Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-18-2012...

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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-18-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Blessing to All.  Quite day for most of our Planet… taking another day of break to settle down. Energies are moving all over at High rate and this means All’s on schedule. No matter what, Divine Plan is unfolding. More unexplained happenings are going on around our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart, magnetosphere inversion, obscured NASA videos, Solar Maximum approaching… WelCome to the new Energy! Keep up with the stream and let go all fears… for the choice is One.=Love. No more time to think, time to BE. All that’s not… will simply fade.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/18/12

Greg_ Giles's picture



I guarantee you we are going to step up the number and quality of the sightings of our ships. You can count on this procedure as we feel it is important to the people of your world to begin to see us in earnest before our self-made disclosure announcements commence. You will see us in your skies all around your planet, and we will increase the number of sightings in the United States as well, as this is an important area in your world to focus on at this time.


We ask you all to share the video and photographic evidence of these sightings throughout your Internet, as this will stir many people's curiosity about what is going on in their skies. They may look for answers, and when they do, they will have the opportunity to be exposed to much more of what is transpiring around them. Continue your service as a source of answers for these individuals by sharing what you have learned about who these ships belong to and why we are here. It is important that these individuals understand that we are not here to conquer, but we are here to assist you in the many changes necessary to allow your ascension into the higher realms proceed as smoothly as is possible. This is the reason we are here, and your words will be proven to be truth once we can get underway with our many projects together.


Time Line of Nibiru? Possibly

Lia's picture


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We are posting this information, however, we are unable to verfify all of this for you to be accurate. The editor here say's it was from a Scientist~ Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff



EDITOR: This information was gained from the internet from a PDF. I was originally published by a scientist and then taken down and repost elsewhere. I searched for it and found it in its original content.

The only information I want to add is that these events are said to take place around JEWISH FESTIVALS and not only that but the three days period spoken of in Revelations which is said to happen in the last days of Earth stopping and all darkness upon it, is also speculations given by scientists surrounding these coming celestial bodies… and I find it quite intriguing how people that for thousands of years people didn’t believe in the Bible or its prophecy but now the the SUN AND PLANETS are producing STRANGE effects, many are questioning their original ideas of GOD….for religion was made by man but GOD is TRUTH, the LIGHT, and the only WAY.

Obama is READY TO REMOVE and ARREST big part of Congress, who worked AGAINST US PEOPLE with this Executive Order... wow... Freedom is HERE...

AnaShyNa's picture


Obama is READY TO REMOVE  and ARREST big part of Congress, who worked AGAINST US PEOPLE with this Executive Order... wow...

Freedom is HERE... 



Take this Order as Blessing from FatherMotherGod it self... This way Obama will remove all but 16 or so souls from congress, where rest will be publicly arrested, and charged for treason... So be it...


Montague Keen ~ 18 March 2012

Lia's picture

Montague Keen ~ 18 March 2012

Posted on March 18, 2012

As the Irish all over the world celebrate being Irish on what they see as their day, most of them are blissfully unaware of the decisions that were made at the Council of Nicea, to destroy the people of Ireland and their religion of love, preached by the Druids. The Cabal stole the real history of Ireland and its language, and they made slaves of its people. Though the indoctrination that followed was barbaric, it failed to break the Irish Spirit.


It was at this time that plans were made for the take-over of the world. It is all there for those who take the time to research it. Until you research this period of history, you will not understand what is happening in your world today. For that is when they wrote the Bible, carefully following a formula, making slight changes here and there, to make it seem authentic. The Bible has been used to create fear of a Hell that does not exist, and the God, who is LOVE, has been changed into one who you need to fear. You have to hand it to them, they thought of everything !


Become excited, dear friends. You are almost home. ~ Michael through by Ron Head

Lia's picture

Become excited, dear friends. You are almost home. ~ Michael through by Ron Head


My dear friends, we must talk now about something we take quite seriously, ascension.  At this time you are feeling changes happening to your bodies, your lives, and your emotions, which should confirm for you that you are indeed on that path.  These will continue and accelerate.  A great many changes have been promised to you, and we assure you again now that they are all coming.  Not everyone will experience the same things at the same times, but they will all manifest those which are meaningful to themselves.  Not everyone displays the same characteristics and talents now, and that is how it should be.  It will be the same after ascension.  But after ascension, if you should need or desire to learn something new, it will be taught to you easily and joyfully.  The only qualification is that you be desirous of it.  Describing to you what your lives will be like is not possible, but the things we do tell you about are true and serve to motivate your actions.  Most importantly you will find will be your freedom from limitations of any kind.  All of the attributes that you have dreamed of in your current lives will be easily attainable. 



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