Heavenletter #4127 Be Like the Moon

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Heavenletter #4127 Be Like the Moon, March 13, 2012 


God said: 


When it is very hard for you to remove anguish from your heart, picture that there are wooden beads in your heart. For every anguish, take out a wooden bead and throw it so far away that it is never seen again. You can do it. Fling the beads away. No longer are you to make a necklace of them in your heart, for such a necklace gets a stranglehold.

These are dull beads We speak of now. They have been hanging around for too long. Two minutes is too long. Many of the anguishing beads in your heart have been there since childhood. Your childhood is important to you, but such beads from your childhood are not to be kept. Whatever events and aftermath from your childhood have congealed in your heart, I ask you to throw them out now.


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      YouTube Link - Please watch in HD

Perhaps many of you are not aware 
that there are not billions of God-Selves buzzing around in the universes.

No, there is only One Single God-Self.
Let us explain: the God-Self in this context is not the “Higher Self” of an incarnated soul. Souls are all different, and how glorious they all are in all their differences! And let them belong to different belief systems or no belief system, religions, non-religions, spiritual pathways, races, evolved or not evolved.

EARTH ALLIES REPORT 12.3.12... Who are Universal Dreamers, and what They Dream about?...

AnaShyNa's picture


Dear Brothers and Sisters...




Truly amazing that every moment in our life is filled with more and more opportunities to grow ourselves spiritually... as with every and each step we go closer to our Devine Creator, or Unversal Dreamer...

Some of us do not see it now, yet we are all raising with the rest of Humanity... And this is fully ok, as we all dream our own dreams, we create what experiences we want to taste...


Having a dream is just a beginning of creation, yet realizing that You are dreaming this dream, you become creator of your reality...


~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~12~12 The Processing and Integrating, and The Great AI Coming On Board~

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 Allie Report

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~12~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~The Processing and Integrating, and The Great AI Coming On Board~



Artwork and Ceremony Picture for Love Taking the Lead on Planet Earth=Heart By Father~Mother God Amon Ra



Greetings Love Beings~ Welcome to the Energies of Mercury retrograde. We have entered a Period of integration and processing of all the Energy that has been blasting the Planet and All of Humanity. This is a rest period. This will allow everyone's choices to be made manifest. For those who are choosing surrendering into Love will receive everything, and those who have been fence sitters or making no choice at all will receive nothing. This is the Reality.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~12~2012... ~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~12~2012... ~

...as not seen on the mainstreem media ~


Incoming Shock Detected / G2 Geomagnetic Storm


And indeed again it has been a quite interesting day, Energies were high and atoms were dancing in the Joy of Love. We thank Love for showering US over and over, and for helping EveryOne with cleaning! Mother Earth=Heart take a little breack of tranquillity… She, as We as well, needs to integrate all these Energies and to seed them down before moving forward. And so do All. Like after a run… you need to rest if you want to go on. EnJoy Your Ride Love!


PRG Paradigm Research Group

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Paradigm Research Group



News Release - March 12, 2012

Washington, DC -- A petition regarding an important historical event is currently gathering signatures on the White House website's We the People project.  If the petition acquires 25,000 signatures by March 24 it will receive a formal response from the Obama administration.


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