GFP Newsletter - 3/27/2018

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All your relationships are destructive, because they are all possessive - your love is followed by your jealousy; your love is full of suspicion, mistrust. Everybody is trying to keep the other remaining within his control. It is a very strange situation where everybody is a prisoner and everybody is a jailer too. You are the jailer, you are the jail, you are the jailed, and you are trying to manage all three functions simultaneously. Certainly your life has become a mess!


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The Highlight of God’s Being

God said:

Beloved, you are the Highlight of My Being. You are what I am about. You are My focus. You, your life etc., do not require so much of your attention. Inasmuch as you have Me in your corner, why would you be so focused on your specific life to the extent you are?

Of course, one likes to hear: “Life isn’t all about you.”

Nevertheless, this is good advice. There must be better ways to say this. Here are some I think of:

“Love your brother.”

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Father Effectively Treats Daughters' Crohn's Disease by Juicing Cannabis

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

ABC News Australia recently reported on a story about a desperate father. Stephen Taylor’s two daughters were fighting Crohn’s disease, which causes chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. When all else failed, Taylor turned to juicing cannabis and discovered that the plant may have the potential to cure his daughters’ illness.

Cannabis Juice Eases Gut Inflammation and Pain

Taylor’s two daughters, Morgan (21) and Ariel (25), have been fighting Crohn’s disease for many years. This auto-immune disease attacks the lining of the digestive tract, causing chronic inflammation. The symptoms include weight loss, chronic pain, ulcers, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, and anemia.


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 27, 2018

Dear Ones, what you push against most in your life is usually where you wish to prove yourself right. We ask to whom? The need to be recognized as right is still demonstrating a need for approval from others, or agreement from others, before you can let something go and honour yourself.

There is no need for another to give you permission to feel the way you feel. If something feels wrong for you, it is. There is no need to defend yourself, explain yourself, or otherwise make it be alright with others that it is not right for your path. The fact that it doesn't feel good is the only reason you need to redirect and choose something different.

You cannot step into your own mastery and still be looking for approval from others, for not honouring your own path until you get external validation is still giving your power away. You are mindful, wise, aware, and the only qualified expert on you. You have everything within you already to discern what empowers you and matches you energetically. You can honour those matches firmly and kindly without the need for making others wrong. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Here is a question for you; how much drama do you, personally, create in a day?  Whether it be complaining about a co-worker or friend, bringing up resentments from the past or believe your life could be different ‘if only…” ?

This is your light bulb moment for today…you create!  You can choose to which direction you go, how to be in your every-day life and how loving you can be.  Drama is created to distract you from the task at hand, to switch your focus from doing your own inner-work and moving forward.  The Universe understands that not all drama is created by you, however, there are moments when you are given the choice to participate or not.  You can choose to stray or stay on your own path.  Allow yourself the gift of choice; be who others want you to be or be who you truly are. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/26/2018

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Experiences come that your mind will say are painful, but your being will not accept this, because it is not pain, it is too much blissfulness. The problem is that you are not accustomed to so much love, so much joy; hence on the one hand you feel pain, that is the interpretation of your mind, and on the other hand you feel gratitude - that is the interpretation of your being.

Whenever there is any conflict between your mind and your being trust the being, because the being is vast and can understand experiences which the mind is incapable of. The mind is a small entity; your being is as vast as the whole universe. If you go on listening to your being and not paying attention to the mind, slowly, slowly you will see, pain has disappeared. The pain is the intensity of joy, it is too much joy, and you have to make space for it.

Hence my insistence that if you continue to meditate - and meditation and love happen together to you - there will be no pain at all. Meditation makes your consciousness wider, expands it, makes it as big as the sky. It can contain infinite love, infinite joy.


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The Only Worthwhile Investment We Ever Make

RJ Spina, Contributor
Waking Times

We are all perpetually bombarded with an endless array of investment opportunities, be it an investment of our attention, energy, money, skill, sweat, emotions, knowledge, etc. But what if there was only ONE investment that perpetually yields an everlasting, incalculable, limitless dividend? 

Would that not obviously and always be the best investment, regardless of circumstances or context? But what if we simply can’t distinguish this ultimate investment opportunity from all the rest? It would be impossible to know if we have chosen this perfect investment unless every possible observed investment opportunity came with OUR direct knowingness that the speculative, transient, alluring concept of potential profits and mitigated losses were temporary and provided zero enduring benefits whatsoever.

That kind of awareness would be priceless beyond all measure. 

What if the Mind/Ego/Identity that makes, weighs and ultimately decides which investment to make was a SHADOW, a transitory illusion in and of itself? Would this knowingness not shed total illumination on the entirety of the investment playing field? 

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Learning To Love You…

Be easy and gentle with yourself, my child.  Going through old feelings is not the easiest thing you will ever do, and it can be taxing on your whole system.  Do not berate yourself for them.  Instead, look at them honestly and see how they have served you for so many years.  Become friends with them.  Then, with kindness, release them to The Universe to be transformed to light and love knowing that what comes back will be safe and comfortable.  Some of you may choose to move through this quickly, some not.  Either way the choice is completely yours…in love. ~ Creator


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