Your energetic shifting will take on its own ebb and flow. There will be times when you are integrating new energy and that will take precedence over all other things. During such times, you may not feel like doing some of your typical spiritual practices. Instead, you may be drawn to activities that focus on the body and the human experience. Once you have fully integrated the latest shift into your body, if you are allowing yourself to flow with the energies, you will get back into your more spiritual interests.
Your soul knows exactly what it is doing during your enlightenment process. Allow it to take the lead. You are not just spiritual, nor are you just human. You are both and both are equally important. There will be times when it is best for one aspect to take the lead for a while. You are in a dance of release, receive, integrate, ground, and repeat. All of it serves your evolution, so trust and allow what you are feeling drawn to as the empowered expert on you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Reminder: My latest interview with John Burgos on Beyond the Ordinary is being replayed tonight! You can catch it at 8 pm EDT at We talked all about taking your co-creation to the next level and choosing a beautiful, magical life. It was so positive and full of helpful information, you won’t want to miss it!