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Step UP!

Very powerful energy is arriving on your Earth-plane and many are very confused and overwhelmed by it.  I am going to tell you that, in no uncertain terms, do not ride the wave back down into the ‘noise’.  As you grow and learn, there may be energy attempting to silence you.  This is another way to drag you into the noise of the good/evil battle going on at the moment.  Remember, you are and have been vibrating above that for years!  Release your fear of the unknown and embrace the incredible light The Universe will be sending you over the next few days.  If it becomes overwhelming, take a step back, breathe and, again, ask for assistance when you need it.  Do not let your pride get in the way.  In times like these, silence may work against you.  Lastly, keep in mind that you are a child of The Universe, more powerful than you give yourself credit for.  Step up and show the world what you are made of!  The infinite power of Unconditional Love is beside and guiding you every step of the way. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 24, 2018

Your energetic shifting will take on its own ebb and flow. There will be times when you are integrating new energy and that will take precedence over all other things. During such times, you may not feel like doing some of your typical spiritual practices. Instead, you may be drawn to activities that focus on the body and the human experience. Once you have fully integrated the latest shift into your body, if you are allowing yourself to flow with the energies, you will get back into your more spiritual interests.

Your soul knows exactly what it is doing during your enlightenment process. Allow it to take the lead. You are not just spiritual, nor are you just human. You are both and both are equally important. There will be times when it is best for one aspect to take the lead for a while. You are in a dance of release, receive, integrate, ground, and repeat. All of it serves your evolution, so trust and allow what you are feeling drawn to as the empowered expert on you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Reminder: My latest interview with John Burgos on Beyond the Ordinary is being replayed tonight! You can catch it at 8 pm EDT at We talked all about taking your co-creation to the next level and choosing a beautiful, magical life. It was so positive and full of helpful information, you won’t want to miss it!

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Invite Your Dreams to You

God said:

Beloved, alas, it would seem you see a greater proportion of struggle in your life on Earth than you take joy home with you after work as a gift for the kids.

Everyone knows the expression: “Chin up!”

This expression bears taking a look at. How did this conjunction of two words come into existence? Is it possible that literally positioning your chin up has an effect on you that leads you to greater joy? It can also be possible that putting your chin down equates to feeling less hopeful.

GFP Newsletter - 7/23/2018

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If doing comes out of your mind, full of thoughts, then it is subjective. If your doing pours out of silence, blissfulness, serenity, ecstasy, then the same doing has a different flavor, a different significance; it becomes objective.

You must have heard about the haikus of the Zen masters of Japan. They are examples of objective art. One of the famous haikus of Basho... and Basho is a genius, but he is not writing through the mind. Whatever he is writing is growing within him in his silence like a flower, and he gives it as a gift to the world.


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Get ‘Er Done!

Dearest one…there are many changes in process and it may be challenging for you in this moment so, here is a thought to ponder today;

All of the changes that are being given to you by The Universe will not mean a thing without action on your part.  You can sit there and receive energy all day/every day but, if you choose to ignore the steps taken to activate it then it is all for naught!  Working with this gift to bring about the changes you want in your life can be a bit like cleaning your home.  It may not always be pleasant but, it needs to be done on a regular basis to maintain a clear environment. (Smiling) It can be very tempting to look to outside sources to do it for you this, however,  is an ‘inside job’.  Only you know what it takes to get things moving in the right direction.  It is time to gather your tools and get to work! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 23, 2018

We would like to present an exercise for you to try this week. We would suggest you to agree to do two things – to stop making yourself wrong for being who you are, and to stop making others wrong for being who they are.

Yes, this is an exercise in acceptance. Can you speak to yourself with love and understanding for an entire week? Can you practice forgiveness for any experiences you would choose a different approach for now and see it as growth? Can you see the entirety of your life expression as doing the best that you could at any given time? Can you see it as a series of experiences that helped you self define and expand? Can you take those exact same questions and apply them to others? Can you resist the urge to make yourself wrong if you forget and fall into your old habits and gently redirect yourself with understanding and love?

Your willingness to do so allows you to shift out of berating to encouraging, from rejection to love, from judgment to acceptance, from separation to inclusion. It creates a safe space within yourself, and between you and others. It allows you to express faith and trust in the divine capability of every person on the planet which is incredibly empowering to everyone involved. The beautiful by product of the consistent application of acceptance is patience, peace, and unconditional love, which all feel wonderful because those are the energies of Home. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Did You Ever Deny Your Own Truth?

God said:

Beloved, when you do not live up to your own integrity, when you offend a friend with disavowal of the truth of love, when you discover yourself to be less of a friend than you would ever believe yourself to be, when you needlessly hurt a friend’s heart – you would never ever do that, yet you did – then you wonder whether this was truly a slip of the tongue.

GFP Newsletter - 7/22/2018

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Love knows no doubt. As time passes it becomes more and more deep, to the point where it becomes trust. Trust is the highest development of love.


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Making Big Changes

Ch-ch-ch-changes, time to make some strange changes.  Yes, this is the master, David Bowie. (Smiling) Even though those words were placed into the mass consciousness years ago, they still apply today…more than ever.  The quantum leaping taking place in this moment on your Earth plane is something you have never seen before and the human body may have a challenging time adjusting to it.  Not to worry, dear one, The Universe is taking care of it.  The only thing you have to do is make sure you maintain a conscious awareness of it, treat your body gently and nurture your emotional self in the best way you know.  Now is not the time to ‘go it alone’.  If you need help, ask!  You will be provided for in the highest and best way. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 22, 2018

Most enlightening human beings have been sensitive souls their entire lives. Often you have been judged for that sensitivity, treated as through it was a less than desirable trait to have. In truth, it has been your greatest asset, and is serving you well as you continue to grow and expand.

Many of you have tried to conform in order to avoid judgment from others and protect your sensitive natures. This has been a survival tactic but one that has put you in resistance to yourselves. We would like to offer a healing exercise for this today.

We wish for you to sit quietly and think of all the times you have tamped yourself down in order to gain another’s approval. You may remember specific times, or simply have a sense of how many times it has happened. In this right now moment, we invite you to call back the power you gave away to someone who was not able to see you in your truth. You may experience it as little fragments of self. Feel the joy and excitement both you and those pieces of you feel as they are being called home to reintegrate with you.

Next we invite you to ask to be shown all the times you made yourself be wrong for who you really are. Imagine all of those little fragments of self light up with acknowledgement and healing as they joyfully accept your invitation to come back home to you.


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