Laura Bruno ~ The Tower Card

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Laura Bruno ~ The Tower Card


Laura Bruno’s Blog | March 19 2012


A few days ago, I mentioned how the increased militarization and decreased rights of the US all feel “very 9 of Swords to me,” as in “Awakening from the Nightmare.” Some people dread that card, yet emphasis and attitude determine how the card plays out. Do we choose to focus on the Awakening or the nightmare? Do we look around with an intense sigh of relief, feeling so grateful for the contrast between the Real and what only seemed “real” in a fear-based dreamscape? Or do we continue to scare ourselves by fixating on the nightmare? Tarot cards offer glimpses of our current possibilities. Ultimately, we decide what we do with any given energy or opportunity.


The Rider-Waite Deck


Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 19 2012)

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Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 19 2012)



The Week Ahead | March 12 2012


The cosmos are in tune with our human psyche as it continues to gear up with an energetic momentum that puts us through the shenanigans of arriving in a new land of multidimensionality. Since the beginning of the month we have been adjusting to the universal reformulation and filtration of planetary grids and ley lines. These naturally occurring magnetic conductors of upwelling energies are delivering powerful currents of Light codes that have not been available to Gaia (earth) or her inhabitants for approximately 25,000 years.


The authorities and protectorates of this realm have remained diligent in their commitment to have this infusion made as harmoniously as possible, however, many of us have found ourselves in precarious positions energetically and perceptually. If you are one of those who have been coexisting with spectacularly strange, up and down energies then at least you have the consolation prize of knowing everyone is being relentlessly shaken as we journey within these cosmic torsion (a powerful spinning energy field that mirrors the spin of the galaxy) waves.


Visionkeeper ~ Time To Grow Wings

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Visionkeeper ~ Time To Grow Wings


One World Rising | March 19 2012


We are nearing the end of this epic journey I believe and the chaos may well begin. I like to believe it won’t, but in all reality it probably will for a short while. People’s worlds are going to get rocked to the core with the great truths and the mind bending possibilities of the new world coming. It will challenge us deeply and we must stand firm in our trust that all will be well. We must now begin to grow our wings with which to rise above the chaos and remain in our frequencies of unconditional love. We grow our wings by lightening our loads by eliminating our old issues and releasing our mind controlled ways of perceiving life. We must hold tight to our positive thinking and continue to exude love to all and even have compassion for those of the dark, in hopes they will grow wings as well and rise out of their evil into the sunshine.

Oracle Report ~ Monday March 19 2012

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Oracle Report ~ Monday March 19 2012

Posted on


March 19, 2012

by Gillian



Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

On the last day of Pisces, we feel the approach of an energetic shift. Balsamic Moon Phase is the “in-between” phase, not part of the last lunar month, but also not exactly part of the next of the lunar month. It is the time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest and our connection to higher spiritual forces is greatest.


~Space Weather Update~ FARSIDE CME: Sunspots Quiet~

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FARSIDE CME: A spectacular CME rocketed away from the sun's northwestern limb during the early hours of March 18th: movie. The probable source was old sunspot AR1429, still active as it transits the far side of the sun. Earth will not be affected by the cloud.


NORTHERN LIGHTS: For the third day in a row, a high-speed solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field. The jostling is not enough to cause a full-fledged geomagnetic storm, but some nice intermittent auroras are flickering around the Arctic Circle. In the northern village of Ivujivik, Quebec, Sylvain Serre photographed an outburst on March 18th:

"What an incredible night," says Serre. "The Northern Lights weren't there when I first went outside, but after 5 minutes they were so strong that I had to try new settings for my camera."


NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of geomagnetic activity during the next 24 hours. High-latittude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras as the solar wind continues to blow. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


Sister Venus

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Sister Venus

2012 MARCH 18


By GLR Suzanne Lie, PhD

March 2012

I AM your sister Venus, come to you at this time to assist you, Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants, in your transition. The last time you were in the energy of the Galactic center


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