Visionkeeper ~ Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop ~ 15 March 2012

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Visionkeeper ~ Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop ~ 15 March 2012


(Picture via

For those people who have been following everything going on in the world I would venture to guess most are waiting for the other shoe to drop in regards to what the dark ones have planned next. Unfortunately, that may very well be, they will need a false flag event to throw the world into chaos and make their final move towards total control. So what do we do you ask? Well for one thing do not give it your thoughts or energy! Too many websites out there are covering all the insanity taking place, but in doing so they add fuel to the fire if they don’t remind everyone reading not to give it their energy and thoughts! Remember, our thoughts create our reality. Do you want the insanity to keep going on? If not don’t think about it!!! Concentrate your thoughts and energy on where we are headed in 5D.


Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 14 2012 Conjunct Venus and The Black Moon

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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 14 2012

Posted on


March 14, 2012

by Gillian


Oracle Report | Disseminating Moon Phase


After a week of being unable to access the web builder (Mercury retrograde!), the Oracle Report returns just in time for today’s conjunction of Jupiter, Venus, and the Black Moon – a rare occurrence. (I suppose I need to investigate Twitter in order to communicate when these sorts of problems happen.)


Lisa Gawlas ~ Full On Transformation Underway Phew ~ 15 March 2012

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Lisa Gawlas ~ Full On Transformation Underway Phew ~ 15 March 2012

 -Warning: My browser crashed as I was loading this picture, the formatting came all smashed together on recovery.  Please forgive me if I miss paragraph separation in this quick like a bunny editing!

I surely cannot keep up with the flow and intensity of all that I am understanding these days.  The field is constantly morphing… becoming so much more than I can keep up with!  YOU are morphing faster than I can keep up with!!  The light of both the field as well as the folks I am so utterly privileged to read both have intensified in vibrancy and detail… and I swim as fast and as deep as I can to keep up with the pureness of understanding.  Phew!!


I do want to talk about some elements of readings these days… the pure power that is presenting itself to you.


Wes Annac ~ The Pleiadian High Council : The Events On Earth Are Manifesting In Accordance With Emerging Lighted Templates ~

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Wes Annac ~ The Pleiadian High Council : The Events On Earth Are Manifesting In Accordance With Emerging Lighted Templates ~ 14 March 2012


Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image

- through Wes Annac-


While the secretive societies and sects that you have known as the Illuminati are reaching their end and complete crumble, they still plunder ahead with their own dark agendas as if they are still in any type of position to determine what happens on Earth anymore. Indeed they are not, and we have informed them of this countless times and the message does not seem to be heeded.


This is ok for whether or not they understand this message and soak it in, the events occurring on Earth at this time will be and are speaking for themselves. They are being forced to step down in ever-increasing numbers, and indeed the beginning of this year 2012 is already beginning to see many things coming to fruition that you have been told were going to transpire.


~Space Weather Update~ CME Impact Wind Speed cooking at 742~

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CME IMPACT: As expected, the flank of a CME hit Earth's magetic field today, March 15th, around 1300 UT. A high-latitude geomagnetic storm might be in the offing. Stay tuned. Storm alerts: text, phone.


COMET, DELETED: Sungrazing Comet SWAN, which dove into the sun's atmosphere during the late hours of March 14th, apparently did not survive. In the following 10 hour movie, Comet SWAN enters the solar corona but does not exit again:



Comet SWAN was a Kreutz sungrazer, a fragment of the same ancient comet that produced sungrazing Comet Lovejoy in Dec. 2011. Comet Lovejoy famously survived its brush with the sun and put on a flamboyant show after it emerged from the solar fire. While Comet SWAN was cut from the same cloth, it was a smaller fragment that has completely evaporated.



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