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Unlike Any Other

In your world some have been attempting to feed fear and use vulnerability as a ‘weapon’.  The Universe is here to tell you, this is not how things works. (Smiling)  It is imperative to remember you have the power to change it if you so choose because you possess two of the most powerful gifts ever; your honesty and integrity!  Honesty helps you see through/past fear into what will be and integrity will assist you in staying your path. You are unlike anyone that has ever existed before, you have a purpose and you are loved beyond measure. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday November 3, 2018

Are you living a lifestyle that you would want your children to create for themselves? Are you so out of balance that you have little to no time for your own enjoyment of life? Are you present?

If your life is such that you would not want it for your loved ones, right now is the perfect time for you to reexamine it and adjust it to better honour what you would want for someone you loved. It is also a wonderful opportunity for you, right now, to embrace being the powerful leader of example you truly are and model behaviour you would want them to choose for themselves.

Your self love and balance serve not just you, but everyone around you in so many ways. We urge you to finally include yourself your loving care for the highest good of all, for as you dismantle your old conditioning, you get to put in place new healthier templates for your children to adopt as their own. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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To Be Alive is Not a Hiding Game

God said:

Beloved, I say it again. Don’t obscure yourself from yourself. I do not ask you to go through the motions of being alive. I say: Be alive. Be aware of what you amount to. Do not downplay yourself. Do not play possum. Be bold enough to be exactly you as you are. Expand yourself. Do not pretend yourself away. You are not smokescreen. Be as you are. There is no hiding yourself as if you must flee from public view.

GFP Newsletter - 11/2/2018

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Just think of the word relax. Be, settle, you have come home.


And when you settle, there is pure awareness, with no effort, with no method. If awareness needs a method it is still not true awareness, not the essential awareness, not the natural spontaneous awareness. It is still a by-product of the method; it is cultivated, created. It is a by-product of the mind, it is not yet the truth.


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I Am

Two of the most powerful words you will utter are, “I am”.  Any feeling, action or reaction, both negative and positive, can follow those words and shape your world.  Think about it… (Smiling)  What phrases popped into your mind at the moment you read this?  During this time, The Universe is asking what “I am” you are using in your life.  Do you use these two very small words to empower yourself or use them to keep yourself exactly where you are?

Here is a bit of homework for you…every time you think of “I am” listen to what your conscious mind puts after it!  During this part of the massive shift, your reality is very malleable.  It is time to begin shaping a world you will be comfortable with and proud to be a part. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Friday November 2, 2018

You will notice as things continue to move forward that there will be many times that your brain simply cannot figure things out. This is because the energies are shifting and you work with the new energies not through the brain, but through the heart.

It is a different knowing you are seeking now, the one the heart offers, that honours your soul and your highest purpose.  It is also a simpler knowing, what comes from the heart. The power is in its simplicity, Dear Ones, so don’t let that make you believe it isn’t as valid or valuable as the complex theories your brain likes come up with.

Eventually all spiritual paths lead to the core elements of unconditional love, surrender, faith, flow, trust, acceptance, purpose, and gratitude, and those are the energies your heart is expert in working with. The simplicity is an indicator of great advancement on your path and opens the door to your beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Let Go of Old Habits of Thinking

God said:

Beloved, old habits and old ways of being belong to the past now. Where you have held onto old ways, now begin to dare to follow new ways. Don’t cut yourself short. Turn every no you routinely attach to into a strong Yes. Let go of old ways of responding that you may be comfortable with. Grow to new heights.

Let go of the familiar. Say Yes and Yes and Yes. Remove the word no from your vocabulary. If you are asked to give a speech, now dare to say Yes. Otherwise, you may be shunting life away. Now say hello to a wide swath of life on the hoof.

GFP Newsletter - 11/1/2018

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Once the first taste of awareness has happened on your tongue, be quick! Because the mind is very cunning -- the mind can start telling you, "Look, you are no longer ordinary, you are extraordinary. Look, you have attained. Look, you have become a buddha, you are enlightened. Look, this is the goal of all human beings, and very rarely, one in a million attains. You are that one in a million."

The mind will say all these beautiful sweet nothings, and of course the ego can come back. You can start feeling very good, holier than thou. You can start feeling special, spiritual, saintly. And all is lost. Through the remedy, the disease is back. Cling to the remedy, and the disease is back.

One has to be very alert about dropping the method. Once you attain something, immediately drop the method, otherwise your mind will start clinging to the method.


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Putting Growth To Work

During this next phase, it may feel as if you are walking on a slippery surface.  You know there are things you need to do to keep your footing but, shifting realities can be a distraction.  This is where your knowledge of the The Universe thus far will come into play.  Rather than attempting to control every single situation, ask for and give Unconditional Love a chance to help you maintain your balance and peace.  You have been learning and practicing for years…now it is time to put that growth to work!  The world needs your bright light to continue moving forward.  Allow it to shine and know you are contributing to the greater good! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 1, 2018

As so many different things are coming up to the surface to be examined, there are many conflicting voices vying to be heard. While it can be disconcerting to have so much noise, it is a great gift for when it becomes too noisy human beings will naturally withdraw and search within. This is leading people to connect with their inner wisdom, which will serve a great purpose indeed as you move forward in these unprecedented times.

So if you find yourself presented with many different opinions, simply ask yourself what your truth is and what aligns with the traits of the new earth you wish to anchor and experience, Dear Ones. The contrast of the chaos will always lead you back to the clarity of your heart, and from there you will always know which path to take. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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