~Is the Sun Speaking Through Synchronicity?~

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Is the Sun Speaking Through Synchronicity?


14th March 2012

By Chris Bourne

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World


We are cherished beyond measure by the divine.

As unsettling as it can sometimes be, I deeply admire the way benevolence speaks to us through synchronicity. Of course the matrix view is that everything happens by chance, there is no guiding flow in a particular direction, we are not cherished beyond measure by the divine. Fortunately some of us know different! So when this latest solar storm strikes earth right on the very anniversary of the Fukushima Tsunami, whether the wider world takes note or not, it spikes in my awareness and makes me sit up and take notice. I believe very firmly the soul of the sun – the solar logos – is speaking to us. What might ‘he’ be saying?…



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Through Anne Bellringer

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Greetings, Chela.  This is Aton speaking to you.  I AM WHO I AM.  I am Creator God Aton of the Lighted Realms and One with Creator Source.  I have come to speak to you at this time.  My message is brief, but it is Truth.  What I have to say is not an easy “pill” to swallow, especially for those, who believe everything that is a spiritual writing floating around on the Internet.

Lucas ~ The Great Spirit In Ourselves ~ Thinking Love ~ 15 March 2012

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Lucas ~ The Great Spirit In Ourselves ~ Thinking Love ~ 15 March 2012


Sometimes there are some  special moments in our lives we are feeling the great spirit in ourselves stronger than ever. Even as we suffer now and the last bashing of the dark  is felt we as human beings see the light shine in our hearts as we think love. The love that irreversibly concurs all and brings live and creation. It is our basic vibrational tone. We being  love lights.


In an hour of darkness barely having income and just having bread on the table. Not knowing if the last bits are taken from you it is the thinking love and compassion that makes the great spirit in you overcome all. It says to you there is no lack.  You are not lost. You just are love and light and came here upon this earth as one of the strongest souls in this infinite-dimensional universe to withstand all challenges. You have taken upon you the roles you had to play in this ending cycle of duality. You played it well. Your role in theatre is played over now. You are asked to take the applause and get ready for your price. Prepare  for what is coming. And Help awaken others in being light.


10 Steps to Making Choices and Decisions with the Help of the Angels

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~10 Steps to Making Choices and Decisions with the Help of the Angels~


a message from Doreen Virtue
 Orignal Post Monday, 30 August, 2010

Should I move? Quit my job? Leave my relationship? These are questions I’m frequently asked on my radio show and at my workshops. And no wonder, as we’re all in a time of great global and personal change. The angels say that the key to enjoying these changes is to stay flexible and keep your sense of humor. It’s also helpful to know that you’re not alone and many people are having similar experiences.


The changes can seem frightening because of insecurities of future unknown factors (“Will I be financially secure?” “Will I be alone?” “Will this change make me feel happier?”



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By Predrag/Saint Germain

reply on beautiful comments and questions from Little Phoenix about Lucifer and His twinflame...


Dear Little Phoenix,



I am truly honored you found US GFP as one of sources that resonates with your heart... 

And I can feel you have quite beautiful understanding that messages are only here to trigger our deep cellular remembrance... to provoke feelings, to engage in discussion, to create Love...


Enlightened Beings ~ You Are The Supreme Reality

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Enlightened Beings ~ You Are The Supreme Reality



Posted on March 15, 2012 by GLR Gillian


“You are the Supreme Reality – all there is. Just trust and remember that. Wisdom lies in never forgetting the Self, the Supreme Absolute as the ever-present Source of both the experiencer and the experience. I am beyond consciousness and so in consciousness I cannot say what I am. Yet I am…


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