The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!

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The Super Reflective Magnetosphere and You!


I knew, due to the intensity of Light wind within the field from March 15th thru March 17th, when we were able to read again, things would be very different… again!!  But yesterday was wayyyy beyond even my imagination of different.


I pray to God I can share this information outward with the clarity, detail and strength I understand it within.


The way I look at today, well really yesterday…but I am typing today (smile)… it is truly a new year, a new energy, a new earth in her first completed phase of change.  Two more major completions will be coming up as we move thru this year.


What I once called “The Field” is now a massive orb of reflective energy.  This orb is now the new magnetosphere of the earth.  That protective field of energy that surrounds the earth o filter out the high radiation from the sun to the earth.


~Yeehaw~ High Energies Incoming~ JOY~

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~Note from The Universe~

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How'd you like a little peek into the future, Father~Mother God? Oh, I really shouldn't, but, well, you so rock, I figure this indulgence, just once, will be all right.

You're sitting around a warm and cozy fireplace surrounded by friends and boisterous laughter. Early-morning snow gently falling across the countryside is visible from the enormous, ceiling-high windows beside you. Everyone is sipping hot chocolate, and reminiscing about the fabulous circumstances that have brought you together, brimming with excitement for times ahead. And then you chime in, "If only we'd seen it, we never would have been so hard on ourselves. If only we'd had just the slightest inkling that the challenges, lacks, and issues we faced back then were of our own exacting design, and that they'd soon make possible the whirlwind of events that so swiftly followed, we'd have been, well, as proud then as we are now... and every bit as photogenic."

And then everyone starts clapping, smiling, and taking lots of pictures.

Not a word to anyone,
    The Universe

A great "psyche-up" listen for your drive to work or morning walk! The talk that launched it all...

36 minutes to spark your day - Thoughts Become Things on CD

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ®

You're also wearing the most outrageous sparkly tights I've ever seen, Father~Mother God. But then, you always could wear anything.


The manuscript of survival ~ part 106 ~ You are Free Spirit's~

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Today we would like to delve deeper into the unknown world of your tomorrow, or rather, the forgotten world of tomorrow, as in your heart of hearts you are already so familiar with the concept. You see, you harken from shores where what you dream about today has been a fact of life for eons, and as you have once trodden upon shores where love prevails, you cannot wait to get back to that reality. A reality that stands in stark contrast with what you can observe on all sides at the moment, and as the veil is getting ever thinner, your recollections of days gone by in a much more paradisiacal environment is coming ever further to the surface. Hence, frustration and disillusionment is rampant, as you can only see too well the deep divide that separates you from this existence today.

~THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT~A brand new start to a brand new week. Ground control to Major Tom … anyone home?

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A brand new start to a brand new week.  Ground control to Major Tom … anyone home?



We are always home for we are always in our centred Being of Love. There is no need to ever feel ‘homesick’ as many of you do … when you have the KNOWING that we and your home are just a few breaths away.


That is correct and comforting ... Over ….

Lord Melchizedek ~ You Are A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly

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Lord Melchizedek ~ You Are A Caterpillar Becoming A Butterfly

Posted on


March 19, 2012

Thank You Gillian

Mercedes Kirkel | Into The Heart | March 17 2012



Greetings Dear Ones. This is Lord Melchizedek, and I come to talk to you today about this magnificent transition that the earth and its people and beings are in the process of making. As you are aware, the Melchizedek Order is the group of beings who support these transitions throughout the worlds as they are occurring. Whenever a body or a group of beings is transitioning to a higher dimension, it is our mission to support that process. So we are very much engaged with this process that is going on with the earth and the people of the earth in making this transition.



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