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Seeing Truth

As you begin to understand more of your world and what is happening to it, there comes yet another awareness; people you know may present themselves as something they are not.  Earlier, it was mentioned that transparency will be one of the keys to your growth and learning.  While you are making a concentrated and conscious effort to be transparent, others will not.  This does not mean that you must automatically distrust all you encounter.  It does mean that with your growth, you have gained a heightened awareness, an early warning system, guiding you to those who are of like mind and pointing you away from those who are not.  The Universe has and always will direct you in a way that works in your highest and best, for the highest and best.  Listen, watch and pay close attention to what your heart is saying.  It will never lead you astray. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday April 22, 2018

Dear Ones, it is impossible to shine and pick up other people’s energies at the same time. Be a bringer of the light by simply embracing and leading with your own beautiful and unique energy, and everywhere you are guided to go will become a loving act of service. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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What Are You Doing Alive on Earth?

God said:

Beloved, I ask you frankly, must life on Earth exist all about what you want on this day? I mean, think about it. Do you give the impression that your life may be one disappointment after another, one question another about how come? How come you didn’t get the job? How come you got passed over for a raise? How come today is cold and windy? How come, on some days, everything seems hard, and nothing seems to go easily, let alone right?

GFP Newsletter - 4/21/2018

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"Our whole effort is to make this "I," the witness, stronger and more crystallized, and to change the darkness into light. And both things happen simultaneously. As the witness becomes more and more centered, the darkness becomes less and less. When the witness comes to its full flowering, that is the lotus of consciousness - all darkness disappears."


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The Importance of Community in Choosing a Way of Life, not an Occupation

by Jessie Klassen

“Are you sure you just want to farm?  Don’t you want to do something more with your life?”


These were the questions posed to me in high school by my well-meaning teachers when I had declared that I was going to farm with my family after graduation.  In their eyes, I was wasting my talents by staying on the farm.


For generations, this has been a fostered attitude here in the country;  you grow up, move to the city as soon as you can, get an education so that you can get a good paying job and you’ll be much happier than living out here in the sticks.

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Time To Play

Lately, it has been all work, work, work.  Today, The Universe is asking you to engage in play!  Take some time and go outside, blow bubbles, swing, draw, paint or dance!  When you become too wrapped up in the ‘heavy lifting’ of this ongoing shift, it can be challenging to remember how to play but, I know you can do it. (Smiling) This does not mean you are ignoring or putting off the inevitable; it means that you are taking time to balance things out!  So, get out there and enjoy being human for a moment or two.  The rest will be there when you get back. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday April 21, 2018

As you embrace your innate ability as the empowered creator of your own life expression, we encourage you to select a mantra or affirmation for yourself that embodies the essence of what you would like to experience. Make sure it feels wonderful to you and makes you feel alignment with that which you desire.

Say it often. Write it out and place it where you can see it. Imagine seeing it in your energy field. Feel it as a beautiful blanket you can wrap yourself up in.

It doesn’t need to be complex or complicated at all. If you cannot think of what to say, you can simply use whatever your immediate preference is, such as, “I choose love” “I choose peace” “I choose joyful connection” or “I choose to embrace the unfoldment of life”.

There is no right or wrong, Dear Ones, just whatever helps you comfortably embrace the idea of forward movement when you think of it. Deciding what you choose is a powerful act of self declaration for it shows that you understand all options are available to you. What do you choose? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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You Sit at the King's Table

God said:

Certainly, you see the difference between being downright unhappy and not being happy, yes, do you see it?

I suppose there is also something equivalent to being HAPPY or just being happy enough or fairly happy or with a modicum of happiness on any one day. Cannot any amount of happiness fulfill you on any one day? Do you have to be a peak winner every day of the week?

It’s okay to laugh where you are called to. There is no requirement to laugh all day. You can laugh or not according to your realization of any particular day.

GFP Newsletter - 4/20/2018

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Consciousness is a hidden treasure. One does not know what it contains unless you awaken it, unless you bring it into light, unless you open all the doors and enter into your own being and find every nook and corner. Consciousness in its fullness will give you the idea of who you are, and will also give you the idea of what your destiny is, of where you are supposed to go, of what your capacities are. Are you hiding a poet in your heart, or a singer, or a dancer, or a mystic?



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