GFP Newsletter - 7/19/2018

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As far as your ego is concerned and your jealousy is concerned, my whole work here is to help you become so loving that the energy that becomes jealousy is transformed into love. And you know perfectly well that jealousy always follows your love. You are not jealous without love. A man who does not love is not jealous.

Jealousy is almost like a shadow of love. If we can grow our love, it takes over the whole energy of jealousy and transforms it into love. It is an alchemical change.


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All In!

Get grounded, dear children of The Universe!  During this particular phase it will be very important to remain in your body and fully aware of what is going on with your Earth plane existence.  If you see others floundering, reach out a helping hand.  If you see a brother or sister untethered and floating away on the energy wave, help them put their feet on the ground and tell them how important being here, now is.  This is going to be an all-in experience…each and every one of you is needed because things are going to ‘flip on a dime’.  It is time to come together in peace/love to change your world and you are the key! ~ Creator

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The Power of the Heart

God said:

Beloved, of course, you, yourself, your very self, are filled with inestimable power. You go beyond inadequate power. You have radiant blossoming extraordinary powers. There is nothing déclassé in the word power, as if the word power can only be relegated to comic book POW and WHAM!!!

GFP Newsletter - 7/18/2018

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Basically I am a lazy man. Lazy people have not done any harm in the world. It is the too active, the hyperactive, who have driven the whole world into misery, madness, slavery. So as far as laziness is concerned, it is very supportive to meditation because meditation needs a very quiet, calm, silent mind. A lazy man is so lazy that he cannot even be bothered to think. Thinking is also part of the active mind.


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This Little Light…

As the energy and anticipation of the next phase begins to build, you may feel giddy and full of butterflies. (Smiling) No preparation is needed; these specific shifts and periods of growth have become ‘old hat’ for you.  What you are being asked to do this time around is to really feel into the changes, see what it has, has in store for you and put them to good use.  A kind, gentler world is emerging!  Amid the chaos on your Earth plane is a small light that, over the coming weeks, will continue to shine brighter and brighter every day.  Be sure to enjoy and nurture it in every way you can…it is your future! ~ Creator

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What World Is This We Ride On Anyway?

God said:

Beloved, at one time or another, life certainly seems madcap. How can anyone take life in the outer world so seriously any day of the week or year? The world seems like a TV series where laughs abound if only you could laugh and smile. As you watch the series, your life seems to be off in a distant cabbage patch obvious or oblivious before you, yet who can really say?

GFP Newsletter - 7/17/2018

will's picture

A person who lives in the present - neither bothering about the past, nor bothering about the future - is fresh, young; he is neither a child nor an old man. And one can remain young to the very last breath. The body may be old, but the consciousness remains fresh, just like a fresh breeze, cool, fragrant, in the early morning sun. The whole problem is that we are caught up with our past.


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The Real Truth…

A gentle yet very important reminder…when speaking your truth, take some time to think if your truth is coming from the highest source.  If you are speaking your truth to hurt, wound or unsettle others, then it is not from The Universe, but from ego.  Speaking ‘truth’ that harms is but a mere projection of what you need to work on or are hiding from yourself.  Divine truth springs from pure intent, pure thought and pure love.  Give yourself and others the chance to experience this beautiful gift. ~ Creator


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