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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 19, 2018

As you continue to grow and expand into living your biggest, most beautiful life expression, old belief systems that stand in the way of where your soul wishes to go will come up for release. The one we would like to discuss today is, “Enjoy yourself while you are still young”.

While it may initially seem like good advice, it is filled with undercurrents that are extremely limiting. It plants and feeds the idea that you can only have fun or live an exciting life at one stage of your life, that enjoyment is fleeting and will slip away from you as you mature. We see so many of you reach adulthood and immediately relegate joy to the bottom of your list of priorities in order to step into what you think is the acceptable model of maturity.

Dear Ones, who ever said you couldn’t be responsible and diligent and still have a life expression filled with joy?  You can absolutely find employment you enjoy and embrace new experiences and adventures at any stage of life. In fact, that is what your soul is always calling you to do for it adds to your expansion.

We invite you to examine your beliefs about adulthood and fun. What haven’t you tried that you have always wanted to? How do you deny yourself to honour an old system that in no way supports you having your highest life experience? What can you do to acknowledge and bring forward the part of you that has been so desperately missing fun and allow it to shimmer and shine again, knowing it’s a vital aspect for you and your self expression? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 9/18/2018

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It is to be noted that in Japan, nobody has been remembered with such respect as Hotei. You will find in every house, statues of Hotei. And he had done nothing except laugh; but the laughter was coming from such depth that it stayed with anyone who heard it and triggered his being, created a synchronicity.

Hotei is unique. In the whole world there is no other human being who has made so many people laugh - for no reason at all. And yet, everybody was nourished by the laughter, and everybody was cleansed by the laughter, felt a well-being that he had never felt. Something from the unknowable depth started ringing bells in peoples' hearts.


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Getting Back To Work..

Dear one, your well-earned rest time is over.  There has been a definite up-tick in the incoming energy…your signal that new and expansive inner work is about to begin.  Please remember; you have the power to adjust how quickly the information comes to you.  You also control the volume, style and how it is delivered.  This wonderful gift has been yours from the beginning.  It is now time to put it to good use!  Also, remember the importance of practicing compassion, kindness and sending Unconditional Love to yourself and others.  Every bit of support you can receive/offer will be immeasurably useful. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 18, 2018

What would happen if you replaced the need for battling against anything with simply embracing self expression?  What if you gave up struggle for flow?  Doing for being? Martyred service for joyful service? Feel into it. If you pay close attention when you feel into battle and then feel into self expression, you will sense they exist on very different energetic lines of potential. You will feel yourself shift sideways onto different timelines. This is because there are new possibilities that come from every change of focus you make. The same will be with the energetic difference between struggle and flowing, doing and being, sacrificial service vs supported service. Notice how each feels in your body and which ones feel aligned with you and where you wish to go.  What choices allow you to anchor the energy of peace?

So we will answer what will happen if you make these shifts.  You will start to move forward from the strongest power centre you have – your own authentic power and innate wisdom. You will embrace your divine ability to co-create that comes from expressing your own energetics and choosing the highest energetic matches to who you are and what you wish to experience.  You will begin to navigate your life expression based on your own truth, preferences, and what the higher dimensional energies are supporting, which is exactly what will further honour and expand your profound role as a participant in the great shift of humanity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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How Can Oneness and Patriotism Work Together for the Good of All?

God said:

Beloved, patriotic in the world doesn’t seem to mean Oneness. Patriotic contains a certain amount of camaraderie, yet not seemingly Oneness. A limited Oneness isn’t the Oneness We speak of. A separated Oneness isn't the Oneness of love. It is a limited Oneness. It is a Oneness that goes only so far. True Oneness includes total Oneness: Every family, every country, every planet, every gathering, every soul. I am thinking that every trouble in the world comes from lack of Oneness and the profusion of being under the power of differences.

GFP Newsletter - 9/17/2018

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Those who are courageous - and as I feel you, you have every potential to be courageous - enter into the unknown; but the unknown is not the end. Very soon the unknown starts taking you into the unknowable, and that is the exact space of mysticism. In that unknowable you will know who you are and who I am.

But there are no words to express it. One simply has a good laugh, because this unknowable has been always within you, your most intimate inner reality, and you have been searching for it all over the world in many, many lives.


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Spirit Led Activism – The True Power of the People

by Julian Rose

As the world is driven into a state of chaos by a combination of top down despotism and bottom up politically correct pacifism, seekers of 'the path' sit in the lotus position contemplating their navels or drifting into the ether of another world.

Seeking to participate in inner spiritual disciplines can quite easily be used as an excuse for doing nothing. Nothing about anything that actually matters. Nothing that would constitute making a stand against the destruction going on all around us. I say “can be quite easily used” because many aspirants who fill spiritual seminars, workshops, conferences and retreats all over the planet, have adopted the popular view that they shouldn't be involved in confronting anything – except possibly, themselves.

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Transformation In Progress

Like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, your transformation is in progress!  It may be slow and tedious at times or it can move so quickly that you barely catch sight of it.  Regardless of how the change happens, it is happening right now!  Even though knowledge can be very helpful, trusting your instincts and allowing the beauty of the new you to emerge naturally is often the best way to go.  Take time for your wings to dry…then fly! ~ Creator


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