The Perfection of Love

Yojman's picture

Daily Life
The Perfecting of Love on Earth

A good idea, today, may be a real good day,
look in,  and into a mirror, standing:
See a captivatingly beautiful soft Pink Rose of
Loves Wisdom any way you wish to see it.  As you,
 being one : Together Standing In the Light.  
The Love, anchored within • and from •

the center of the Earth.
Using you as Its Out-breathing Vehicle.
Affecting Millions and Millions of,
well,  everything.

I AM the total embodiment of Love,
 transforming Humanity at this time.

Beloved I AM



glr_Andrea's picture

I get the priviledge of reading lots of emails and blogs where people share what they see coming. Most, like me, realize that the old world order is coming down; yet there are those who can only see increasing calamity ahead. Many see changes coming; but do not see them happening any time soon. Whose vision of the future will come to pass?


Comment from the Press: Brilliant! Thank You Ron for sharing TRUTH=LOVE.

Heavenletter #4129 Start Moving. Meet the Horizon.

glr_Andrea's picture

Heavenletter #4129 Start Moving. Meet the Horizon. March 15, 2012 

God said: 


Of course, from your perception, you are always right. Right or not right is not the question. The question is not your virtue. The question is: Where do you go from here?

Everyone thinks he or she is right. Both parties are right. And where does being right get you? Being right results in law suits. Being right dissolves marriages. There is more to life than being right.

Life is truly not a question of right or wrong. You are asking the wrong question! Whether you are right or wrong, if you have fallen from a ladder, you have fallen from a ladder. Right or wrong, if you have broken your leg, your leg is broken.


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