What is fear?

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What is fear?



I've heard many times that we "need fear", but do people really know what fear is? Many experience fear every day, but do they really look at their fears for what they are? People try to avoid fear, yet avoiding fears just makes them stronger. Fear is avoidance itself, people make it into something big, complicated, and scary with their minds, but seen from a larger perspective fear is none of those things. A fear is simply something you don't want, something you're trying to avoid, and avoiding the fears themselves just encourages more fear. It's like the opposite of a desire, though the two are really the same, and a fear is a desire to not have something.

Gillian Macbeth~Louthan: Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness

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Gillian Macbeth~Louthan: Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness

2012 March 15

Solar Activity Illuminates Consciousness

By Gillian Macbeth-Louthan

March 2012


As we enter the turning point year 2012, Earth has been motivated and propelled forward into solar generated ascension light in the forms of solar emissions and solar activations. Solar Cycle 24 is expected to peak in 2012 and to subside around 2020.


Solar cycles play an important part in the upgrading of human cell structure and consciousness. Solar activity is a catalyst for our evolutionary process.

~The Transformative Touch of Awareness~

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~The Transformative Touch of Awareness~

2012 March 15
by GLR~ Steve Beckow

Workshop Area at Cold Mountain Institute

It’s been many years since life changed for me, from the scrutiny and examination of things outside myself to the scrutiny and examination of things inside. I can remember the process back in 1976, while on a three-month encounter group at Cold Mountain Institute on Cortez Island, B.C., when I realized that nothing satisfied me these days more than watching my feelings arise, persist and pass away.


The process of self-observation had become more enjoyable for me than watching movies, sports, or anything else I could imagine. And the peace I felt when a troublesome feeling had been observed until it lifted and passed away, leaving space was more desirable than anything else.


“Let’s not go into overtime.” ~ Michael by Ron Head

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“Let’s not go into overtime.” ~ Michael by Ron Head


March 15, 2012



Let us talk about power today.  We will look at power in a new way.  One three dimensional perspective is that there is good and bad power.  That has been, until today, a fine teacher.  We would present another view for your consideration.  There is only divine power, as all is Creator’s energy.  If one perceives only the results power may cause in a finite amount of time, it is possible to place a value of ‘bad’ upon the results of power.  Bad would mean having less than desired results.  If, however, one were to rise above the temporal view to see from the divine perspective, one would see that only Creator’s intent can result from the use of power which is all derived from Creator’s energy.  Any use of power which leads to bad results leads inevitably to lessons learned and an eventual rise in consciousness.


~WE are Moving Fast~ WOW

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 104 Taking steps in the Right Direction~

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 104

 15 March 2012 - 11:18am |  Aisha North

As of yesterday, things took a step in the right direction once again. As this might get some of you up in arms, let us hasten to explain that we do not refer to things that would in any way hit the headlines, neither in your local news, nor the international ones. You should be well aware by now that these leaps of faith we refer to almost always allude to important events going on under the radar so to speak, and so this too came down without any fuss, at least in some aspects. But in our view, yesterday was a high point indeed, as it served as a monumental confirmation that your world has stepped so much closer to the level of perfection that we are all striving to help you reach, and it gladdens us no end that this process is picking up momentum in leaps and bounds at the moment.


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