UFO Over East Hampton-Wainscott Long Island New York March 2012

glr_Andrea's picture

This was a bright orange colored orb that sped across the sky at approximately 6:23 a.m., this morning. It appeared from the treeline from the west, and went over my head heading east, before disappearing over the tree line. I saw several others earlier, but could not capture them on film. This was very pronounced, and it appeared orange to me, it did not flash, or make any noise. I am so happy to finally have filmed one, despite the clarity and my freaking out a little in the end. I implore you, do not take my word for it.


glr_Andrea's picture

(The correct date is 3/19 not 3/20.) For all of you that are looking for teachers/mentors to guide your spiritual journey, keep this in mind: a true teacher will build you up, not tear you down. A true teacher will point out your mistakes as lessons learned, not make you feel stupid. A true teacher doesn't 
pretend to know it all, and will say, "I don't know." A true teacher will be humble and not brag about how advanced they are, or point out your short comings. If you meet anyone that calls themself a teacher and displays any of these or other negative traits, be wary and steer clear! (From: Arriel,6:56pm Mar 18)

NATIVE AMERICAN PROPHECY and Gregg Braden - Speaks About Year 2012

glr_Andrea's picture

Year 2012 is coming and people should start to change them self and prepare for the New World after 2012.
They never should follow the same path as they do now .
Specially for those people who are thinking of money system is the only way we can go on : " This is wrong ! "
Money kills everything !
Be sure the New World after 2012 will be with out money !
People will return to nature and live in nature and leave the industrial capitalist dusty life behind . They will work for free as the wind flow in the air for free.
And I am pretty sure I am not the only one who thinks like that.

" God bless those, who thinks of brotherhood "

Take care everyone.


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