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Today’s Encouragement…

You see yourself as where you live, to whom you are ‘attached’, who your friends are, where you have been, what you have experienced in the past and what you are experiencing now.  There are very few ‘absolutes’ in your world, however, this is one of them; The Universe sees you as you really are…a beautiful being of light.  Whole, complete and perfect. ~ Creator

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Godwriting, the Real Goods III

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is so simple, so easy, that it can escape you. Godwriting is like love – nice and easy when it volunteers itself. Godwriting can come to you, yet you cannot make Godwriting happen. You can’t achieve it. You don't force feed it, nor can you necessarily bear to stop it. It’s a mutually agreed upon process, and you have fallen in love. Which comes first? I suppose My thoughts come first, yet My desire for your Godwriting keeps pace.

GFP Newsletter - 7/7/2018

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The whole society is geared for sleep, because the people who are asleep are not rebellious, are not disobedient, are not against any stupid superstitions that the society thinks are great truths.

What does it matter to a man who is asleep, what is truth and what is untruth? He moves like a drunk in his life. This mystery school is just to wake you up, not to send you to sleep. I don't give you any doctrine, any belief system, any scripture; I simply give you only one thing: a hard shaking, so that the dormant, the asleep potential starts becoming aware of its own reality.


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Sit Back And Relax…

During the newest incoming phase of this shift, you may feel inundated with thoughts, feelings, messages to pass along and information for yourself.  Rather than being overwhelming, there is a certain peace and quiet to it.  The frenetic energy of past phases does not seem to apply here and that is a good thing! (Smiling)

The Universe is offering you a different way to process and collect all you need to know for the coming phases in a way that is softer, more gentle and easier on your human body.  All the ‘heavy lifting’ of the past has definitely paid off!  Give yourself a pat on the back, sit back and relax, dearest one…this one is on me. (Winking) ~ Creator

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Godwriting, the Real Goods II

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is about impulse.

First, somewhere within you, a desire to Godwrite propels you.

Then, as you find yourself open to Godwriting, an impulse pulses. You are not sure that you are Godwriting. You may even be sure you are not. You don’t feel the Divinity you had your heart set on. You may feel sure you are not good enough to Godwrite at all when it takes no talent to Godwrite – only innocence.

GFP Newsletter - 7/6/2018

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A seed needs total protection, because it is carrying a womb, a child within itself. But only to the point when it comes to meet with the soil. Then it has to drop the protection. Now the protection should not become its imprisonment. It was good up to now, but now it is evil. At the moment it drops its defenses, the earth takes it into its own heart and pours all its juices into it. And a miracle starts happening - the seed is gone, but the potential of the seed starts becoming a reality.


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Check In…

Today, you are invited to take a few moments and check in on exactly where your energy signature lies.  As you move through your every-day existence, there will be many distractions that may pull you away from your center.  The shift may be so slow and subtle, you may not even realize that you have been pulled into the “noise” of lower vibration.  This is not good or bad, it…just…is. (Smiling)

If, upon introspection, you find yourself in the swirling commotion, take some time and find out why!  Once you have located the source or reason, ask for it to be changed.  It is that easy!  The Universe is always ready and willing to gift you exactly what you need.  All you have to do is ask! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Friday July 6, 2018

We were recently asked,”How do I see us all as one when there is so much hurt and harm in the world?” We would like to address this today.

Not long ago we offered a daily message explaining the concept of vibrational layers. We asked you to imagine a building that contained a basement, a main floor, and upper floor, and an attic. The basement, or lowest layer, was a level of vibrational density. It was dark and uncomfortable. The people living there had might have a concept of other floors but haven’t yet disengaged from that energy enough to climb up the stairs. You could consider this layer to be 3D.

The people living in the middle floor have a good knowing of both the density of the basement and the existence of a floor above them, and may periodically move between the two. You might consider this to be 4D.

There are other people still who resonate with the upper floor. These are the people who are well on their enlightenment journey. They are practicing far greater awareness and are dedicated to their growth and expansion, and embodying their highest selves. They are in remembrance of their own divine nature. They also have access to the attic, which is where you might find the angelic and masters residing.

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Godwriting, the Real Goods I

God said:

Beloved, Godwriting is a fluid event. You aren’t in charge of Godwriting. Hands down, I am the Godwriter. We can say you are an observer, something of a participant in the background, hardly aware, more as if your fingers move to a tune you almost hear. You are not the discerner of guidelines. You simply Godwrite and take it as it comes.

GFP Newsletter - 7/5/2018

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There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to lose. And if you think anything is lost - your name, your respectability, your fame - they are worthless. They are playthings for children, not for mature people.

It is time for you to be mature, it is time for you to be ripe, time for you, just to be.



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