may have to get your hands dirty in the process, but what you find will always enrich your life experiences.  You can spend your time gazing into the deep darkness or ‘get to work’ and find the gifts left behind. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday December 2, 2018

It can sometimes be difficult to know exactly what brings you joy, particularly if it hasn’t been a priority in your life for a long time. If you feel like joy is too big of a vibrational leap for you right now, perhaps you could simply look for ways to incorporate more things that feel light to you, that feel flowy and enjoyable into your life. When you find some, take a moment to have gratitude for them from a place of presence. Just taking that approach would create more ease for you to make those discoveries, and give a clear YES to the universe of what you would like to experience more of as you find what matches you and the energy you hold today. It is, in fact, surrendering into the unfoldment of enjoyment which is how to step your way into finding the joy that is meant for you. Following the path of what is enjoyable is what activates you being in joy able. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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