Benjamin Fulford ~ Update ~ 12 March 2012

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Benjamin Fulford ~ Update ~ 12 March 2012


Reply from Ben on readers question : Illuminati Use China to Loot the West

Subject: Fwd: Fw: Illuminati Use China to Loot the West

hi ben -  I wonder if you have seen this ?  it seems there is a dual game being played !!  is Ch to be trusted ??



David Richards — Illuminati Use China to Loot the West


Answer Ben:


~ The Processing Underway of the Huge Energies we Have Been In~

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We Dream A Vengeful God - GOD IS MADE IN OUR IMAGE!

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Cutting Edge Consciousness co-hosts,Filmmaker Barnet Bain and Life Coach Freeman Michaels, read a short blurb from Mark Twain's last novel (which was never completed). The discussion that follows explores the "waking dream" and the role of consciousness. The conscious dreamer is lucid in life and can respond to what is being reflected or expressed in their personal dream.

Interesting Graphs related to the “254 Resignations From World Banks, et al.

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Interesting Graphs related to the “254 Resignations From World Banks, et al.”

by kauilapele, Kauilapele’s Blog, March 11, 2012

Okay, from the American Kabuki home page, they pointed to this Japanese website, with all these great graphs. I’m just posting the graphs. And apparently they were only up to 236 resignations when they made these.



”So Many are Awakening Now”

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”So Many are Awakening Now”

2012 March 12
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

I often receive emails from people who actually say that they “awakened” a few months back and are now reading everything they can lay there hands on. On the one hand, I’m amazed at the number of people who are “waking up” to events as they are around them. On the other hand, I’m amazed at the number of people who actually acknowledge that they are “awakening.”

The Arcturian Group in their March 11, 2012, message was the latest source to acknowledge that the awakening process is gathering speed, as it must if the largest possible number of people are to ascend: “So many are awakening and beginning to understand the bigger picture. So many are beginning to see through the lies and games of those who wish to keep you in bondage and ignorant of your true selves.” (1)


Wanderer of the Skies depicts people in various stages of arousing themselves from slumber.

American Kabuki ~ (Update 11 March 2012) ~ 270 RESIGNATIONS From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 12 March 2012

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American Kabuki ~ (Update 11 March 2012) ~ 270 RESIGNATIONS From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 12 March 2012


“Some big names on Wall Street are eager to step out of the spotlight after enduring years of financial-crisis turbulence and negative attention from politicians and protesters” Peter Ressler, the chief executive of RMG Search.”


Late Update 3/11/12: Added names for Vatican Priests being investigated for money laundering.
Updated 3/11/12  Special thanks to Gabriel at for tracking Insurance, Government and Healthcare Resignations.  Also special thanks to Sophie who has kept me very busy with some very good URLs.


I don’t mind if you re-blog this listing. Save yourself the wear and tear on your karma and do me the favor of including


Our Galactic Family with Mike Quinsey ~ Summary and Link

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Our Galactic Family with Mike Quinsey ~ Summary and Link

2012 March 12
 by Graham

Graham Dewyea presents Our Galactic Family on March 11 with Mike Quinsey.  Click on the link below to listen to the show archive for free:

Mike lives in Kent, England. He is the editor of Quest, a magazine devoted to spiritual growth and enlightment, he hosts his own radio show on BBS radio, and he is the channel for Salusa. Below is a summary of the interview, which I very much enjoyed:



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