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Love All

God said:

Beloved, in you, yes, you, I put My Faith and Love. I receive you in My Heart. What I create, I love. Once I create, this is it! What I love, I do not rescind, not even for one minute. Once Mine, you are Mine unto Infinity. When I shake hands, there are no second thoughts. I do not change My mind. The deed is done. You may have second thoughts, yet not I ever.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 5, 2018

A good way to embrace co-creating with the universe is to consider it what you might refer to as a brainstorming session. You have one idea that you start with and the universe, from its perspective, suggests how to add to it. You give feedback or add to that new idea based on the new potentials and possibilities it holds. Before you know it, you have created something beautiful and amazing, just because you stayed open to the flow of creation. You can embrace the unfoldment just like that, Dear Ones, and that is exactly how you can add much wonder, joy, and expansion to your life expressions. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Change is Good?!

When you ask for and receive changes from The Universe, initially you may not know how to react.  Your ‘old way’ of doing things was so familiar and comfortable, being presented with a new way of functioning may be terrifying!  The best thing you can do is allow yourself time to integrate.  There is always a learning curve with each new skill you gain, and this is no different.  Allow yourself time, dear one!  Yes, you may make mistakes and that is perfectly okay. (Smiling) Such is the way when learning anything new.  So, for today, view your changes and shifts with excitement rather than trepidation…know good things are on their way. ~ Creator

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Awaken to Your Own Merit

God said:

Beloved, to thine own self be true. This isn’t self-centeredness – not at all. This is awareness. You have choices. Awaken to your own merit. Your own merit goes far beyond vanity. You might as well recognize the truth of yourself. Age and such are not the truth of you by a long shot. You are far more mighty than your age, your looks, your I.Q., or the orbit of the world. I expect you don’t yet begin to know the extent of the meaning of your presence in the world. You are not your work. You are not your pretensions. You need no pretensions in the first place. It isn’t possible for you to exaggerate the extent to which you are a remarkable blessing all the way around. Your tendency and the tendency of the world seem to cut you down to make you average when you are far beyond what is considered average. You are beyond anything you might say about yourself. Naturally, you are far above your grade point average. GPA is not at all the reach of you. I swear to you, by Jove, that you extend far beyond the world. You are galaxies ahead of the world. You are already in the thrall of Heaven.

GFP Newsletter - 6/4/2018

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I am purposeless. And my whole philosophy of life is to enjoy purposelessness - beauty for beauty's sake, truth for truth's sake, love for love's sake. The man who is always thinking of purposes, even if he loves, it has some purpose behind it.


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Daily Message ~ Monday June 4, 2018

You are exactly where you are right now because you are doing a wonderful job. You have moved through so many experiences and continue to be dedicated to your growth and expansion. Celebrate yourselves today, Dear Ones, for all that you have achieved and all you will continue to do, embracing the opportunities of the unprecedented energies of today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Too Much Input

Over the next few days, you might find yourself feeling overly sensitive about everything.  Sights, sounds, emotions will all appear to be heightened and feel uncomfortable to you.  Situations may want to make you explode and others may be very irritating.  Remember, dear one, this is just a passing phase; a reminder that you may have chosen to take something with you on your journey that you do not necessarily need.  If you find that this is the case for you…take a time-out.  No, you are not a two-year-old but, when the input becomes too much, it is good to give yourself some quiet time, some space to process.  Find your peace so you can continue on in the best way you know how. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 6/3/2018

will's picture

Purpose is a very mundane thing - machines have purposes, the electricity has purpose, and the effort of the society is always to reduce human beings also to a purpose. From my very childhood I have been criticized by my elders, my teachers, my professors for a simple reason - they used to ask me, "What are you going to become?"

But I said, "Why should I become, I am already whatever I am; becoming means going away from being. The people who become lose their being, lose their home. I am perfectly at home."

My elders used to say, "You are good for nothing."

I said, "That is perfectly right, everybody should be good for nothing - then life will be just a blissful dance. You never ask the rose flower, 'What is your purpose? Why are you dancing in the wind? Why are you so beautiful? Why are you spreading your fragrance? What is the purpose? What are you going to gain? How much is it going to help your bank account?'"



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